00410: Set links to http or https based on how current page accesed
Summary: Set links to http or https based on how current page accesed
Created: 2005-03-29 19:31
Status: Closed - added for 2.2.0-beta18
Category: Feature
From: Kurt Feiste?
Priority: 1
Version: 2.0 beta 26
In pmwiki.php any chance in future releases you might change
$ScriptUrl = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
to something like
if($_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on') $SSLpostfix='s'; else $SSLpostfix='' ;
$ScriptUrl = 'http'.$SSLpostfix.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
That way, if somebody enters the wiki with a secure connection, it will keep the internal wiki links secure also.
I realize that $PubDirUrl
can be set as [(approve links)
but that means all pages must be accessed SSL.
I don't think that the protocol, host name (and port number!) should be in $ScriptUrl
at all. We run a number of wikis which are accessible by http: internally and https: externally, using a local/farmconfig.php (2.0.beta36)
$ScriptUrl = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
without any other changes. Dropping the superfluous host reference leaves the work to the browser - where it belongs.
No host in $PubDirUrl
either. tpahl