// No warranty is provided. Use at your own risk. // // Commercial support is available through ESV Media Group // which can be reached at: http://www.ESV-i.com/. // // Name: XToDo.php // Author: Julian I. Kamil // Created: 2005-09-29 // Description: // This is a todo list management implementation for PmWiki. // It is meant to be a replacement for an earlier version, // and is not backward compatible with that version. // Please see: // http://www.madhckr.com/project/PmWiki/XToDo // for a live example and doumentation. // // This file is part of XToDo. // This file is not part of PmWiki. // // XToDo is free software; you can redistribute it and / or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // XToDo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with XToDo; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // $Id: XToDo.php,v 1.20 2005/11/11 17:18:34 julian Exp $ // // History: // 2005-09-29 jik Created. // 2005-10-02 jik Added simple list view. // Fixed the border-collapse of list view. // 2005-10-03 jik Fixed the incompatibility with // LinkWikiWords setting. // Fixed the issue with style customization. // 2005-10-04 jik Checked for empty lists before sorts. // 2005-10-05 jik Added summary max length in simple list. // Added sort by markup argument. // 2005-10-10 jik Fixed sort by date problem. // 2005-10-11 jik Added date-based selection criteria. // 2005-10-12 jik Added status field display in simple list. // Simplified color highlight code. // Fixed list page regular expression. // Added notes attachments. // Added show option processing. // 2005-11-02 jik Fixed the issue with empty list (as reported // by nbk). // Fixed the issue with create date field // title (as reported by juytter). // Fixed the issue with empty group name // when a list is loaded on the default page // invoked with a clean URL (as reported // by David). // 2005-11-03 jik Added '[-|+]today' date selection criteria. // Replaced the status code with status icons. // 2005-11-04 jik Added an owner field. // Added the to do item ID on the edit form page. // 2005-11-06 jik Added the completed date to the title of // completed to do item icon flyover, and the // number of days to due date for those that // are not completed yet. // 2005-11-08 jik Fixed the issue with items marked overdue // when they are due today. // Implemented multiple category specification // in the form markup. // Added owner selection and sort criteria. // 2005-11-11 jik Added license notice in the image directory. // define(TODO_VERSION, '0.5.1'); SDV($todo_priority_names, array('5' => 'High', '4' => 'Medium high', '3' => 'Medium', '2' => 'Medium low', '1' => 'Low')); SDV($todo_urgency_names, array('5' => 'High', '4' => 'Medium high', '3' => 'Medium', '2' => 'Medium low', '1' => 'Low')); SDV($todo_status_names, array('Open', 'In progress', 'On hold', 'Completed', 'Overdue')); SDV($todo_status_codes, array('Open' => 'O', 'In progress' => '-', 'On hold' => '#', 'Completed' => '~', 'Overdue' => '!')); SDV($todo_completed_status_name, 'Completed'); SDV($todo_overdue_status_name, 'Overdue'); SDV($todo_category_names, array('Personal', 'Business', 'Other')); SDV($todo_field_names, array('ID', 'Category', 'Status', 'Priority', 'Urgency', 'Create date', 'Due date', 'Description', 'Owner')); SDV($todo_delay_names, array('tomorrow', 'next week')); SDV($todo_date_format, 'Y-m-d'); SDV($todo_summary_length, 76); SDV($HandleActions['todo'], 'XToDoFormHandler'); SDV($ActionTitleFmt['todo'], '| $[To Do Form Handler]'); SDV($TableRowIndexMax, 2); SDV($TableRowAttrFmt, "class='row\$TableRowIndex'"); // Markup. Markup('todoform', 'inline', '/\\(:todoform\\s*(.*?):\\)/e', "Keep(XToDoFormMarkup('$pagename', '$1'),'')"); Markup('todolist', 'directive', '/\\(:todolist\\s*(.*?):\\)/e', "XToDoListMarkup('$pagename', '$1')"); Markup('todosimplelist', 'directive', '/\\(:todosimplelist\\s*(.*?):\\)/e', "XToDoSimpleListMarkup('$pagename', '$1')"); // Icons. global $PubDirUrl; $todo_status_icons = array( 'Open' => "{$PubDirUrl}/XToDo/XToDo-Open.png", 'In progress' => "{$PubDirUrl}/XToDo/XToDo-InProgress.png", 'On hold' => "{$PubDirUrl}/XToDo/XToDo-OnHold.png", 'Completed' => "{$PubDirUrl}/XToDo/XToDo-Completed.png", 'Overdue' => "{$PubDirUrl}/XToDo/XToDo-Overdue.png" ); function XToDoGetShowOptions($options) { $option_items = explode(',', $options); foreach($option_items as $item) $todo_show_options[$item] = TRUE; return $todo_show_options; } function XToDoFormMarkup($pagename, $args) { $args = ParseArgs($args); global $DefaultPage; if (empty($pagename)) $pagename = $DefaultPage; return XToDoFormDisplay($pagename, $category = $args['category']); } function XToDoListMarkup($pagename, $args) { $args = ParseArgs($args); if (!empty($args['status'])) $criteria['status'] = $args['status']; if (!empty($args['category'])) $criteria['category'] = $args['category']; if (!empty($args['sort'])) $criteria['sort'] = $args['sort']; if (!empty($args['completed'])) $criteria['completed'] = $args['completed']; if (!empty($args['due'])) $criteria['due'] = $args['due']; if (!empty($args['created'])) $criteria['created'] = $args['created']; if (!empty($args['show'])) $options = XToDoGetShowOptions($args['show']); global $DefaultPage; if (empty($pagename)) $pagename = $DefaultPage; return XToDoListDisplay($pagename, $colorize = ($args[''][0] === 'colorize'), $criteria, $options); } function XToDoSimpleListMarkup($pagename, $args) { $args = ParseArgs($args); if (!empty($args['status'])) $criteria['status'] = $args['status']; if (!empty($args['category'])) $criteria['category'] = $args['category']; if (!empty($args['sort'])) $criteria['sort'] = $args['sort']; if (!empty($args['completed'])) $criteria['completed'] = $args['completed']; if (!empty($args['due'])) $criteria['due'] = $args['due']; if (!empty($args['created'])) $criteria['created'] = $args['created']; if (!empty($args['show'])) $options = XToDoGetShowOptions($args['show']); global $DefaultPage; if (empty($pagename)) $pagename = $DefaultPage; return XToDoSimpleListDisplay($pagename, $colorize = ($args[''][0] === 'colorize'), $criteria, $options); } // Entry form. function XToDoFormPriority($selected) { global $todo_priority_names; $todo_priority_low = $todo_priority_names[min(array_keys($todo_priority_names))]; $todo_priority_high = $todo_priority_names[max(array_keys($todo_priority_names))]; for ($index = 1; $index <= count($todo_priority_names); $index++) { $selection_code = ($index == $selected) ? 'checked' : ''; $output[] = "\n"; } return "{$todo_priority_low} « ".implode('', $output)."» {$todo_priority_high}"; } function XToDoFormUrgency($selected) { global $todo_urgency_names; $todo_urgency_low = $todo_urgency_names[min(array_keys($todo_urgency_names))]; $todo_urgency_high = $todo_urgency_names[max(array_keys($todo_urgency_names))]; for ($index = 1; $index <= count($todo_urgency_names); $index++) { $selection_code = ($index == $selected) ? 'checked' : ''; $output[] = "\n"; } return "{$todo_urgency_low} « ".implode('', $output)."» {$todo_urgency_high}"; } function XToDoFormStatus($selected) { global $todo_status_names; $output[] = ''; return implode('', $output); } function XToDoFormCategory($selected, $category) { global $todo_category_names; $category_names = empty($category) ? $todo_category_names : explode(',', $category); $output[] = ''; return implode('', $output); } function XToDoFormDueDate($selected) { global $todo_date_format; if (empty($selected)) { $default_checked = 'checked'; $selection_checked = ''; $selection_value = ''; } else { $default_checked = ''; $selection_checked = 'checked'; $selection_value = date($todo_date_format, $selected); } $tomorrow_date = date($todo_date_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y'))); $next_week_date = date($todo_date_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 7, date('Y'))); $output[] = ""; return implode('', $output); } function XToDoFormDescription($text) { $output[] = ""; return implode('', $output); } function XToDoFormOwner($selected, $owners) { global $todo_owner_names; $owner_names = empty($owners) ? $todo_owner_names : array($owners); $output[] = ''; return implode('', $output); } function XToDoForm($item_id, $create_date, $action, $next_page, $group_name, $category, $owners, $selection, $submit_text) { global $todo_field_names; $output[] = "
$todo_field_names[1]: ".XToDoFormCategory($selection['category'], $category)."   $todo_field_names[2]: ".XToDoFormStatus($selection['status'])."   $todo_field_names[8]: ".XToDoFormOwner($selection['owner'], $owners)."
$todo_field_names[3]:".XToDoFormPriority($selection['priority'])."      Due: ".XToDoFormDueDate($selection['due_date'])."
"; return implode('', $output); } function XToDoFormDisplay($pagename, $category) { global $todo_date_format; $action = "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}?action=todo&do=create_todo_item"; $next_page = "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"; $group_name = FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename); return XToDoForm(0, date($todo_date_format), $action, $next_page, $group_name, $category, $owners, array(), 'Submit'); } // Action handler. function XToDoCreateToDoItem($pagename) { $todo_group = "XToDo{$_POST['todo_group_name']}"; $todo_group_length = strlen($todo_group); Lock(2); foreach (ListPages("/^$todo_group\\.\\d{6}$/") as $i) $todo = max(@$todo, substr($i, $todo_group_length + 1)); $todo_page_name = sprintf("$todo_group.%06d", @$todo + 1); if ($_POST['todo_due_date'] === '0') { $todo_due_specific_date = trim($_POST['todo_due_specific-date']); if (! empty($todo_due_specific_date)) $due_date = strtotime($todo_due_specific_date); if (empty($due_date) || ($due_date == 0) || ($due_date == -1) || ($due_date == FALSE)) $due_date = time(); } else $due_date = strtotime($_POST['todo_due_date']); $page['create_date'] = time(); $page['due_date'] = $due_date; $page['owner'] = $_POST['todo_owner']; $page['category'] = $_POST['todo_category']; $page['status'] = $_POST['todo_status']; $page['priority'] = empty($_POST['todo_priority']) ? '1' : $_POST['todo_priority']; $page['urgency'] = empty($_POST['todo_urgency']) ? '1' : $_POST['todo_urgency']; $page['description'] = $_POST['todo_description']; WritePage($todo_page_name, $page); header("Location: {$_POST['todo_next_page']}"); } function XToDoUpdateToDoItem($pagename) { $todo_page_name = "XToDo{$_POST['todo_group_name']}.{$_POST['todo_item_id']}"; $todo_page = ReadPage($todo_page_name); if ($_POST['todo_due_date'] === '0') { $todo_due_specific_date = trim($_POST['todo_due_specific-date']); if (! empty($todo_due_specific_date)) $due_date = strtotime($todo_due_specific_date); if (empty($due_date) || ($due_date == 0) || ($due_date == -1) || ($due_date == FALSE)) $due_date = time(); } else $due_date = strtotime($_POST['todo_due_date']); global $todo_completed_status_name; if (($_POST['todo_status'] === $todo_completed_status_name) && ($todo_page['todo_status'] !== $todo_completed_status_name)) $todo_page['completed_date'] = time(); else $todo_page['completed_date'] = 0; $todo_page['due_date'] = $due_date; $todo_page['owner'] = $_POST['todo_owner']; $todo_page['category'] = $_POST['todo_category']; $todo_page['status'] = $_POST['todo_status']; $todo_page['priority'] = $_POST['todo_priority']; $todo_page['urgency'] = $_POST['todo_urgency']; $todo_page['description'] = $_POST['todo_description']; $todo_page_name = "XToDo{$_POST['todo_group_name']}.{$_POST['todo_item_id']}"; WritePage($todo_page_name, $todo_page); header("Location: {$_POST['todo_next_page']}"); } function XToDoEditToDoItem($pagename) { global $FmtV, $HandleBrowseFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt, $PageRedirectFmt; global $Group, $Name; global $todo_date_format; $url_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $action = "{$url_parts[0]}?action=todo&do=update_todo_item"; $next_page = "{$url_parts[0]}"; $Group = FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename); $Name = FmtPageName('$Name', $pagename); $todo_page_name = "{$_GET['todo_group']}.{$_GET['todo_item']}"; $todo_page = ReadPage("{$_GET['todo_group']}.{$_GET['todo_item']}"); $form_text = XToDoForm($_GET['todo_item'], date($todo_date_format, $todo_page['create_date']), $action, $next_page, $Group, $category, $owners, $todo_page, 'Update'); $notes_text = "! Notes"; if (PageExists($todo_page_name.'-Notes')) { $todo_notes_page = ReadPage($todo_page_name.'-Notes'); $notes_text .= "\n\n".$todo_notes_page['text']; } $notes_text .= "\n\n[[{$todo_page_name}-Notes?action=edit | Edit Notes]]"; $notes_text = MarkupToHTML($todo_page_name.'-Notes', $notes_text); $FmtV['$PageText'] = "

To Do {$_GET['todo_item']}

".$form_text.$notes_text; SDV($HandleBrowseFmt, array(&$PageStartFmt, &$PageRedirectFmt, '$PageText', &$PageEndFmt)); PrintFmt($new_pagename, $HandleBrowseFmt); } function XToDoFormHandler($pagename) { $do = empty($_POST['do']) ? $_GET['do'] : $_POST['do']; if ($do === 'create_todo_item') XToDoCreateToDoItem($pagename); else if ($do === 'edit_todo_item' ) XToDoEditToDoItem($pagename); else if ($do === 'update_todo_item') XToDoUpdateToDoItem($pagename); } // List display. function XToDoAbbreviateText($text_to_display, $max_length) { if (strlen($text_to_display) > $max_length) { preg_match("/.* /", substr($text_to_display,0,$max_length), $found); $text_to_display_abbr = substr("{$found[0]}", 0, -1)."..."; } if ($text_to_display_abbr) return $text_to_display_abbr; else return $text_to_display; } // Date criteria support: // this month, this year // d=a date // d=a-b date range // d=a- date to the 31st // this year // m=a month // m=a-b month range // m=a- month to december // 1-1 through 12-31 // y=a year // y=a-b year range // y=a- year to 9999 // relative to today // today only today // -today only before today // +today only after today function XToDoGetDateBoundaries($date_criteria) { $begin_time = 0; $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, 12, 31, 9999); if (strpos($date_criteria, '=') === FALSE) { preg_match('/^(\+|\-){0,1}today$/', $date_criteria, $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { if (count($matches) == 2) { if ($matches[1] === '-') $end_time = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y')); if ($matches[1] === '+') $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y')); } else { $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); $end_time = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); } } return array($begin_time, $end_time); } $spec = explode('=', $date_criteria); if (empty($spec[1])) return array($begin_time, $end_time); $this_month = date('m'); $this_year = date('Y'); if (strpos($spec[1], '-') === FALSE) { switch($spec[0]) { case 'd': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this_month, $spec[1], $this_year); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, $this_month, $spec[1], $this_year); break; case 'm': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $spec[1], 1, $this_year); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, $spec[1], 31, $this_year); break; case 'y': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $spec[1]); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, 12, 31, $spec[1]); break; } } else { $bounds = explode('-', $spec[1]); if (empty($bounds[1])) { switch($spec[0]) { case 'd': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this_month, $bounds[0], $this_year); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, $this_month, 31, $this_year); break; case 'm': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $bounds[0], 1, $this_year); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, 12, 31, $this_year); break; case 'y': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $bounds[0]); break; } } else { switch($spec[0]) { case 'd': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this_month, $bounds[0], $this_year); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, $this_month, $bounds[1], $this_year); break; case 'm': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $bounds[0], 1, $this_year); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, $bounds[1], 31, $this_year); break; case 'y': $begin_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $bounds[0]); $end_time = mktime(24, 60, 60, 12, 31, $bounds[1]); break; } } } return array($begin_time, $end_time); } function XToDoItemSelected($criteria, $item) { $final_met = $met = TRUE; if (!empty($criteria['status'])) { $met = FALSE; $status = explode(',', $criteria['status']); foreach ($status as $criterion) $met = ($met || (trim($criterion) === $item['status'])); $final_met = $met; } if (!empty($criteria['category'])) { $met = FALSE; $category = explode(',', $criteria['category']); foreach ($category as $criterion) $met = ($met || (trim($criterion) === $item['category'])); $final_met = $final_met && $met; } if (!empty($criteria['owner'])) { $met = FALSE; $owners = explode(',', $criteria['owner']); foreach ($owners as $owner) $met = ($met || (trim($owner) === $item['owner'])); $final_met = $final_met && $met; } if (!empty($criteria['due'])) { list($begin_date, $end_date) = XToDoGetDateBoundaries($criteria['due']); $final_met = $final_met && ($begin_date <= $item['due_date']) && ($item['due_date'] <= $end_date); } if (!empty($criteria['completed'])) { list($begin_date, $end_date) = XToDoGetDateBoundaries($criteria['completed']); $final_met = $final_met && ($begin_date <= $item['completed_date']) && ($item['completed_date'] <= $end_date); } if (!empty($criteria['created'])) { list($begin_date, $end_date) = XToDoGetDateBoundaries($criteria['created']); $final_met = $final_met && ($begin_date <= $item['create_date']) && ($item['create_date'] <= $end_date); } return $final_met; } $sort_keys = array( 'id' => 'name', 'priority' => 'priority', 'urgency' => 'urgency', 'p*u' => 'p*u', 'status' => 'status', 'created' => 'create_date', 'due' => 'due_date', 'completed' => 'completed_date', 'category' => 'category', 'description' => 'description', 'owner' => 'owner', ); $sort_order_keys = array('+' => SORT_ASC, '-' => SORT_DESC); function XToDoGetSortCriteria($criteria) { global $sort_keys, $sort_order_keys; if (!empty($criteria['sort'])) { $sort_field_name = substr($criteria['sort'], 1); $sort_order = substr($criteria['sort'], 0, 1); if (empty($sort_keys[$sort_field_name])) $sort_field_name = 'name'; else $sort_field_name = $sort_keys[$sort_field_name]; if (empty($sort_order_keys[$sort_order])) $sort_order = SORT_ASC; else $sort_order = $sort_order_keys[$sort_order]; } else { $sort_field_name = 'name'; $sort_order = SORT_ASC; } return array($sort_field_name, $sort_order); } function XToDoListGet($todo_group, $criteria) { global $todo_date_format; $todo_group_length = strlen($todo_group); $todo_items = array(); $todo_list = ListPages("/^$todo_group\\.\\d{6}$/"); if (empty($todo_list)) return array(); list($sort_field_name, $sort_order) = XToDoGetSortCriteria($criteria); $index = 0; foreach ($todo_list as $todo_item) { $page = ReadPage($todo_item); $notes = PageExists($todo_item.'-Notes') ? "[[{$todo_item}-Notes | Notes]]" : ""; if (XToDoItemSelected($criteria, $page)) { $todo_items[] = array( 'name' => substr($todo_item, $todo_group_length + 1), 'create_date' => date($todo_date_format, $page['create_date']), 'due_date' => date($todo_date_format, $page['due_date']), 'completed_date' => $page['completed_date'] == 0 ? '' : date($todo_date_format, $page['completed_date']), 'priority' => $page['priority'], 'urgency' => $page['urgency'], 'p*u' => ($page['priority'] * $page['urgency']), 'status' => $page['status'], 'category' => $page['category'], 'owner' => $page['owner'], 'description' => stripslashes($page['description']), 'notes' => $notes, ); $sort_field[] = $todo_items[$index][$sort_field_name]; $index++; } } if (! empty($todo_items)) { array_multisort($sort_field, $sort_order, $todo_items); } return $todo_items; } function XToDoIsItemOverdue($todo_item) { global $todo_completed_status_name, $todo_date_format; return ($todo_item['status'] !== $todo_completed_status_name) && (strtotime(date($todo_date_format)) > strtotime($todo_item['due_date'])); } function XToDoGetDisplayHighlight($todo_item) { global $todo_completed_status_name; $completed_flag = ''; $closing_completed_flag = ''; $overdue_flag = ''; $closing_overdue_flag = ''; if (XToDoIsItemOverdue($todo_item)) { $overdue_flag = "%class=todo_overdue_text%"; $closing_overdue_flag = "%%"; } else if ($todo_item['status'] == $todo_completed_status_name) { $completed_flag = "%class=todo_completed_text%"; $closing_completed_flag = "%%"; } return array(array($overdue_flag, $closing_overdue_flag), array($completed_flag, $closing_completed_flag)); } function XToDoSimpleListDisplay($pagename, $colorize, $criteria, $options) { global $todo_completed_status_name, $todo_overdue_status_name, $todo_summary_length, $todo_status_codes; global $todo_status_icons; $group_name = FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename); $todo_group = "XToDo{$group_name}"; $todo_items = XToDoListGet($todo_group, $criteria); $output[] = "\n||class=todo_simple_list \n"; foreach ($todo_items as $todo_item) { $days_to_due = (int) ceil((strtotime($todo_item['due_date']) - time()) / 86400); if ($colorize) list($overdue, $completed) = XToDoGetDisplayHighlight($todo_item); $checked = ($todo_item['status'] === $todo_completed_status_name) ? "\"Completed on: {$todo_item['completed_date']}\"" : "\"Due in: {$days_to_due} days ({$todo_item['due_date']})\""; $display_description = XToDoAbbreviateText($todo_item['description'], $todo_summary_length); $todo_status_code = XToDoIsItemOverdue($todo_item) ? $todo_status_icons[$todo_overdue_status_name] : $todo_status_icons[$todo_item['status']]; $todo_status_code = " || {$todo_status_code}{$checked} "; $notes = empty($todo_item['notes']) ? '' : "» [- {$todo_item['notes']} -]"; $output[] = "|| [- [[{$pagename}?action=todo&do=edit_todo_item&todo-item={$todo_item['name']}&todo_group={$todo_group}&todo_group_name={$group_name} | Edit]] -] {$todo_status_code}||[{$todo_item['priority']},{$todo_item['urgency']}] {$overdue[0]}{$completed[0]}{$display_description}{$completed[1]}{$overdue[1]} {$notes} ||\n"; } return FmtPageName(implode('', $output), $pagename); } function XToDoListDisplay($pagename, $colorize, $criteria, $options) { global $todo_completed_status_name, $todo_priority_names, $todo_urgency_names; $group_name = FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename); $todo_group = "XToDo{$group_name}"; $todo_items = XToDoListGet($todo_group, $criteria); $output[] = "\n||align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=todo_list \n||! ID ||! Priority ||! Urgency ||! P*U ||! Status ||! Created ||! Due ||! Completed ||\n"; foreach ($todo_items as $todo_item) { if ($colorize) list($overdue, $completed) = XToDoGetDisplayHighlight($todo_item); $notes = empty($todo_item['notes']) ? '' : "» [- {$todo_item['notes']} -]"; $owner = empty($todo_item['owner']) ? '' : "({$todo_item['owner']})"; $output[] = "|| [[{$pagename}?action=todo&do=edit-todo_item&todo_item={$todo_item['name']}&todo_group={$todo_group}&todo_group_name={$group_name} | {$todo_item['name']}]] ||".$todo_priority_names[$todo_item['priority']]." ||".$todo_urgency_names[$todo_item['urgency']]." || {$todo_item['p*u']} ||{$overdue[0]}{$completed[0]}{$todo_item['status']}{$completed[1]}{$overdue[1]} || {$todo_item['create_date']} || {$overdue[0]}{$todo_item['due_date']}{$overdue[1]} || {$completed[0]}{$todo_item['completed_date']}{$completed[1]} || \n|| ||%class=todo_category_text%{$todo_item['category']}%% {$owner} — %class=todo_description_text%{$todo_item['description']}%% {$notes} |||||||||||||| \n"; } $output[] = "(:div class='todo_legend':)\nLegend: P*U: Priority * Urgency\n(:divend:)"; return FmtPageName(implode('', $output), $pagename); } // Style. $HTMLStylesFmt['todo'] = <<< EOT .todo_form { border: none; } .todo_form tr td { border: none; font-weight: plain; text-align: left; padding: 4px; } .todo_form tr td.heading { text-align: right; width: 140px; padding-right: 6px; } table.todo_list { border: 2px solid #ccc; } table.todo_list tr.row1 { background-color: #eee; color: #555; } table.todo_list tr.row1 td { border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; } table.todo_list tr:last-child.row1 td { border-bottom: none; } table.todo_list th { background-color: #ddd; padding: 3px; font-weight: normal; border: 1px solid #ccc; color: #444; } table.todo_list tr td { color: #666; } table.todo_simple_list { margin-left: 0px; } table.todo_simple_list tr td { border: none; padding: 4px; } .todo_category_text { color: #666; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } .todo_description_text { color: #444; } .todo_overdue_text { color: #f66; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } .todo_completed_text { color: #446600; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } .todo_legend { text-align: center; color: #555; font-size: smaller; } EOT; ?>