[@...@] '/\\{CODE\\(0,0\\)\\}(.+?)\\{CODE\\}/s' => '[@$1@]', # ==underline== --> '+underline+' '/==(.+)==/' => "'+$1+'", # __bold__ --> '''bold''' '/__(.+)__/' => "'''$1'''", # ;term:definition --> :term:definition '/(;+)(.*?:)/e' => "str_replace(';', ':', '$1') . PSS('$2')", # -+monospace+- --> @@monospace@@ '/-\\+(.+?)\\+-/' => '@@$1@@', # ((pagename)) --> [[pagename]] '/\\(\\((.+?)\\)\\)/' => '[[$1]]', )); class PageStoreTiki extends PageStore { var $group; function PageStoreTiki($path, $group) { $this->dirfmt = $path; $this->group = $group; $this->iswrite = 0; $GLOBALS['PageExistsCache'] = array(); } function pagefile($pagename) { if (!preg_match("/^{$this->group}\\./", $pagename)) return ''; return FmtPageName($this->dirfmt, $pagename); } function read($pagename) { global $ConvertTiki; $pagefile = $this->pagefile($pagename); if ($pagefile && ($fp=@fopen($pagefile, "r"))) { ## get heading details into $attr $seenboundary = 0; $boundary='--xxx'; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); while (substr($line, -1, 1) != "\n" && !feof($fp)) $line .= fgets($fp, 4096); $line = rtrim($line); if (preg_match('/^\\s+(\\w+)=(.*)$/', $line, $match)) { list($x, $k, $v) = $match; $v = preg_replace('/;$/', '', $v); $attr[$k] = preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/', '$1', $v); if ($k == 'boundary') $boundary = "--{$attr[$k]}"; continue; } if ($line == $boundary) $seenboundary = 1; if ($line == '' && $seenboundary) break; } ## get page markup into $text $text = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); while (substr($line, -1, 1) != "\n" && !feof($fp)) $line .= fgets($fp, 4096); $line = rtrim($line); if ($line == $boundary) break; $text .= $line . "\n"; } fclose($fp); ## convert TikiWiki attributes to PmWiki attributes foreach(array('pagename'=>'name', 'author'=>'author', 'lastmodified'=>'time', 'version'=>'rev') as $t=>$p) if (isset($attr[$t])) $page[$p] = $attr[$t]; $page['text'] = preg_replace(array_keys($ConvertTiki), array_values($ConvertTiki), $text); } return @$page; } function ls($pats = NULL) { global $GroupPattern, $NamePattern; StopWatch("PageStoreTiki::ls begin {$this->dirfmt}"); $pats=(array)$pats; array_push($pats, "/^$GroupPattern\.$NamePattern$/"); $maxslash = substr_count($dir, '/'); $dir = preg_replace('!/*[^/]*\\$.*$!','',$this->dirfmt); $out = array(); $dfp = @opendir($dir); if ($dfp) { while ( ($pagefile = readdir($dfp)) !== false) { if ($pagefile{0} == '.') continue; $o[] = $this->group . ".$pagefile"; } closedir($dfp); StopWatch("PageStore::ls merge {$this->dirfmt}"); $out = array_merge($out, MatchPageNames($o, $pats)); } StopWatch("PageStore::ls end {$this->dirfmt}"); return $out; } } function UseTikiDir($path, $group = 'Tiki') { global $WikiLibDirs; if (!is_dir($path)) { Abort("?$path is not an accessible directory"); exit(); } array_splice($WikiLibDirs, 1, 0, array(new PageStoreTiki("$path/\$Name", $group))); } SDV($HandleActions['converttiki'], 'HandleConvertTiki'); SDV($HandleAuth['converttiki'], 'admin'); function HandleConvertTiki($pagename, $auth = 'admin') { $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) Abort("?$auth permission required"); global $WikiDir, $WikiLibDirs; Lock(2); $from = 'TikiWiki'; $to = 'PmWiki'; $oldlist = array(); $olddirs = array(); $path = ''; foreach($WikiLibDirs as $d) { if (!is_a($d, 'PageStoreTiki')) continue; $olddirs[] = $d; $path .= ' ' . preg_replace('![^/]*\\$.*!', '', $d->dirfmt); $oldlist = array_merge($oldlist, $d->ls()); } $newlist = ListPages(); $bothlist = array_intersect($oldlist,$newlist); sort($bothlist); $difflist = array_diff($oldlist,$newlist); sort($difflist); $bcount = count($bothlist); $dcount = count($difflist); echo " Convert $from pages to $to

Convert and Copy $from pages into $to

"; $copy = array(); if (@$_POST['copydiff']) $copy = $difflist; if (@$_POST['copyboth']) $copy = array_merge($copy,$bothlist); if (@$_POST['copy']) $copy = array_merge($copy,$_POST['copy']); if (@$copy) { echo "

Okay, I'm now converting the pages you've requested. When this is finished, you can see if anything else needs to be converted, otherwise you can remove this conversion script from your local/config.php file.

"; $copy = array_unique($copy); foreach($copy as $p) { echo "
  • Converting $p
  • \n"; foreach($olddirs as $d) if ($d->exists($p)) { $page = $d->read($p); break; } WritePage($p,$page); } echo "

    Converted ", count($copy), " pages.

    \n"; } else { echo "

    This function will migrate pages from a $from directory ($path) into your $to wiki.d/ directory, converting markups as it proceeds. Note that the files in your $from directory are not affected by this script, so if the conversion doesn't work out for any reason you still have your original pages lying around.

    "; } /* now rebuild the lists */ $oldlist = array(); $olddirs = array(); foreach($WikiLibDirs as $d) { if (!is_a($d, 'PageStoreTiki')) continue; $olddirs[] = $d; $oldlist = array_merge($oldlist, $d->ls()); } $newlist = ListPages(); $bothlist = array_intersect($oldlist,$newlist); sort($bothlist); $difflist = array_diff($oldlist,$newlist); sort($difflist); $bcount = count($bothlist); $dcount = count($difflist); echo "
    "; echo "

    Migrate pages from $from to $to (don't overwrite existing $to pages)

    "; if ($difflist) { echo "

    The following $dcount pages exist only in the $from directory.


    "; foreach($difflist as $p) echo "
    \n"; } else { echo "

    There aren't any pages in your $from directory that are not already in your $to directory.

    "; } echo "

    Migrate pages from $from to $to (overwrite existing $to pages)

    The following $bcount pages exist in both the $from and $to directories. If you use one of the buttons below, then your converted $from pages will overwrite the existing $to pages, and you will lose any edits that you might have made in the $to installation (it's possible that this is what you want).


    "; foreach($bothlist as $p) echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; exit(); }