array( 'width' => '640' ,'height' => '506' ,'scale' => '1' ,'fs' => 'true' ,'basename' => '' # i.e., or just 'basename' ) ,'basicPropertiesAudio' => array( 'width' => '350' ,'height' => '26' ,'fs' => 'true' ,'basename' => '' # i.e., or just 'basename' ) ,'clipProperties' => array( # CLIP PROPERTIES - 'accelerated' => '' ,'autoBuffering' => 'false' # player begins automatically loading the file ,'autoplay' => 'false' ,'baseUrl' => '' # different depending on whether it's audio or video - supplied by recipe ,'bufferLength' => '' ,'connectionProvider' => '' ,'cuepointMultiplier' => '' ,'cuepoints' => '' ,'controls' => '' ,'duration' => '' # how long until playback ceases - (default: 0) ,'extension' => '' ,'fadeInSpeed' => '' # fade-in, in milliseconds - (default: 1000) ,'fadeOutSpeed' => '' # fade-out, in milliseconds - (default: 1000) ,'image' => '' ,'linkUrl' => '' # link to a url when user clicks on video window ,'linkWindow' => '' # window to open new url in (_self, _blank, _parent, _top) ,'live' => '' ,'metaData' => '' ,'originalUrl' => '' ,'position' => '' ,'playlist' => '' ,'provider' => '' # different depending on whether it's audio or video - supplied by recipe ,'scaling' => '' # different depending on whether it's audio or video - supplied by recipe ,'seekableOnBegin' => '' ,'start' => '' # start position, in seconds - (default: 0) ,'url' => '' ,'urlResolvers' => '' ) ,'controlbarProperties' => array( # CONTROLBAR PROPERTIES - # empty values ('') from here on out will use the FlowPlayer defaults unless specified # MAIN OPTIONAL CONTROLS (not including playlist or fullscreen) 'controls' => '' # if 'null' or 'false', controls will not appear at all ,'all' => '' # show or hide all btns - true shows all, false, allows for enabling one-button-at-a-time ,'time' => '' # show or hide the time ,'timeColor' => '' ,'timeBgColor' => '' ,'timeBgHeightRatio' => '' ,'timeBorder' => '' ,'timeBorderColor' => '' ,'timeBorderWidth' => '' ,'timeFontSize' => '9' ,'timeSeparator' => '' ,'durationColor' => '' ,'play' => '' # show or hide the play btn ,'stop' => '' # show or hide the stop btn ,'mute' => 'false' # show or hide the mute button ,'playlist' => '' ,'fastBackward' => '' ,'fastForward' => '' ,'slowBackward' => '' ,'slowForward' => '' ,'fullscreen' => '' ,'volume' => '' # show or hide the volume slider ,'volumeColor' => '' ,'volumeSliderColor' => '' ,'volumeSliderGradient' => '' # vals: none, low, medium or high; or an array: [0.2, 1.0] ,'volumeSliderHeightRatio' => '' ,'volumeBarHeightRatio' => '' ,'volumeBorder' => '' ,'volumeBorderWidth' => '' ,'volumeBorderColor' => '' ,'scrubber' => '' # show or hide the time scrubber ,'scrubberHeightRatio' => '0.6' ,'scrubberBarHeightRatio' => '' ,'progressColor' => '' ,'progressGradient' => '' # vals: none, low, medium or high; or an array: [0.2, 1.0] ,'bufferColor' => '' # a hex value: i.e. #777777 ,'bufferGradient' => '' # vals: none, low, medium or high; or an array: [0.2, 1.0] ,'sliderColor' => '' ,'sliderGradient' => '' # vals: none, low, medium or high; or an array: [0.2, 1.0] ,'sliderBorder' => '' ,'sliderBorderWidth' => '' ,'sliderBorderColor' => '' ,'buttonColor' => '' ,'buttonOverColor' => '' # AUTO HIDE CONTROLS ,'autoHide' => '' # values: 'always', 'never', 'fullscreen', false -- see below for more values # POSITION CONTROLS ,'bottom' => '' # bottom position of the player controls, measured in pixels from the bottom ,'top' => '' # top position of the player controls, measured in pixels from the top ,'ctrlHeight' => '26' # height of controls ,'ctrlWidth' => '' # width of controls # AESTHETICS ,'opacity' => '' # opacity of controls (decimal value between 0-1) ,'borderRadius' => '' # rounding of the controller's edges (default is no rounding) ,'gloss' => '' ,'backgroundColor' => '#000000' ,'backgroundGradient' => '' # more info: ) ,'autohideProperties' => array( # AUTOHIDE PROPERTIES - part of controlbar properties - 'enabled' => '' ,'fullscreenOnly' => 'true' ,'hideDelay' => '' ,'hideDuration' => '' ,'hideStyle' => '' ,'mouseOutDelay' => '' ) ,'canvasProperties' => array( # CANVAS PROPERTIES - part of controlbar properties - 'background' => '' # shorthand for setting all canvas properties as once, i.e.: # format: backgroundImage backgroundRepeat left top. # example: url(/my/image.jpg) no-repeat 100 30. ,'backgroundColor' => '#000000' ,'backgroundGradient' => 'none' ,'backgroundImage' => '' # i.e 'url(/img/demos/helloworld.jpg)' ,'backgroundRepeat' => '' ,'border' => '' ,'borderRadius' => '' ,'display' => '' ) )); ##################### # EMBED (:ARCHIVE.ORG:) ### ( videocode params:) Markup('', '!ie'] = "ArchiveOrgPlayerROE(PSS('$0'))"; SDV($trackListing_enabled, true); function ArchiveOrgPlayerROE($videocode) { global $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams, $trackListing_enabled; # get basename preg_match("#'baseUrl':'[^/]+)/'#", $videocode, $basename); $basename = $basename[1]; # get filename(s) $files = preg_match("#'playlist':\[([^\]]+)\]#", $videocode, $matches); $files = str_replace(array("'",'{','}','url:'),'',$matches[1]); $filenamesArray = explode(",",$files); foreach($filenamesArray as $item) { if (!preg_match('#(format=|:)#',$item)) { $filenamesArrayReduced[] .= $item; } } $count = count($filenamesArrayReduced); if ($count==0) { return $videocode; } elseif ($count==1) { # return only 1 filename, no brackets $filenames = "$basename/".$filenamesArrayReduced[0]; } elseif ($count>1) { $playlist = true; # return list of [filenames] (in brackets separated by commas) $filenames = "[".implode(",",$filenamesArrayReduced)."]"; $filenames .= " basename=$basename"; # append basename=basename for playlists ## NOTE: The playlist function works, however, the list of tracks won't show up in this version - flowplayer has to be implemented slightly differently. The tracks, however, can be reached individually via the << and >> buttons. ## For now, the track listing is spit out automatically in the ROEPattern in case it's helpful, and in order to make it clear that indeed it's a playlist foreach($filenamesArrayReduced as $key => $val) { $trackListing .= "# %newwin%[[$basename/$val | $val]]\n"; } } # type: audio or video? $typeZ = mediaType($filenamesArrayReduced[0]); $type = $typeZ[1]; $ext = $typeZ[0]; preg_match('#width="\d+" height="\d+"#',$videocode,$matches); $dimensions = str_replace('"','',$matches[0]); #echo $dimensions; break; # output -- pop in filenames & parameters if($type=="video") $out = "( $filenames $dimensions scale=".$ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams['basicPropertiesVideo']['scale'].":)"; else $out = "( $filenames $dimensions:)"; # no scale for audio # output -- adds tracklisting if ($trackListing && $trackListing_enabled && $playlist) { # spit out track listing if there are tracks $out .= "\n\nuse the << and >> buttons to navigate the playlist. here's a list of the tracks included in this playlist:\n$trackListing"; } return $out; } } ####### function ShowArchiveOrgPlayer($id, $args, $escape='') { global $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams, $hexcheck_enabled, $linkToArchiveOrg, $linkToArchiveOrg_text, $flowplayerVersion; # escape SIMPLE EMBED if url is preceded by a `, ex.: `http://... if($escape[0]=="`") return $escape[1]; # get args $args = ParseArgs($args); # determine type: video or audio list($ext, $type) = mediaType($id); # remove unnecessary video or audio properties from the defaultParamsArray # must do _local version of DefaultParams, or else flowplayers on the same page will mistakenly share params... if($type=="video") { $basicPropertiesKey = 'basicPropertiesVideo'; # if video, remove 'basicPropertiesAudio' from the defaultParams array $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local = array_diff_key($ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams, array('basicPropertiesAudio'=>'')); } else { $basicPropertiesKey = 'basicPropertiesAudio'; # if video, remove 'basicPropertiesAudio' from the defaultParams array $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local = array_diff_key($ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams, array('basicPropertiesVideo'=>'')); } # compare user-args with default-args of each array - update default-args if given foreach($ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local as $defaultArrayKey => &$defaultArrayN) { # intersect - lists keys in arg1 that are present in arg2 $keysToUpdate = array_intersect_key($args, $defaultArrayN); #echo "
"; # update these keys if($keysToUpdate) $defaultArrayN = array_merge($defaultArrayN, $keysToUpdate); } # organize default properties - quick vars $ArchiveOrg_BasicProperties = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local[$basicPropertiesKey]; $ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['controlbarProperties']; $ArchiveOrg_AutoHideProperties = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['autohideProperties']; $ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['clipProperties']; $ArchiveOrg_CanvasProperties = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['canvasProperties']; # is it a playlist? for a playlist, the $id looks like '[file1, file2, ...]' rather than 'file' if (strpos($id,"[")===0) { # playlist present: [$id] $playlist_enabled = true; $playlist_array = explode(",",str_replace(array("[","]"),'',$id)); } # get basename ... and filename (if it's a single file) if($playlist_enabled) # look at the first file in a playlist to determine the basename preg_match("#^(http://(www\.)?archive\.org/download/)?(.*)$#", $playlist_array[0], $matches); else preg_match("#^(http://(www\.)?archive\.org/download/)?(.*)$#", $id, $matches); $idClean = $matches[3]; #echo $idClean; break; if(strpos($idClean, "/")) # if basename is provided via the first file in the form 'baseName/filename', then... list($idBaseName,$idFileName) = explode("/",$idClean); else { # if not provided in the first filename, then use the 'baseName' parameter $idBaseName = $ArchiveOrg_BasicProperties['basename']; $idFileName = $idClean; # not really necessary # error if (!$idBaseName) return Keep(" Sorry - you need to provide a basename via a) basename=mybasename, or b) basename/filename"); } # define width & height ## one can supply a 'scale' default different than '1', but it's not suggested, as it could be confusing to users $width = $ArchiveOrg_BasicProperties['width']; $height = $ArchiveOrg_BasicProperties['height']; if(!$width) { if($type=="video") $width = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['defaultVideoWidth']; else $width = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['defaultAudioWidth']; } if(!$height) { if($type=="video") $height = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['defaultVideoHeight']; else $height = $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['defaultAudioHeight']; } # apply scaling to video (but not to audio) if($type=="video") { $scale = $ArchiveOrg_BasicProperties['scale']; $width *= $scale; $height *= $scale; } $autoplay = $ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties['autoplay']; if($autoplay=="1") $autoplay = "true"; elseif($autoplay=="0") $autoplay = "false"; if ($type=="audio") $fullscreen = "false"; # don't allow fullscreen for audio elseif ($type=="video") { $fullscreen = $ArchiveOrg_BasicProperties['fs']; if($fullscreen=="1") $fullscreen = "true"; elseif($fullscreen=="0") $fullscreen = "false"; } # format playlist ## NOTE: The playlist function works, however, the list of tracks won't show up in this version - flowplayer has to be implemented slightly differently. The tracks, however, can be reached individually via the << and >> buttons. ## For now, the track listing is spit out automatically in the ROEPattern in case it's helpful... $playlistAudioFmt = "{'url':'FILENAME','autoPlay':true}"; #$playlistVideoFmt = "{'url':'FILENAME','autoPlay':true,'accelerated':true,'scaling':'fit','provider':'h264streaming'}"; $playlistVideoFmt = "{'url':'FILENAME','autoPlay':true}"; if ($type=="audio") $playlistFmt = $playlistAudioFmt; else $playlistFmt = $playlistVideoFmt; if ($playlist_enabled) { # create playlist foreach($playlist_array as $key => $fn) { # remove basename/ from $fn if(strpos($fn,"/")) $fn = preg_replace('#^[^/]+/#','',$fn); #echo "$fn
"; if ($key>0) $playlist .= ",'$fn'"; # 1st should have autoplay set to the current autoplay setting, and have no comma at the front else { $thisExt = mediaType($fn); $thisExt = $thisExt[0]; if ($thisExt=="jpg") { # for jpg, autoplay should always be true (so leave it alone) $playlist .= str_replace("FILENAME",$fn,$playlistFmt); } else { # videofiles get default autoplay, (except the 1st one after a jpg) $playlist .= str_replace(array("FILENAME","'autoPlay':true"),array($fn,"'autoPlay':$autoplay"),$playlistFmt); } } } # NO PLAYLIST - SINGLE FILE } else { $playlist = str_replace(array("FILENAME","'autoPlay':true"),array($idFileName,"'autoPlay':$autoplay"),$playlistFmt); } # PLAYLIST THUMBNAIL -- add a thumbnail to the front of a video playlist if($type=="video") $playlist = "'format=Thumbnail?.jpg',$playlist"; /* # Hex-Number Check - previous version of this recipe didn't prepend color values with a '#' - this will check for the # and prepend it if missing if($hexcheck_enabled) { foreach($args as $key => &$val) { //echo $key." - ".$val; # prelim values # only check keys with Color in the name if(strpos($key,"Color")) { if(strlen($val)>0 && strpos($val,"#")!==0) $val = '#'.$val; } //echo " - fixed: $val."
"; # subsequent values } } */ #### Output # $out = "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; # last - this is NOT the same as the section below - it has mostly the same, but slightly different values $out .= " PLAYLIST $playlistParam .= "\n 'playlist':[$playlist],"; $out .= $playlistParam; # CLIPS: for more info - ## haven't included all of them... $clip = "\n 'clip':{"; # REQUIRED CLIP PROPERTIES $ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties['baseUrl'] = "$idBaseName/"; if ($type=="video") { # only video receives these two params $ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties['scaling'] = 'fit'; $ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties['provider'] = 'h264streaming'; } # OPTIONAL CLIP PROPERTIES # see: # compare $ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties to user's args - only use ones included by user or listed with default $i=0; if(count($ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties)) { # don't execute unless there are actually some properties to add foreach($ArchiveOrg_ClipProperties as $item => $val) { #echo "$item - $val
"; # all items should have a leading comma, except the first if (strlen($val)>0) { if($i>0) $clip .= ","; $clip .= "'$item':"; # booleans and numbers should be without apostrophes if(preg_match('#^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$#',$val) || $val==="true" || $val==="false" || $val==="null") { #echo "$item - ".$val."
"; # boolean = clean $clip .= $val; } else { #echo "$item - ".$args[$item]."
"; # non-boolean = 'wrapped' $clip .= "'".$val."'"; } $i++; } } } $clip .= "},"; $out .= $clip; # CANVAS $i=0; if(count($ArchiveOrg_CanvasProperties)) { # don't execute unless there are actually some properties to add foreach($ArchiveOrg_CanvasProperties as $item => $val) { # all items should have a leading comma, except the first if (strlen($val)>0) { if($i>0) $canvas .= ","; $canvas .= "'$item':"; # booleans and numbers should be without apostrophes if(preg_match('#^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$#',$val) || $val==="true" || $val==="false" || $val==="null") { # boolean = clean $canvas .= $val; } else { # non-boolean = 'wrapped' $canvas .= "'".$val."'"; } $i++; } } } $canvas = "\n 'canvas':{".$canvas."},"; $out .= $canvas; # PLUGINS $out .= "\n 'plugins':{"; # CONTROLS (CONTROLBAR) # enable Controlbar ## more info: if($args['controls']=='null' || $args['controls']=='false') $controls .= "\n 'controls':null"; else { $controls .= "\n 'controls':{"; # REQUIRED CONTROLBAR PROPERTIES ## args not provided will end up using the FlowPlayer defaults ## note that some values require "quotes", but true/false/null items must be left without quotes if ($playlist_enabled) $controls .= "'playlist':true"; # first argument - no comma preceding else $controls .= "'playlist':false"; if ($type=="audio") { # AUDIO CONTROLBAR STUFF $ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties['fullscreen'] = 'false'; if(strlen($ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties['top'])==0) $ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties['top'] = '0'; } else { # VIDEO CONTROLBAR STUFF $ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties['fullscreen'] = $fullscreen; } # AUTOHIDE PROPERTIES -- these should be included in the controlbar properties below # see: $i=0; if($ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties['autoHide'] != 'false' && count($ArchiveOrg_AutoHideProperties)) { # don't execute unless there are actually some properties to add foreach($ArchiveOrg_AutoHideProperties as $item => $val) { # all items should have a leading comma, except the first if (strlen($val)>0) { if($i>0) $autoHide .= ","; $autoHide .= "'$item':"; # booleans and numbers should be without apostrophes if(preg_match('#^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$#',$val) || $val==="true" || $val==="false" || $val==="null") { # boolean = clean $autoHide .= $val; } else { # non-boolean = 'wrapped' $autoHide .= "'".$val."'"; } $i++; } } } if($autoHide) $autoHide = ",'autoHide':{".$autoHide."}"; # autoHide should be placed inside the controlbar properties bracket below # OPTIONAL CONTROLBAR PROPERTIES # compare $ArchiveOrgPlayerDefaultParams_local['controlbarProperties'] to user's args - only use ones included by user or listed with default if(count($ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties)) { # don't execute unless there are actually some properties to add foreach($ArchiveOrg_ControlBarProperties as $item => $val) { # all items should have a leading comma, even the first switch($item) { # height & width must be differentiated by calling ctrlHeight & ctrlWidth case ($item=='ctrlHeight' || $item=='ctrlHeight'): if($item=="ctrlHeight") if (strlen($val)>0) $controls .= ",'height':".$val; elseif($item=="ctrlWidth") if (strlen($val)>0) $controls .= ",'width':".$val; break; default: # most controls will receive this treatment # booleans and numbers should be without apostrophes if (strlen($val)>0) { if(preg_match('#^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$#',$val) || $val==="true" || $val==="false" || $val==="null") $controls .= ",'$item':".$val; # no apostrophes for numbers else $controls .= ",'$item':'".$val."'"; # with apostrophes } break; } } } # add autoHide before closing controlbar bracket $controls .= $autoHide; $controls .= '},'; } $out .= $controls; # AUDIO OR H264 if ($type=="video") { # VIDEO $av = "'h264streaming':{'url':'$flowplayerVersion.swf'}"; } else { # AUDIO $av = "'audio':{'url':'$flowplayerVersion-dev.swf'}"; } $out .= $av; # experiment - share button #$viral = "\n ,'viral':{'url':'flowplayer.viralvideos-3.0.0.swf','share':{'description':'Boys and girls in the playground'}"; #$viral = "\n ,'viral':{'url':'','share':{'description':'test msg'}"; #$out .= $viral; $out .= "},"; # end of PLUGINS # CONTEXTMENU $contextMenu .= "'contextMenu':[{},'-','Flowplayer v$flowplayerVersion']}"; $out .= $contextMenu; $out .= '" name="flashvars"/>'; # BLOCK $out .= ' CLIPS $out .= $clip; # CANVAS $out .= $canvas; # PLUGINS $out .= "\n 'plugins':{"; # CONTROLS $out .= $controls; # H264 OR AUDIO $out .= $av; # VIRAL - experimental #$out .= $viral; # END PLUGINS $out .= "},"; # CONTEXTMENU $out .= $contextMenu; $out .= '">'; $out .= "\n
"; # LINK TO ARCHIVE.ORG PAGE AND FILES if ($linkToArchiveOrg===true || $linkToArchiveOrg==="true") { $out .= '
'.$linkToArchiveOrg_text.''; } return Keep($out); } function mediaType($filename) { global $ArchiveOrgVideoTypes, $ArchiveOrgAudioTypes; # determine type: video or audio $ext = end(explode(".",str_replace(array("[","]"),'',$filename))); if (preg_match("#$ArchiveOrgAudioTypes#",$ext)) $type = "audio"; # include jpg as a video b/c often uses .jpg still as a the first item in a playlist elseif (preg_match("#$ArchiveOrgVideoTypes#",$ext)) $type = "video"; return array($ext, $type); }