* * For more information see the readme.md * * @author Patrick R. Michaud * @author John Rankin * @author Sebastian Siedentopf * @version 2.0.4 * @link https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/ColorNotes the cookbook on pmwiki.org * @copyright by the respective authors 2004-2012 * @license https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License * @package colornotes * * Updated for PHP 7.2 by Petko Yotov pmwiki.org/petko */ $RecipeInfo['ColorNotes']['Version'] = '20200330'; /** * cookbook is included * and running on this pmwiki installation */ define('COLORNOTES', $RecipeInfo['ColorNotes']['Version']); # see http://schlaefer.macbay.de/index.php/PmWikiCookbook/AutoUpdate SDVA($PmWikiAutoUpdate['ColorNotes'] , array( 'version' => COLORNOTES, 'updateurl' => "https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/ColorNotes" )); //the overall note style SDV($HTMLStylesFmt['note'], " div.widenote { position: relative; z-index:50; font-size: smaller; clear:both; color: #3C3528; float: right; margin: 0 1em 1em 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 200px; line-height: 1.4; background-color: #ffffa1; box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px #ccc; border-radius: 2px; } div.widenote p { padding: 0.5em 1em; } div.widenote-header { background-color: #FFE53E; border-radius: 2px; } div.widenote-header a { color:#3C3528; text-decoration: none; } "); //this javascript is needed for the hidden notes SDV($HTMLHeaderFmt['notehidden'] , ""); // defines where the images for the fance note are SDV($ColorNotesSkinDirUrl,$PubDirUrl."/cookbook/colornotes"); SDV($ColorNotesEditLink, true); SDVA($ColorNotesImageNames, array("top" => "sticky_top.png", 'middle' => "sticky_middle.png", "bottom" => "sticky_bottom.png", "edit" => "sticky_edit.png") ); $ColorNodesID = 0; $ColorNoteFmt['normal'] = ' (:div1 id="$PINID" class="widenote" style="$PINTS" :) (:div2 class="widenote-header"style="$PINFCS":) $PINEditLink $PINFCC (:div2end:) (:div3:) $PINSCC (:div3end:) (:div1end:) '; // compatibility with TableEdit recipe if (is_array(@$RecipeInfo['TableEdit'])) { /* $ColorNoteFmt['fancy'] = '(:notabledit:)'.$ColorNoteFmt['fancy'].'(:tabledit:)'; */ $ColorNoteFmt['normal'] = '(:notabledit:)'.$ColorNoteFmt['normal'].'(:tabledit:)'; } Markup('note', '$noteall"); // evaluate which type of note is used $pargs['fancy'] = (substr($notecontent,0,5) === "fancy") ? 1 : 0; $pargs['hidden'] = (substr($notecontent,0,6) === "hidden") ? 1 : 0; $pargs['block'] = ($noteblock === "block") ? 1 : 0; if ($pargs['fancy']) $notecontent = substr($notecontent,5); if ($pargs['hidden']) $notecontent = substr($notecontent,6); if ($pargs['block']) { // split block entries and get note parameter list ($args, $notecontent) = preg_split("/^(.*?):\\)/s", $notecontent, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE| PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $notecontent ?$pargs = array_merge($pargs, ParseArgs($args)) : $notecontent = $args; } if (!($pargs['fancy'] && $pargs['block'])) list ($notetitle, $notecontent) = ColorNotesSplitTitleAndContent($pagename, $notecontent); return FmtColorNotes ($pagename, $notetitle, $notecontent, $pargs); } /** * formats the note */ function FmtColorNotes ($pagename, $notetitle, $notecontent, $pargs) { global $FmtV; global $ColorNoteFmt, $ColorNodesID, $ColorNotesImageNames, $ColorNotesSkinDirUrl, $ColorNotesEditLink; $ColorNoteFmt['normal'] ; $FmtV['$PINTS'] = ""; $FmtV['$PINFCS'] = ""; $FmtV['$PINEditLink'] = ""; $FmtV['$PINID'] = $ColorNodesID++; $FmtV['$PINFCC'] = $notetitle; $FmtV['$PINSCC'] = $notecontent; if(@$pargs['color']) { $style = ColorNotesColors($pargs['color']); $FmtV['$PINTS'] .= $style['table']; $FmtV['$PINFCS'] .= $style['noteheader']; } if (@$pargs['hidden']) { $id = rand (); $FmtV['$PINFCC'] = @Keep("").$FmtV['$PINFCC'].Keep(""); $FmtV['$PINSCC'] = Keep("
"); } if (@$pargs['float']) $FmtV['$PINTS'] .= "float:{$pargs['float']};"; if (@$pargs['width']) $FmtV['$PINTS'] .= "width:{$pargs['width']};"; $format = $ColorNoteFmt['normal']; if ($ColorNotesEditLink) : $FmtV['$PINEditLink'] = Keep(FmtPageName( "" . @"" . "$[(↓)]" . "", $pagename)); endif; return FmtPageName ($format, $pagename); } /** * helper function which seperates the title and content of a note * * @param string $message header and content of the note seperated by |: "title|content" * @param string $pagename * @return array array with ['title'] and ['content'] of the page */ function ColorNotesSplitTitleAndContent($pagename, $notecontent) { if (strpos($notecontent, "(:notecontent:)")) return explode("(:notecontent:)", $notecontent); $notetitle = substr($notecontent, 0, strpos($notecontent, "|")); if ($notetitle == false) { $notetitle = FmtPageName('$[Note]',$pagename); $notecontent = $notecontent; } else $notecontent = substr(strstr($notecontent, "|"), 1); return array (trim($notetitle), trim($notecontent)); } /** * generates the color value for a given color name * * @param string $color color name as predefined, WEBSAFE, or #hex * @return array */ function ColorNotesColors($color = "yellow") { //defines the websave colors $wsc = array ("ALICEBLUE" => "#F0F8FF", "ANTIQUEWHITE" => "#FAEBD7", "AQUA" => "#00FFFF", "AQUAMARINE" => "#7FFFD4", "AZURE" => "#F0FFFF", "BEIGE" => "#F5F5DC", "BISQUE" => "#FFE4C4", "BLACK" => "#000000", "BLANCHEDALMOND" => "#FFEBCD", "BLUE" => "#0000FF", "BLUEVIOLET" => "#8A2BE2", "BROWN" => "#A52A2A", "BURLYWOOD" => "#DEB887", "CADETBLUE" => "#5F9EA0", "CHARTREUSE" => "#7FFF00", "CHOCOLATE" => "#D2691E", "CORAL" => "#FF7F50", "CORNFLOWERBLUE" => "#6495ED", "CORNSILK" => "#FFF8DC", "CRIMSON" => "#DC143C", "CYAN" => "#00FFFF", "DARKBLUE" => "#00008B", "DARKCYAN" => "#008B8B", "DARKGOLDENROD" => "#B8860B", "DARKGRAY" => "#A9A9A9", "DARKGREEN" => "#006400", "DARKKHAKI" => "#BDB76B", "DARKMAGENTA" => "#8B008B", "DARKOLIVEGREEN" => "#556B2F", "DARKORANGE" => "#FF8C00", "DARKORCHID" => "#9932CC", "DARKRED" => "#8B0000", "DARKSALMON" => "#E9967A", "DARKSEAGREEN" => "#8FBC8F", "DARKSLATEBLUE" => "#483D8B", "DARKSLATEGRAY" => "#2F4F4F", "DARKTURQUOISE" => "#00CED1", "DARKVIOLET" => "#9400D3", "DEEPPINK" => "#FF1493", "DEEPSKYBLUE" => "#00BFFF", "DIMGRAY" => "#696969", "DODGERBLUE" => "#1E90FF", "FIREBRICK" => "#B22222", "FLORALWHITE" => "#FFFAF0", "FORESTGREEN" => "#228B22", "FUCHSIA" => "#FF00FF", "GAINSBORO" => "#DCDCDC", "GHOSTWHITE" => "#F8F8FF", "GOLD" => "#FFD700", "GOLDENROD" => "#DAA520", "GRAY" => "#BEBEBE", "GREEN" => "#008000", "GREENYELLOW" => "#ADFF2F", "HONEYDEW" => "#F0FFF0", "HOTPINK" => "#FF69B4", "INDIANRED" => "#CD5C5C", "INDIGO" => "#4B0082", "IVORY" => "#FFFFF0", "KHAKI" => "#F0D58C", "LAVENDER" => "#E6E6FA", "LAVENDERBLUSH" => "#FFF0F5", "LAWNGREEN" => "#7CFC00", "LEMONCHIFFON" => "#FFFACD", "LIGHTBLUE" => "#ADD8E6", "LIGHTCORAL" => "#F08080", "LIGHTCYAN" => "#E0FFFF", "LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW" => "#FAFAD2", "LIGHTGREEN" => "#90EE90", "LIGHTGREY" => "#D3D3D3", "LIGHTPINK" => "#FFB6C1", "LIGHTSALMON" => "#FFA07A", "LIGHTSEAGREEN" => "#20B2AA", "LIGHTSKYBLUE" => "#87CEFA", "LIGHTSLATEGRAY" => "#778899", "LIGHTSTEELBLUE" => "#B0C4DE", "LIGHTYELLOW" => "#FFFFE0", "LIME" => "#00FF00", "LIMEGREEN" => "#32CD32", "LINEN" => "#FAF0E6", "MAGENTA" => "#FF00FF", "MAROON" => "#800000", "MEDIUMAQUAMARINE" => "#66CDAA", "MEDIUMBLUE" => "#0000CD", "MEDIUMORCHID" => "#BA55D3", "MEDIUMPURPLE" => "#9370DB", "MEDIUMSEAGREEN" => "#3CB371", "MEDIUMSLATEBLUE" => "#7B68EE", "MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN" => "#00FA9A", "MEDIUMTURQUOISE" => "#48D1CC", "MEDIUMVIOLETRED" => "#C71585", "MIDNIGHTBLUE" => "#191970", "MINTCREAM" => "#F5FFFA", "MISTYROSE" => "#FFE4E1", "MOCCASIN" => "#FFE4B5", "NAVAJOWHITE" => "#FFDEAD", "NAVY" => "#000080", "OLDLACE" => "#FDF5E6", "OLIVE" => "#808000", "OLIVEDRAB" => "#6B8E23", "ORANGE" => "#FFA500", "ORANGERED" => "#FF4500", "ORCHID" => "#DA70D6", "PALEGOLDENROD" => "#EEE8AA", "PALEGREEN" => "#98FB98", "PALETURQUOISE" => "#AFEEEE", "PALEVIOLETRED" => "#DB7093", "PAPAYAWHIP" => "#FFEFD5", "PEACHPUFF" => "#FFDAB9", "PERU" => "#CD853F", "PINK" => "#FFC0CB", "PLUM" => "#DDA0DD", "POWDERBLUE" => "#B0E0E6", "PURPLE" => "#800080", "RED" => "#FF0000", "ROSYBROWN" => "#BC8F8F", "ROYALBLUE" => "#4169E1", "SADDLEBROWN" => "#8B4513", "SALMON" => "#FA8072", "SANDYBROWN" => "#F4A460", "SEAGREEN" => "#2E8B57", "SEASHELL" => "#FFF5EE", "SIENNA" => "#A0522D", "SILVER" => "#C0C0C0", "SKYBLUE" => "#87CEEB", "SLATEBLUE" => "#6A5ACD", "SLATEGRAY" => "#708090", "SNOW" => "#FFFAFA", "SPRINGGREEN" => "#00FF7F", "STEELBLUE" => "#4682B4", "TAN" => "#D2B48C", "TEAL" => "#008080", "THISTLE" => "#D8BFD8", "TOMATO" => "#FF6347", "TURQUOISE" => "#40E0D0", "VIOLET" => "#EE82EE", "WHEAT" => "#F5DEB3", "WHITE" => "#FFFFFF", "WHITESMOKE" => "#F5F5F5", "YELLOW" => "#FFFF00", "YELLOWGREEN" => "#9ACD32",); /* These are predefined styles. You can add more styles or css arguments if you want*/ $style['yellow']['table'] = array ("background-color" => "#ffffa1;"); $style['yellow']['noteheader'] = array ("background-color" => " #ffe53e"); $style['blue']['table'] = array ("background-color" => "#71ffff"); $style['blue']['noteheader'] = array ("background-color" => " #5ceaea"); $style['purple']['table'] = array ("background-color" => "#ccdaff"); $style['purple']['noteheader'] = array ("background-color" => " #b2c7ff"); $style['pink']['table'] = array ("background-color" => "#ffe0e0"); $style['pink']['noteheader'] = array ("background-color" => " #ffc7c7"); $style['green']['table'] = array ("background-color" => "#d5ffcc",); $style['green']['noteheader'] = array ("background-color" => " #a9fBb7"); $style['gray']['table'] = array ("background-color" => "#eeeeee"); $style['gray']['noteheader'] = array ("background-color" => " #e0e0e0"); /* calculates the layout for a non predefined style */ if (!$style[$color]) { //if the color is not predefined if (strrchr($color, "#")) { // if it is a hex color value $style = ColorNotesHexColors($color); $color = "free"; } elseif ($wsc[$color]) { //if it is a websave color $style = ColorNotesHexColors(strtolower($wsc[$color])); $color = "free"; } else //if the color can not be recognized fallback to standard yellow $color = "yellow"; } /* generates the css ouput */ $style = $style[$color]; foreach ($style as $tableelement => $csselement) foreach ($csselement as $csselement => $cssstyle) $styleout[$tableelement] .= $csselement.":".$cssstyle.";"; $styleout['color'] = $style['table']['color']; return $styleout; } /** * This function sets a style given by a hex color. * * It generates the title background color and decides if the * title text color should be inverted based on the hex value of the background * color. * * @param string $color the color as hex value: "#A0B2C3" * @return array comlete style array */ function ColorNotesHexColors($color) { preg_match("/#(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/", $color, $hex); $mean = (hexdec($hex[1]) + hexdec($hex[2]) + hexdec($hex[3])) / 3; $hexreduce = array (hexdec($hex[1]), hexdec($hex[2]), hexdec($hex[3])); foreach ($hexreduce as $key => $p) if ($mean > 128) { if (($lower = $p -15 * ($p / 255 + 1)) >= 0) $hexreduce[$key] = $lower; } else { if (($upper = $p +60 * ($p / 255 + 1)) <= 255) $hexreduce[$key] = $upper; } // for better contrast we eventually invert the text color if ($mean < 128) $out['textcolor'] = "white"; else $out['textcolor'] = "black"; foreach ($hexreduce as $key => $p) $hexreduce[$key] = strtolower(sprintf("%02X", $p)); $out['hex'] = implode("", $hexreduce); $style['free']['table'] = array ("background-color" => $color); $style['free']['table']['color'] = $out['textcolor']; $style['free']['noteheader'] = array ("background-color" => "#".$out['hex']); return $style; } if ($action == 'edit' && isset( $_REQUEST['note'])) /* change Edithandler only if a parameter "s" is supplied */ $HandleActions['edit'] = 'HandleEditNote'; /* This function handles the edit, preview and saving of sections. * It derived from the standard HandleEdit() function defined in pmwiki.php. */ /* * The codebase ist sectionedit.php v 2.0.3 */ function HandleEditNote($pagename, $auth = 'edit') { global $IsPagePosted, $EditFields, $ChangeSummary, $EditFunctions, $FmtV, $Now, $HandleEditFmt; global $PageStartFmt, $PageEditFmt, $PagePreviewFmt, $PageEndFmt, $GroupHeaderFmt, $GroupFooterFmt; global $PageEditForm, $EnablePost, $InputTags, $SectionEditWithoutHeaders; global $SectionEditMediaWikiStyle, $SectionEditAutoDepth,$MessageFmt; $InputTags['e_form'] = array (":html" => "
"); /* standard code from HandleEdit()*/ if (@$_REQUEST['cancel']) { Redirect($pagename); return; } Lock(2); $IsPagePosted = false; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true); if (!$page) Abort("?cannot edit $pagename"); PCache($pagename, $page); $new = $page; /*disable sectioning when simultaneous edits*/ /* splits the page text and sets the currently edited section */ ## post it adaption start $notenumber = $_REQUEST['note']; $cnn = $notenumber; $r = preg_split("/(\\(:note(?!(blockend|content)))/s", $new['text'], -1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++) if (substr($r[$i], 0, 6) == "(:note") { $s[] = $r[$i].$r[$i+1]; $i++; } else { if ($i == 0) $cnn++; // takes care if note is first item of page or not $s[] = $r[$i]; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($s); $i++) { if ($i < $cnn) @$t[0] .= $s[$i]; elseif ($i == $cnn) { preg_match("/\\(:note((block)?|(fancy?)).*?(\\(note)?\\1(end)?:\\)/s", $s[$i],$u); $t[1] = $u[0]; $t[2] = substr($s[$i], strlen($t[1])); } elseif ($i > $cnn) $t[2] .= $s[$i]; } #print_r($t);exit; /* here the section for editing is selected*/ $n = 1; $p=$t; $new['text'] = $p[$n]; /* standard code from HandleEdit()*/ foreach ((array) $EditFields as $k) if (isset ($_POST[$k])) $new[$k] = str_replace("\r", '', stripmagic($_POST[$k])); if ($ChangeSummary) $new["csum:$Now"] = $ChangeSummary; /*if a preview previously took place the currently not edited text sections are obtained*/ $PageChunks = array ('prechunk', 'postchunk'); foreach ((array) $PageChunks as $c) { $$c = ''; if (@ $_POST[$c]) $$c = str_replace("\r", '', stripmagic($_REQUEST[$c])); } if (@ $_POST['post']) {//the currently not edited sections are added $new['text'] = $prechunk."\n".$new['text']."\n".$postchunk; } elseif (@ $_POST['preview']) { //page header contains info which section is edited $GroupHeaderFmt = ''; $GroupFooterFmt = ''; } else { /* if the section is edited, the not edited sections go into $prechunk and * $postchunk and retained here while editing/previewing until saving the whole page */ $prechunk = ""; $postchunk = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($p); $i ++) { if ($i < $n) { $prechunk .= $p[$i]; } elseif ($i > $n) { $postchunk .= $p[$i]; } } } /* standard code from HandleEdit()*/ $EnablePost &= (@ $_POST['post'] || @ $_POST['postedit']); foreach ((array) $EditFunctions as $fn) $fn ($pagename, $page, $new); Lock(0); if ($IsPagePosted && !@ $_POST['postedit']) { //jump directly to section that was last edited Redirect($pagename, "\$PageUrl#note".$notenumber); return; } $FmtV['$DiffClassMinor'] = (@ $_POST['diffclass'] == 'minor') ? "checked='checked'" : ''; $FmtV['$EditText'] = str_replace('$', '$', htmlspecialchars(@ $new['text'], ENT_NOQUOTES)); $FmtV['$EditBaseTime'] = $Now; /*additional FmtV for this script*/ $FmtV['$PreChunk'] = str_replace('"', '"', str_replace('$', '$', htmlspecialchars($prechunk, ENT_NOQUOTES))); $FmtV['$PostChunk'] = str_replace('"', '"', str_replace('$', '$', htmlspecialchars($postchunk, ENT_NOQUOTES))); $FmtV['$PNum'] = @$wtf; $FmtV['$NoteType'] = @$notetype; /* standard code from HandleEdit() */ if ($PageEditForm) { $form = ReadPage(FmtPageName($PageEditForm, $pagename), READPAGE_CURRENT); $FmtV['$EditForm'] = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $form['text']); } SDV($HandleEditFmt, array (& $PageStartFmt, & $PageEditFmt, & $PageEndFmt)); PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleEditFmt); }