Please move the page to $SiteAdminGroup.FoxConfig! "; // Search path for fox.css files, if any. if (!isset($FarmPubDirUrl)) $FarmPubDirUrl = $PubDirUrl; SDV($FoxPubListFmt, array ( "pub/fox/fox.css" => "$PubDirUrl/fox/fox.css", "$FarmD/pub/fox/fox.css" => "$FarmPubDirUrl/fox/fox.css" )); # load special styles for edit/delete button and links and for message classes foreach((array)$FoxPubListFmt as $k=>$v) { if (file_exists(FmtPageName($k,$pagename))) { $HTMLHeaderFmt['fox'][] = "\n"; break; } } //conditionals for edit forms $Conditions['foxpreview'] = '(boolean)$_POST["preview"]'; $Conditions['foxcheck'] = $Conditions['foxerror'] = 'FoxCheckErrorCond($condparm) == 1'; function FoxCheckErrorCond($arg) { global $FoxCheckError; if (!$arg) return (boolean)$FoxCheckError; $arg = ParseArgs($arg); if ($arg[''][0] != $_POST["foxname"]) return ''; if (in_array($arg[''][1], $FoxCheckError)) return 1; } //}}} ## (:foxform #section :) or (:foxform FormPage#section :) for loading Fox forms ## #section is retrieved from page(s) given with $FoxFormsFmt. ## $FoxFormsFmt can be array of page names. Markup('foxform', '>if', '/\\(:foxform\\s+(\\S.*?):\\)/i', "FoxLoadForm"); function FoxLoadForm($m) { global $FoxFormsFmt; extract($GLOBALS['MarkupToHTML']); $list = (is_array($FoxFormsFmt)) ? $FoxFormsFmt : array($FoxFormsFmt); $text = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename, $m[1], $list, 'read'); if (!$text) return "%red%Fox form [[$args]] is missing"; return PRR(PVSE($text)); } //}}} //(:fox formname ....:) main form markup, starts a fox form Markup('fox','directives','/\(:fox ([\\w]+)\\s?(.*?):\)/i',"FoxMarkup"); ## Creates the HTML code for the (:fox name [placement] [parameters]:) directive function FoxMarkup($m) { extract($GLOBALS['MarkupToHTML']); $PageUrl = PageVar($pagename, '$PageUrl'); static $cnt = 0; $cnt++; $defaults = array(); $name = $m[1]; $args = ParseArgs($m[2]); if (!isset($args['put'])) $args['put'] = (isset($args[''][0])) ? $args[''][0] : 'bottom'; $opt = array_merge($defaults, $args); if (isset($opt['redirect'])) { $opt['redir'] = $opt['redirect']; unset($opt['redirect']);} $javacheck = (isset($opt['formcheck']) ? $GLOBALS['FoxJSFormCheckFunction']($opt['formcheck']) : ''); $out = $javacheck; $out.= "
". "". "". ""; foreach ($opt as $key => $val) { if(!is_array($val)) $out.= ""; } return Keep($out); } //}}} //(:foxtemplate "...":) (:foxpreviewtemplate "...":) Markup('foxtemplate','