resetHeaderLines(); $this->resetPort(); } /** * Adds a single header field to the HTTP request header. The resulting header * line will have the format * $name: $value\n **/ function addHeaderLine($name, $value) { $this->headerLines[$name] = $value; } /** * Deletes all custom header lines. This will not remove the User-Agent header field, * which is necessary for correct operation. **/ function resetHeaderLines() { $this->headerLines = Array(); /*******************************************************************************/ /************** YOU MAX SET THE USER AGENT STRING HERE *******************/ /* */ /* default is "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)", */ /* which means Internet Explorer 6.0 on WinXP */ $this->headerLines["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"; /*******************************************************************************/ } /** * Add a post parameter. Post parameters are sent in the body of an HTTP POST request. **/ function addPostData($name, $value) { $this->postData[$name] = $value; } /** * Deletes all custom post parameters. **/ function resetPostData() { $this->postData = Array(); } /** * Sets an auth user and password to use for the request. * Set both as empty strings to disable authentication. **/ function setAuth($user, $pass) { $this->authUser = $user; $this->authPass = $pass; } /** * Selects a custom port to use for the request. **/ function setPort($portNumber) { $this->port = $portNumber; } /** * Resets the port used for request to the HTTP default (80). **/ function resetPort() { $this->port = 80; } /** * Make an fopen call to $url with the parameters set by previous member * method calls. Send all set headers, post data and user authentication data. * Returns a file handle on success, or false on failure. **/ function fopen($url) { $this->lastResponse = Array(); preg_match("~([a-z]*://)?([^:^/]*)(:([0-9]{1,5}))?(/.*)?~i", $url, $matches); $protocol = $matches[1]; $server = $matches[2]; $port = $matches[4]; $path = $matches[5]; if ($port!="") { $this->setPort($port); } if ($path=="") $path = "/"; $socket = false; $socket = fsockopen($server, $this->port); if ($socket) { $this->headerLines["Host"] = $server; if ($this->authUser!="" && $this->authPass!="") { $this->headerLines["Authorization"] = "Basic ".base64_encode($this->authUser.":".$this->authPass); } if (count($this->postData)==0) { $request = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; } else { $request = "POST $path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; } if ($this->debug) echo $request; fputs ($socket, $request); if (count($this->postData)>0) { $PostStringArray = Array(); foreach ($this->postData AS $key=>$value) { $PostStringArray[] = "$key=$value"; } $PostString = join("&", $PostStringArray); $this->headerLines["Content-Length"] = strlen($PostString); } foreach ($this->headerLines AS $key=>$value) { if ($this->debug) echo "$key: $value\n"; fputs($socket, "$key: $value\r\n"); } if ($this->debug) echo "\n"; fputs($socket, "\r\n"); if (count($this->postData)>0) { if ($this->debug) echo "$PostString"; fputs($socket, $PostString."\r\n"); } } if ($this->debug) echo "\n"; if ($socket) { $line = fgets($socket, 1000); if ($this->debug) echo $line; $this->lastResponse[] = $line; $status = substr($line,9,3); while (trim($line = fgets($socket, 1000)) != ""){ if ($this->debug) echo "$line"; $this->lastResponse[] = $line; if ($status=="401" AND strpos($line,"WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"")===0) { fclose($socket); return FALSE; } } } return $socket; } /** * Make an file call to $url with the parameters set by previous member * method calls. Send all set headers, post data and user authentication data. * Returns the requested file as an array on success, or false on failure. **/ function file($url) { $file = Array(); $socket = $this->fopen($url); if ($socket) { $file = Array(); while (!feof($socket)) { $file[] = fgets($socket, 10000); } } else { return FALSE; } return $file; } function getLastResponseHeaders() { return $this->lastResponse; } } /* // example code $be = new BrowserEmulator(); $be->addHeaderLine("Referer", ""); $be->addHeaderLine("Accept-Encoding", "x-compress; x-zip"); $be->addPostData("Submit", "OK"); $be->addPostData("item", "42"); $be->setAuth("admin", "secretpass"); // also possible: // $be->setPort(10080); $file = $be->fopen(""); $response = $be->getLastResponseHeaders(); while ($line = fgets($file, 1024)) { // do something with the file } fclose($file); */ ?>