*/ if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit(); /* * HtpasswdForm - An Htpasswd file editor for PmWiki 2.x * Copyright 2005-2020 by D.Faure (dfaure@cpan.org) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * See http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/HtpasswdForm for info. */ $RecipeInfo['HtpasswdForm']['Version'] = '2020-01-14'; include_once("$FarmD/scripts/authuser.php"); SDV($HtpasswordAuth, 'admin'); SDV($HtpasswordDefaultType, 0); SDV($HtpasswordDefaultGroup, ''); SDV($HtpasswordCaptcha, 1); SDV($HtpasswordMandatory, 1); SDVA($HtpasswordTypes, array( /* label salt timestamp? */ 0 => array('apr1', '$apr1$', true), 1 => array('crypt', null, false), 2 => array('SHA-1', '{SHA}', false), )); SDVA($HtpasswordMsgFmt, array( 'created' => "

$['%s' has been created.]

", 'deleted' => "

$['%s' has been deleted.]

", 'no_name' => "

$[no valid name specified.]

", 'unmatched' => "

$[passwords don't match.]

", 'renamed' => "

$['%s' has been renamed to '%s'.]

", 'passupdated' => "

$['%s' password has been updated.]

", 'infoupdated' => "

$['%s' comment has been updated.]

", 'usersupdated' => "

$['%s' group has been updated.]

", 'no_group' => "

$[no group specified.]

", 'useradded' => "

$['%s' has been added to '%s'.]

", 'userremoved' => "

$['%s' has been removed from '%s'.]

", 'exists' => "

$['%s' is already defined. Choose a new one.]

", 'captcha' => "

$[Incorrect captcha given.]

", 'mandatory' => "

$[password is mandatory.]

", '' => "


", )); SDV($HtpasswordForms, array()); $HandleActions['postadmhtpasswd'] = 'HandleHtpasswdAdmForm'; $HandleAuth['postadmhtpasswd'] = $HtpasswordAuth; $HandleActions['postusrhtpasswd'] = 'HandleHtpasswdUsrForm'; $HandleAuth['postusrhtpasswd'] = 'read'; if(IsEnabled($HtpasswordNewUsers, 0)) { $HandleActions['postnewhtpasswd'] = 'HandleHtpasswdNewForm'; $HandleAuth['postnewhtpasswd'] = 'read'; } SDV($EnableHtpassword, HtAuthUserInit($pagename, $HtpasswdFile, 'htpasswd')); SDV($EnableHtgroup, HtAuthUserInit($pagename, $HtgroupFile, 'htgroup')); function HtAuthUserInit($pagename, &$file, $authid) { global $AuthUser, $AuthUserPageFmt; foreach((array)($AuthUser[$authid]) as $f) { SDV($file, $f); break; } if(isset($file)) return true; SDV($AuthUserPageFmt, '$SiteGroup.AuthUser'); $pn = FmtPageName($AuthUserPageFmt, $pagename); $apage = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); if($apage && preg_match("/^\\s*({$authid}):\\s*(.*)/m", $apage['text'], $m)) { $file = $m[2]; return true; } return false; } Markup('htpasswdform', ' 0) foreach($arr as $i => $g) { $chk = ($i == $PCache[$pagename]['idxgrp']) ? "checked='checked'" : ''; $out[] = "(:cellnr:)(:input radio idxgrp value='{$i}' tabindex='$tx' $chk:)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cell:){$g[0]}\n(:cell colspan='2':){$g[1]}"; } else $out[] = "(:cellnr:)\n(:cell colspan='3':)\n\\\\\n%center%(no group)\\\\\\\n"; $l = "(:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)(:input submit rengrp value='$[Rename]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $l .= " (:input submit delgrp value='$[Delete]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = $l; $l = "(:cell colspan='2':)(:input submit adduser value='$[Add a User]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $l .= " (:input submit remuser value='$[Remove a User]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $l .= " (:input submit setusers value='$[Set all Users]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = $l; $out[] = "(:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)$[Group]:\n(:input text namegrp value='{$PCache[$pagename]['namegrp']}' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cell colspan='2':)$[User(s)]:\n(:input text users value='' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cellnr colspan='2':)\n(:cell colspan='2':)(:input submit newgrp value='$[Create Group]' tabindex='$tx':)"; if(IsEnabled($EnableHtpassword, 1)) $out[] = "(:cellnr colspan='4':)\n----"; } if(IsEnabled($EnableHtpassword, 1) && isset($HtpasswdFile)) { SDV($PCache[$pagename]['idxusr'], ''); SDV($PCache[$pagename]['nameusr'], ''); $out[] = "(:cellnr colspan='4':)''$HtpasswdFile''"; $out[] = "(:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)'''$[User]'''\n(:cell:)'''$[Password]'''\n(:cell:)'''$[Comment]'''"; $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); if(count($arr) > 0) foreach($arr as $i => $u) { $chk = ($i == $PCache[$pagename]['idxusr']) ? "checked='checked'" : ''; $out[] = "(:cellnr:)(:input radio idxusr value='{$i}' tabindex='$tx' $chk:)"; $tx++; $user = IsEnabled($EnableHtpasswordProfileLinks, 1) ? "%newwin% [[~{$u[0]}]]" : $u[0]; SDV($u[1], ''); SDV($u[2], ''); $out[] = "(:cell:){$user}\n(:cell:)[@{$u[1]}@]\n(:cell:){$u[2]}"; } else $out[] = "(:cellnr:)\n(:cell colspan='3':)\n\\\\\n%center%(no user)\\\\\\\n"; $l = "(:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)(:input submit renusr value='$[Rename]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $l .= " (:input submit delusr value='$[Delete]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = $l; $out[] = "(:cell:)(:input submit setpw value='$[Set Password]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cell:)(:input submit setinfo value='$[Set Comment]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)$[Username]:\n(:input text nameusr value='{$PCache[$pagename]['nameusr']}' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cell:)$[Password]:\n(:input password passwd value='' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx2 = ++$tx; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cell:)$[Comment]:\n(:input text info value='' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cellnr colspan='2':)\n(:cell:)$[again]:\n(:input password passwd2 value='' tabindex='$tx2':)"; $out[] = "(:cell valign='bottom':)(:input submit newusr value='$[Create User]' tabindex='$tx':)"; $tx++; $out[] = "(:cellnr colspan='2':)\n(:cell:)"; foreach($HtpasswordTypes as $i => $t) { $chk = ($i == $HtpasswordDefaultType) ? "checked='checked'" : ''; $out[] = "(:input radio pwtype value='{$i}' tabindex='$tx' $chk:){$t[0]}"; $tx++; } $out[] = "(:cell:)"; if(IsEnabled($EnableHtgroup, 1) && $grpCount > 0) { SDV($PCache[$pagename]['updgrp'], IsEnabled($EnableHtpasswordGroupUpdated, 1)); $chk = $PCache[$pagename]['updgrp'] ? "checked='checked'" : ''; $out[] = "(:input checkbox updgrp tabindex='$tx' value='1' $chk:)$[update group(s)]"; $tx++; } } $out[] = "(:tableend:)(:input end:)\n(:divend:)"; SDV($PCache[$pagename]['focus'], 'nameusr'); if(isset($HtgroupFile) || isset($HtpasswdFile)) $out[] = HtSetFocus('htpasswdadmform', $PCache[$pagename]['focus']); return implode("\n", $out); } function HandleHtpasswdAdmForm($pagename, $auth) { global $HtpasswordAuth, $EnableHtgroup, $HtgroupFile, $EnableHtpassword, $HtpasswdFile, $MessagesFmt, $HtpasswordMsgFmt, $HandleActions; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $HtpasswordAuth, false); if (!$page) Abort('?unauthorized'); PCache($pagename, $page); $browse = $HandleActions['browse']; $msg = ''; $idxusr = $_REQUEST['idxusr']; $idxgrp = $_REQUEST['idxgrp']; if($EnableHtgroup) { // group handling if(@$_REQUEST['newgrp']) { $name = HtpasswdGetFormGroup($pagename, $auth); $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); $arr[] = array($name, $_REQUEST['users']); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['created'], $name); } elseif(isset($idxgrp)) { if(@$_REQUEST['delgrp']) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); $name = $arr[$idxgrp][0]; unset($arr[$idxgrp]); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['deleted'], $name); } elseif(@$_REQUEST['rengrp']) { $new = HtpasswdGetFormGroup($pagename, $auth); $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); $name = $arr[$idxgrp][0]; $arr[$idxgrp][0] = $new; SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['renamed'], $name, $new); } elseif(@$_REQUEST['adduser']) { $user = $_REQUEST['users']; if($EnableHtpassword && !$user && isset($idxusr)) { $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); $user = $arr[$idxusr][0]; } if($user) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); $name = $arr[$idxgrp][0]; HtgroupAddUser($arr, $name, $user); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['useradded'], $user, $name); } } elseif(@$_REQUEST['remuser']) { $user = $_REQUEST['users']; if($EnableHtpassword && !$user && isset($idxusr)) { $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); $user = $arr[$idxusr][0]; } if($user) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); $name = $arr[$idxgrp][0]; $arr[$idxgrp][1] = HtgroupAlterUsers($arr[$idxgrp][1], $user, ''); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['userremoved'], $user, $name); } } elseif(@$_REQUEST['setusers']) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); $name = $arr[$idxgrp][0]; $arr[$idxgrp][1] = $_REQUEST['users']; SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['usersupdated'], $name); } } } if($EnableHtpassword) { // user handling if(@$_REQUEST['newusr']) { $name = HtpasswdGetFormName($pagename, $auth, true); $pass = HtpasswdGetFormPasswd($pagename, $auth, $_REQUEST['pwtype']); $info = $_REQUEST['info']; $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); if(HtPasswdUserExists($name, $arr)) $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['exists'], $name); else { $arr[] = array($name, $pass, $info); SaveHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile, $arr); if($EnableHtgroup && isset($idxgrp) && @$_REQUEST['updgrp']) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); if(count($arr)) { $group = $arr[$idxgrp][0]; HtgroupAddUser($arr, $group, $name); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); } } $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['created'], $name); } } elseif(isset($idxusr)) { if(@$_REQUEST['delusr']) { $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); $name = $arr[$idxusr][0]; unset($arr[$idxusr]); SaveHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile, $arr); if($EnableHtgroup && isset($idxgrp) && @$_REQUEST['updgrp']) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); if(count($arr)) { for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) $arr[$i][1] = HtgroupAlterUsers($arr[$i][1], $name); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); } } $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['deleted'], $name); } elseif(@$_REQUEST['renusr']) { $new = HtpasswdGetFormName($pagename, $auth, true); $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); $name = $arr[$idxusr][0]; $arr[$idxusr][0] = $new; SaveHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile, $arr); if($EnableHtgroup && isset($idxgrp) && @$_REQUEST['updgrp']) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); if(count($arr)) { for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) $arr[$i][1] = HtgroupAlterUsers($arr[$i][1], $name, $new); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); } } $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['renamed'], $name, $new); } elseif(@$_REQUEST['setpw']) { $pass = HtpasswdGetFormPasswd($pagename, $auth, $_REQUEST['pwtype']); $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); $name = $arr[$idxusr][0]; $arr[$idxusr][1] = $pass; SaveHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['passupdated'], $name); } elseif(@$_REQUEST['setinfo']) { $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); $name = $arr[$idxusr][0]; $arr[$idxusr][2] = $_REQUEST['info']; SaveHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['infoupdated'], $name); } } } $MessagesFmt[] = FmtPageName($msg, $pagename); $browse($pagename, $auth); exit(); } function HtpasswdUsrForm($pagename) { global $InputAttrs, $HtpasswordForms, $PCache, $AuthId, $HtpasswordRemindUserInfo, $HtpasswordGetUserInfo, $HtpasswordUpdateUserInfo; $InputAttrs[] = 'tabindex'; SDV($HtpasswordUpdateUserInfo, $HtpasswordGetUserInfo); if(IsEnabled($HtpasswordRemindUserInfo, 0)) { SDV($HtpasswordForms['reminder'], "(:cell:) \n(:input submit remind value='$[Get Comment]' tabindex='98':)"); $HtpasswordUpdateUserInfo = 1; } if(IsEnabled($HtpasswordUpdateUserInfo, 0)) SDV($HtpasswordForms['usrinfo'], "(:cell:)$[Comment]:\n(:input text info value='\$Info' tabindex='5':)\n"); SDV($HtpasswordForms['user'], "(:messages:) (:div class='htpasswdform htpasswdusrform':) (:input form name='htpasswdusrform' '{\$PageUrl}':)(:input hidden action postusrhtpasswd:) (:table border='0':) (:cellnr:)$[Name]:\n(:input text nameusr value='\$UserName' tabindex='1':) (:cell:)$[Old Password]:\n(:input password passwd0 value='' tabindex='2':) \$UserInfo (:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)$[New Password]:\n(:input password passwd value='' tabindex='3':) \$Reminder (:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)$[again]:\n(:input password passwd2 value='' tabindex='4':) (:cell valign='bottom':) \n(:input submit change value='$[Change Password]' tabindex='99':) (:tableend:)(:input end:)\n(:divend:)"); SDV($PCache[$pagename]['nameusr'], @$AuthId); return FmtPageName(str_replace(array('$UserName', '$UserInfo', '$Info', '$Reminder'), array($PCache[$pagename]['nameusr'], $HtpasswordForms['usrinfo'], htmlspecialchars($PCache[$pagename]['info'], ENT_QUOTES), $HtpasswordForms['reminder']), $HtpasswordForms['user']), $pagename) . HtSetFocus('htpasswdusrform', 'nameusr'); } function HandleHtpasswdUsrForm($pagename, $auth) { global $EnableHtpassword, $HtpasswdFile, $HtpasswordDefaultType, $MessagesFmt, $HtpasswordMsgFmt, $PCache, $HtpasswordRemindUserInfo, $HandleActions; if($EnableHtpassword) { $msg = ''; if(@$_REQUEST['change']) { $name = HtpasswdGetFormName($pagename, $auth); $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { if($name == $arr[$i][0]) { $plain = $_REQUEST['passwd0']; $old = $arr[$i][1]; if(!($old || $plain) || _crypt($plain, $old) == $old) { $arr[$i][1] = HtpasswdGetFormPasswd($pagename, $auth, $HtpasswordDefaultType, $old, false); if($_REQUEST['info']) { $arr[$i][2] = ($_REQUEST['info'] == 'clear') ? '' : $_REQUEST['info']; } SaveHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile, $arr); $msg = sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['passupdated'], $name); } break; } } } elseif(@$_REQUEST['remind'] && IsEnabled($HtpasswordRemindUserInfo, 0)) { $name = HtpasswdGetFormName($pagename, $auth); $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { if($name == $arr[$i][0]) { $PCache[$pagename]['nameusr'] = $name; $PCache[$pagename]['info'] = $arr[$i][2]; break; } } } $MessagesFmt[] = FmtPageName($msg, $pagename); } $HandleActions['browse']($pagename, $auth); exit(); } function HtpasswdNewForm($pagename, $args) { global $InputAttrs, $HtpasswordForms, $HtpasswordGetUserInfo, $HtpasswordCaptcha, $RecipeInfo; $InputAttrs[] = 'tabindex'; $opt = ParseArgs($args); if(IsEnabled($HtpasswordGetUserInfo, 0)) SDV($HtpasswordForms['info'], "(:cell:)$[Comment]:\n(:input text info value='' tabindex='4':)\n"); SDV($opt['page'], ''); SDV($HtpasswordForms['new'], "(:messages:) (:div class='htpasswdform htpasswdnewform':) (:input form name='htpasswdnewform' '{\$PageUrl}':)(:input hidden action postnewhtpasswd:) (:input hidden page '\$TargetPage':) (:table border='0':) (:cellnr:)$[Name]:\n(:input text nameusr value='' tabindex='1':) (:cell:)$[Password]:\n(:input password passwd value='' tabindex='2':) \$UserInfo (:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)$[again]:\n(:input password passwd2 value='' tabindex='3':) (:cell valign='bottom':)(:input submit create value='$[Create]' tabindex='99':) (:cellnr:)\n(:cell colspan='2':)\$Captcha (:tableend:)(:input end:)\n(:divend:)"); $captcha = ''; if(IsEnabled($HtpasswordCaptcha, 1) && @$RecipeInfo['Captcha']) { SDV($HtpasswordForms['captcha'], "$[Enter value]:\n{\$Captcha} (:input captcha:)"); $captcha = FmtPageName($HtpasswordForms['captcha'], $pagename); } return FmtPageName(str_replace(array('$UserInfo', '$Captcha', '$TargetPage'), array($HtpasswordForms['info'], $captcha, $opt['page']), $HtpasswordForms['new']), $pagename) . HtSetFocus('htpasswdnewform', 'nameusr'); } function HandleHtpasswdNewForm($pagename, $auth) { global $EnableHtpassword, $HtpasswdFile, $HtpasswordGetUserInfo, $HtpasswordDefaultType, $HtpasswordMsgFmt, $EnableHtgroup, $HtgroupFile, $HtpasswordDefaultGroup, $MessagesFmt, $AuthId, $HtpasswordAutoLogin, $HtpasswordNewPageRedirect, $HandleActions, $HtpasswordCaptcha, $RecipeInfo; $browse = $HandleActions['browse']; if($EnableHtpassword) { $arr = LoadHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile); if($_REQUEST['create']) { $newName = HtpasswdGetFormName($pagename, $auth); $newPass = HtpasswdGetFormPasswd($pagename, $auth, $HtpasswordDefaultType, '', false); $newInfo = IsEnabled($HtpasswordGetUserInfo, 0) ? $_REQUEST['info'] : ''; if(IsEnabled($HtpasswordCaptcha, 1) && @$RecipeInfo['Captcha'] && ! IsCaptcha()) { $MessagesFmt[] = FmtPageName($HtpasswordMsgFmt['captcha'], $pagename); $browse($pagename, $auth); exit(); } if(HtPasswdUserExists($newName, $arr)) { $MessagesFmt[] = FmtPageName(sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['exists'], $newName), $pagename); $browse($pagename, $auth); exit(); } $arr[] = array($newName, $newPass, $newInfo); SaveHtpasswd($HtpasswdFile, $arr); if($EnableHtgroup && $HtgroupFile && $HtpasswordDefaultGroup) { $arr = LoadHtgroup($HtgroupFile); HtgroupAddUser($arr, $HtpasswordDefaultGroup, $newName); SaveHtgroup($HtgroupFile, $arr); } SDV($HtpasswordNewPageRedirect, $pagename); $target = FmtPageName(@$_REQUEST['page'] ? $_REQUEST['page'] : $HtpasswordNewPageRedirect, $pagename); if(IsEnabled($HtpasswordAutoLogin, 1)) { unset($AuthId); AuthUserId($target, $newName, $_REQUEST['passwd']); } if($target == $pagename) { $MessagesFmt[] = FmtPageName(sprintf($HtpasswordMsgFmt['created'], $newName), $pagename); $browse($pagename, $auth); } else Redirect($target); exit(); } } $browse($pagename, $auth); } function HtpasswdGetFormName($pagename, $auth, $adm = false) { global $PCache, $MessagesFmt, $HtpasswordMsgFmt, $HtpasswordSimpleNameOnly, $HandleActions; $user = $_REQUEST['nameusr']; if(!$user || IsEnabled($HtpasswordSimpleNameOnly, 1) && !preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $user)) { if($adm) { $PCache[$pagename]['idxusr'] = $_REQUEST['idxusr']; $PCache[$pagename]['updgrp'] = $_REQUEST['updgrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['idxgrp'] = $_REQUEST['idxgrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['namegrp'] = $_REQUEST['namegrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['focus'] = 'nameusr'; } $MessagesFmt[] = FmtPageName($HtpasswordMsgFmt['no_name'], $pagename); $HandleActions['browse']($pagename, $auth); exit(); } return $user; } function HtpasswdGetFormPasswd($pagename, $auth, $pwtype, $salt = '', $adm = true) { global $PCache, $MessagesFmt, $HtpasswordMsgFmt, $HtpasswordTypes, $HtpasswordMandatory, $HandleActions; $plain = $_REQUEST['passwd']; $mandatory = IsEnabled($HtpasswordMandatory, 1) && !$plain; if($mandatory || ($plain != $_REQUEST['passwd2'])) { $PCache[$pagename]['nameusr'] = $_REQUEST['nameusr']; $PCache[$pagename]['info'] = $_REQUEST['info']; if($adm) { $PCache[$pagename]['idxusr'] = $_REQUEST['idxusr']; $PCache[$pagename]['updgrp'] = $_REQUEST['updgrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['idxgrp'] = $_REQUEST['idxgrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['namegrp'] = $_REQUEST['namegrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['focus'] = 'passwd'; } $MessagesFmt[] = $mandatory ? FmtPageName($HtpasswordMsgFmt['mandatory'], $pagename) : FmtPageName($HtpasswordMsgFmt['unmatched'], $pagename); $HandleActions['browse']($pagename, $auth); exit(); } if(!$salt) { $salt = $HtpasswordTypes[$pwtype][1]; if($salt && $HtpasswordTypes[$pwtype][2]) $salt .= substr(md5(microtime() . mt_rand(10000, 32000)), 0, 8); } $pw = _crypt($plain, $salt); return $pw; } function HtpasswdGetFormGroup($pagename, $auth) { global $PCache, $MessagesFmt, $HtpasswordMsgFmt, $HandleActions; $group = $_REQUEST['namegrp']; if(!$group) { $PCache[$pagename]['idxusr'] = $_REQUEST['idxusr']; $PCache[$pagename]['nameusr'] = $_REQUEST['nameusr']; $PCache[$pagename]['updgrp'] = $_REQUEST['updgrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['idxgrp'] = $_REQUEST['idxgrp']; $PCache[$pagename]['focus'] = 'namegrp'; $MessagesFmt[] = FmtPageName($HtpasswordMsgFmt['no_group'], $pagename); $HandleActions['browse']($pagename, $auth); exit(); } return $group; } # --- Utilities --- function HtPasswdUserExists($name, $arr) { for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) if($name == $arr[$i][0]) return true; return false; } function HtQuoteUser($user) { if(preg_match("/['\"\\s]/", $user)) $user = "'" . preg_replace("/'/", "\\'", $user) . "'"; return $user; } function HtUnquoteUser($user) { return preg_replace(array('/^(["\'])(.*)\\1$/', '/\\\(["\'])/'), array('$2', '$1'), $user); } function HtgroupAlterUsers($users, $name, $new = '') { if(preg_match_all('/(\w+ |"[^\\\\"]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\"]*)*" |\'[^\\\\\']*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\\']*)*\')/x', $users, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { $uar = array(); foreach($m[0] as $user) { if(HtUnquoteUser($user) == $name) { if($new) $uar[] = HtQuoteUser($new); } else $uar[] = $user; } if(!$name && $new) $uar[] = HtQuoteUser($new); return implode(' ', $uar); } return $new ? $new : $users; } function HtgroupAddUser(&$arr, $group, $user) { for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) if($arr[$i][0] == $group) { $arr[$i][1] = HtgroupAlterUsers($arr[$i][1], '', $user); break; } } function HtSetFocus($form, $name, $set = false) { return '<:block>' . Keep(""); } # --- File management --- function HtPasswdCmp($x, $y) { return strcasecmp($x[0], $y[0]); } function HtArraySort(&$arr, $flag) { global $HtPasswdCmpFunc; SDV($HtPasswdCmpFunc, 'HtPasswdCmp'); if($flag) usort($arr, $HtPasswdCmpFunc); } function LoadHtpasswd($f) { $arr = array(); $fp = @fopen($f, "r"); if($fp) { while($l = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $l = rtrim($l); $arr[] = explode(':', $l, 3); } fclose($fp); } return $arr; } function SaveHtpasswd($f, $arr) { global $HtpasswordSortedFile; if(is_file($f) && !is_writable($f)) Abort("Cannot write to $f (htpasswd)...changes not saved"); HtArraySort($arr, IsEnabled($HtpasswordSortedFile, 0)); ignore_user_abort(true); $fp = fopen($f, "w+"); if(flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { foreach($arr as $u) @fputs($fp, "$u[0]:$u[1]" . ($u[2] ? ":$u[2]" : '') . "\n"); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } fclose($fp); ignore_user_abort(false); } function LoadHtgroup($f) { $arr = array(); $fp = @fopen($f, "r"); if($fp) { while($l = fgets($fp, 4096)) { if (preg_match('/^(\\w[^\\s:]+)\\s*:(.*)$/', trim($l), $m)) { /* $gl = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $m[2], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $arr[] = array($m[1], $gl); #*/ $arr[] = array($m[1], $m[2]); } } fclose($fp); } return $arr; } function SaveHtgroup($f, $arr) { global $HtgroupSortedFile; if(is_file($f) && !is_writable($f)) Abort("Cannot write to $f (htgroup)...changes not saved"); HtArraySort($arr, IsEnabled($HtgroupSortedFile, 0)); ignore_user_abort(true); $fp = fopen($f, "w+"); if(flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { foreach($arr as $g) /* fputs($fp, "$g[0]:" . implode(' ', $g[1]) . "\n"); #*/ fputs($fp, "$g[0]:$g[1]\n"); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } fclose($fp); ignore_user_abort(false); }