### ___ LIVELEAK ___ ### ### Copy this code on the end of " swf-sites.php " file. ### ### To post a video in your pmwiki site, type... ### (:liveleak video_id:) ### ### ### For example, for... ### http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=807_1205822827 ### type... ### (:liveleak 807_1205822827:) ### end the result will be like this... ### http://anarchy-domisi-ideon.awardspace.info/main/pmwiki.php?n=Main.ΚιθάραΜεΤοΚουτάλι ### ### Markup('liveleak', ' '450' ,'height' => '370' ,'plwidth' => '480' # slightly different default size for embedding playlists ,'plheight' => '385' # slightly different default size for embedding playlists ,'scale' => '1' ,'fs' => '1' ,'hd' => '1' ,'nocookie' => '0' )); SDV($LiveLeak_XHTMLcompliant, true); SDV($LiveLeakROEenabled, true); # ROEPatterns - LIVELEALIVELEAK EMBED CONVERSION # Converts pasted liveleak embed code into valid pmwiki (:liveleak:) code if ($LiveLeakROEenabled) { $ROEPatterns['!!ie'] = "LiveleakROE(PSS('$0'))"; SDV($LiveLeakROEFmt, '(:liveleak $1 scale=1:)'); function LiveleakROE($videocode) { global $LiveLeakROEFmt; # add nocookie=1 if embed code is from http://liveleak-nocookie.com if(strpos($videocode,'-nocookie')) $LiveLeakROEFmt = str_replace('$1','$1 nocookie=1',$LiveLeakROEFmt); # gather other parameters - width, height, border, color1, color2, rel ## gathering width and height here b/c liveleak now offers different embed dimensions preg_match('#'','height'=>'','scale'=>'','playlist'=>'','nocookie'=>'')); # create parameter string, in the form ?arg1=val1&arg2=val2 $params = "?"; $i = 0; foreach($args as $key => $val) { if ($key!='#') { #echo "$key - $val
"; if($i!=0) $params .= "&"; $params .= "$key=$val"; $i++; } } } # Privacy: NoCookie Option if ($LiveLeakDefaultParams['nocookie'] || $nocookieArg) $url = "http://www.liveleak.com/$vidtype/$id$params"; else $url = "http://www.liveleak.com/$vidtype/$id$params"; # Output if ($LiveLeak_XHTMLcompliant) { # XHTML 1.0 COMPLIANT $out = "\n"; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n"; } else { $out = "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n "; $out .= "\n"; } return Keep($out); }