00590: Some nested markups displayed incorrectly
Summary: Some nested markups displayed incorrectly
Created: 2005-11-13 03:24
Status: Closed - fixed for 2.1.beta1
Category: Bug
Priority: 3
Version: 2.1.beta1
OS: pmwiki.org
Description: if some of the markup tags containing ' (single apostrophe), such as '- small text, '^ superscript, etc. are placed immediately after the '' emphasized or ''' strong tags, the output is not correct:
'''+This text should be bigger and emphasized.+''' |
This text should be bigger and emphasized. |
''''+This text should be bigger and strong.+'''' |
This text should be bigger and strong. |
'''+Emphasized and big+''', ''''+strong and big+'''', '''^superscript and emphasized^''', ''''_subscript and strong_'''', works fine, thanks! |
Emphasized and big, strong and big, superscript and emphasized, subscript and strong, works fine, thanks! |
What about this: ''''''+emphasized, strong and big?+'''''' Fine! |
What about this: emphasized, strong and big? Fine! |