"); if ($EnableCommentFormCheck == 1) { $CommentBoxCheckFmt = " "; # add markup (:cboxcheck:) for use when commentbox is constucted with (:input:) markup Markup('cboxcheck', '>block', '/\\(:cboxcheck:\\)/', "CommentBoxCheckMarkup"); function CommentBoxCheckMarkup() { return Keep($GLOBALS['CommentBoxCheckFmt']); } } SDV($DiaryBoxFmt,"
$[New entry] 
". (isset($EnablePostCaptchaRequired) ? "
Enter code: \$Captcha " : ""). ($EnableAccessCode ? "
$[Enter code] \$AccessCode " : "
"). "
"); SDV($CommentBoxFmt,"
$[Add Comment] 
$[Sign as Author]  ". ($EnableWebsiteField ? "
$[Website]  " : ""). (isset($EnablePostCaptchaRequired) ? "
Enter code: \$Captcha " : ""). ($EnableAccessCode ? "
$[Enter code] \$AccessCode " : ""). "

". ($EnableCommentFormCheck ? $CommentBoxCheckFmt : "") ); # date and time formats SDV($JournalDateFmt,'%d %B %Y'); SDV($JournalTimeFmt,'%H:%M'); # journal and diary patterns as part of page name SDV($JournalPattern,'/Journal$/'); SDV($DiaryPattern,'/Diary$/'); # comment authentication SDV($HandleAuth['comment'], 'read'); $HandleActions['comment'] = 'HandleCommentPost'; Markup('cbox',''.Keep(str_replace(array('$Chrono','$PostTo','$AccessCode','$CaptchaValue'), array($m[1], $m[2], RandomAccess(), CaptchaValueRelay()), FmtPageName($GLOBALS['CommentBoxFmt'], $pagename))); } Markup('dbox',''.str_replace('$AccessCode', RandomAccess(), FmtPageName($GLOBALS['DiaryBoxFmt'], $pagename)); } if (preg_match($JournalPattern,$pagename) || preg_match($DiaryPattern,$pagename)) { $GroupHeaderFmt .= '(:if auth edit:)(:diarybox:)(:if:)(:nl:)'; if (!PageExists($pagename)) $DefaultPageTextFmt = ''; } if ($action=='print' || $action=='publish') Markup('cbox',' $CommentBoxPlusMaxLinkCount) ? false : true; } function HandleCommentPost($pagename, $auth) { global $JournalPattern, $DiaryPattern, $Author, $EnablePostCaptchaRequired, $IsPagePosted, $EnableRedirectToCommentPage, $PostToCommentPageFmt, $EnablePostToAnyPage, $EnablePostToGroupPage, $EnablePreventDirectives; $req = CBRequestArgs(); $currpage = $pagename; // set current page $currgroup = PageVar($pagename, '$Group'); if(auditJP($req) == false) { CBMessage("ERROR: Too many links in comment"); HandleBrowse($currpage); exit; } if($EnablePostCaptchaRequired AND !IsCaptcha()) Redirect($pagename); if (!$req['post'] || $req['text']=='') Redirect($pagename); if ($req['author'] == '') $Author = 'anonymous'; // handling of postto page if (!$req['postto'] == '') { $tgtpage = MakePageName($pagename, $req['postto']); $tgtgroup = PageVar($tgtpage, '$Group'); $tgtname = PageVar($tgtpage, '$Name'); if($EnablePostToAnyPage==1) $pagename = $tgtpage; if($EnablePostToGroupPage==1 AND $tgtgroup==$currgroup ) $pagename = $tgtpage; else { foreach($PostToCommentPageFmt as $n ) { $n = FmtPageName($n, $pagename); if($n==$tgtpage) { $tgt = 1; $pagename = $tgtpage; continue; } } if(!isset($tgt)) { CBMessage("ERROR: No permission to post to $tgtpage"); HandleBrowse($currpage); exit; } } } if ($EnablePreventDirectives==1) { $req['text'] = preg_replace('/\\(:/', '(:', $req['text']); $req['author'] = preg_replace('/\\(:/', '(:', $req['author']); } $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true); $HandleCommentFunction = (preg_match($JournalPattern,$pagename)) ? 'Journal' : ((preg_match($DiaryPattern,$pagename)) ? 'Diary' : 'Message'); $HandleCommentFunction = 'Handle' . $HandleCommentFunction . 'Post'; $newpage = $page; $newpage['text'] = $HandleCommentFunction($pagename, $req, $page['text']); UpdatePage($pagename, $page, $newpage); if($EnableRedirectToCommentPage==1) Redirect($pagename); if ($IsPagePosted && $tgtpage) CBMessage("Successful post to $tgtpage"); HandleBrowse($currpage); exit; } function FormatDateHeading($txt,$datefmt,$fmt) { return str_replace($txt,strftime($datefmt,time()),$fmt); } ## Journal entry function HandleJournalPost($pagename, $req, $pagetext) { global $JournalDateFmt,$JournalTimeFmt,$JPItemStartFmt,$JPItemEndFmt,$JPDateFmt,$JPTimeFmt, $Author; SDV($JPDateFmt,'>>journaldate<<(:nl:)!!!!$Date'); SDV($JPTimeFmt,"\n>>journalhead<<\n!!!!!– \$Time –\n"); SDV($JPItemStartFmt,">>journalitem<<\n"); SDV($JPItemEndFmt,""); $date = FormatDateHeading('$Date',$JournalDateFmt,$JPDateFmt); $time = $date . FormatDateHeading('$Time',$JournalTimeFmt,$JPTimeFmt); $entry = $time.$JPItemStartFmt.stripmagic($req['text']).$JPItemEndFmt; $text = (strstr($pagetext, $date)) ? str_replace($date, $entry, $pagetext) : "$entry\n>><<\n\n" . $pagetext; return $text; } ## Diary entry function HandleDiaryPost($pagename, $req, $pagetext) { global $JournalDateFmt,$DPDateFmt,$DPItemStartFmt,$DPItemEndFmt,$DPItemFmt; SDV($DPDateFmt,">>diaryhead<<\n!!!!\$Date "); SDV($DPItemStartFmt,"\n>>diaryitem<<\n"); SDV($DPItemEndFmt,""); $date = FormatDateHeading('$Date',$JournalDateFmt,$DPDateFmt); $entry = $date.$DPItemStartFmt.stripmagic($req['text']).$DPItemEndFmt; $text = (strstr($pagetext, $date)) ? str_replace($date, $entry, $pagetext) : "$entry\n>><<\n\n" . $pagetext; return $text; } ## Comment entry function HandleMessagePost($pagename, $req, $pagetext) { global $JournalDateFmt, $JournalTimeFmt, $MPDateFmt, $MPTimeFmt, $MPAuthorLink, $MPItemFmt, $MPItemStartFmt, $MPItemEndFmt, $MPDateTimeFmt, $MPAnchorFmt, $MPAnchorChronoFmt, $CommentboxMessageFmt, $MultipleItemsPerDay, $Author, $PageUrl, $PostsPerPage, $EnablePostAuthorRequired, $EnableWebsiteField, $EnablePageBreaks; if ($EnableWebsiteField==1) { $website = $req['website']; $weblink = '— [-[[(http://)'.$website.']]-]'; if($req['website']=='') $weblink = ''; } else $weblink = ''; $id = StringCount($pagename,">>messagehead<<")+1; if ($EnablePageBreaks==1) { $r = fmod($id-1,$PostsPerPage); if($r==0 && $id>1) SDV($MPItemEndFmt, "\n>><<\n\n(:comment breakpage:)"); else SDV($MPItemEndFmt, "\n>><<"); } else SDV($MPItemEndFmt,"\n>><<"); SDV($MPDateFmt,'>>messagedate<<(:nl:)!!!!$Date'); SDV($MPTimeFmt,"(:nl:)>>messagehead<<\n!!!!!\$Author — [-at \$Time-] $weblink \n"); SDV($MPItemStartFmt,">>messageitem<<\n"); SDV($MPDateTimeFmt,"(:nl:)>>messagehead<<\n!!!!!\$Author — [-\$Date, \$Time-] $weblink \n"); SDV($MultipleItemsPerDay,0); # set to 1 to have date above for multiple entries per day SDV($MPAuthorLink, 1); # set to 0 to disable author name as link SDV($MPAnchorFmt,"(:commentbox:)"); SDV($MPAnchorChronoFmt,"(:commentboxchrono:)"); $name = $req['author']; if ($req['author']=='') $req['author'] = 'anonymous'; # disable anonymous posts, but this looses also any message content: # if($EnablePostAuthorRequired == 1 && $name=='') Redirect($pagename); if($name=='') $name = 'anonymous'; else $name = ($MPAuthorLink==1) ? '[[~' . $name . ']]' : $name; if ($MultipleItemsPerDay) { $date = FormatDateHeading('$Date',$JournalDateFmt,$MPDateFmt); $entry = '[[#comment'.$id.']]'; $entry .= str_replace('$Author',$name, FormatDateHeading('$Time',$JournalTimeFmt,$MPTimeFmt)); } else { $date = ''; $entry = '[[#comment'.$id.']]'; $entry .= FormatDateHeading('$Date',$JournalDateFmt, str_replace('$Author',$name, FormatDateHeading('$Time',$JournalTimeFmt,$MPDateTimeFmt))); } $entry.= $MPItemStartFmt.stripmagic($req['text']).$MPItemEndFmt; $order= $req['order']; if ($order=='') { # order is not chrono, latest top if (strstr($pagetext,$MPAnchorFmt)) { $pos = strpos($pagetext,$MPAnchorFmt); $len = strlen($MPAnchorFmt); $before = substr($pagetext,0,$pos+$len)."\n"; $after = substr($pagetext,$pos+$len); } else { $before = ''; $after = $pagetext; } $entry = "$date$entry"; $after = ($MultipleItemsPerDay && strstr($after, $date)) ? str_replace($date, $entry, $after) : "$entry$after"; } else { # order is chrono, latest last $entry .= "\n"; if (strstr($pagetext,$MPAnchorChronoFmt)) { $pos = strpos($pagetext,$MPAnchorChronoFmt); $before = substr($pagetext,0,$pos); $after = substr($pagetext,$pos); } else { $before = $pagetext; if ($before[strlen($before)-1]!='\n') $before .="\n"; $after = ''; } $before .= ($MultipleItemsPerDay && strstr($before, $date)) ? substr($entry,1) : "$date$entry"; } return "$before\n$after"; } # add page variable {$PostCount}, # counts message items per page $FmtPV['$PostCount'] = 'StringCount($pn,">>messagehead<<")'; function StringCount($pagename,$find) { $page = ReadPage($pagename, READPAGE_CURRENT); $n = substr_count($page['text'], $find); if ($n==0) return ''; #suppressing 0 return $n; } ## get arguments from POST or GET function CBRequestArgs ($req = NULL) { if (is_null($req)) $req = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); foreach ($req as $key=>$val) { if(is_array($val)) foreach($value as $k=>$v) $req[$key][$k] = htmlspecialchars(stripmagic($v),ENT_NOQUOTES); else $req[$key] = htmlspecialchars(stripmagic($val),ENT_NOQUOTES); } return $req; } ## display message function CBMessage($msg) { global $MessagesFmt; $MessagesFmt[] = "
"; } //EOF