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(:linebreaks:)', 'N' => '%id=name apply=block%', 'C' => ':cc:%id=copy apply=block%', 'F' => '%id=location apply=block%(:nolinebreaks:)', 'P' => '%id=phone apply=block%', 'X' => ':'.$LetterSignedChar.':%class=signed apply=block%') as $k => $v) SDV($LetterMarkupStyles[$k], $v); Markup_e('countersign', ''"); Markup('letter', '


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'.$m[1].($m[2] ? $m[2] : '.').'

'. $m[3].'

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and multipar item lists Markup('::$','<\\$',"/:[:+]\n/",':+'); Markup(':+:','<^::','/^(:+.*?:)((?:.*?:\+.*?)+)$/', "ddHelper"); Markup(':+*','<^*','/^([#*]+)((?:.*?:\+.*?)+)$/', "itemHelper"); Markup(':+P','>:+*','/:\+/','
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'; } ## teaser markups T[:*#] Name#id and (:para Name#id:) if ($MarkupExtensions['para']) { Markup('para','directives', "/\(:para\s+(.+?)(?:#([^:\s]+))?(?:\s+(more|edit))?:\)/", "para_e"); function para_e($m) { extract($GLOBALS['MarkupToHTML']); return TeaseParagraph($pagename,$m[1],$m[2],$m[3]); } Markup('tfl','directives',"/^T([:*#]+)\s*(\[\[.+?\]\])/", "tfl_e"); function tfl_e($m) { extract($GLOBALS['MarkupToHTML']); return TeaserFL($pagename,$m[1],$m[2]); } Markup('tww','directives', "/^T([:*#]+)\s*((?:$GroupPattern([\/.]))?$WikiWordPattern)/", "tww_e"); function tww_e($m) { extract($GLOBALS['MarkupToHTML']); return Teaser($pagename,$m[1],$m[2]); } SDV($ParaBadAnchorFmt,"'''\$Anchor''' \$[not found in] \$FullName\n"); SDV($DefaultTeaserAnchor,'teaser'); SDV($TeaserMoreFmt,' ([[$FullName | more]])'); SDV($TeaserEditFmt,' ([[$FullName?action=edit | edit]])'); SDV($DefaultTeaserTextFmt,'Page [[$Group/$Namespaced]] is undefined.'); } function TeaserFL($pagename,$markup,$linkword) { global $UrlExcludeChars,$DefaultTeaserAnchor; if (preg_match('/#wikipublisher\\.[^\\|]+\\|([^\\]]+)/',$linkword,$match)) $link = $match[1]; else $link = FLRef($linkword); if (preg_match("/^\\[\\[(.+?)#([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*)/",$linkword,$m)) { $link = str_replace('#'.$m[2],'',$link); $linkword = str_replace($m[1].'#'.$m[2],$m[1],$linkword); $anch = ($m[2]=='') ? $DefaultTeaserAnchor : $m[2]; } else $anch = ''; return "$markup$linkword: " . TeaseParagraph($pagename,$link,$anch,''); } function FLRef($linkword) { $l = preg_replace('/\\s*\\|[^\\]]+/','',$linkword); $l = preg_replace('/[^\\]]+-+>\\s*/','',$l); $l = preg_replace('/[()]/','',$l); return preg_replace('/[#?][^\\s]+/','',$l); } function Teaser($pagename,$markup,$linkword) { return "$markup$linkword: " . TeaseParagraph($pagename,$linkword,'',''); } function TeaseParagraph($pagename,$teasername,$teaseranch,$act=NULL) { global $ParaBadAnchorFmt,$TeaserMoreFmt,$TeaserEditFmt,$DefaultTeaserAnchor, $DefaultTeaserTextFmt, $Charset; $tname = MakePageName($pagename,$teasername); if ($tname==$pagename) return "''self reference omitted''"; if ($act=='edit') $taction = str_replace('$FullName',$tname,$TeaserEditFmt); else $taction = ''; $tpage=RetrieveAuthPage($tname,'read',false,''); if (isset($tpage['text'])) $ttext = $tpage['text']; else return FmtPageName($DefaultTeaserTextFmt,$teasername); $tgroup = FmtPageName('$Group',$tname); if ($teaseranch=='') { $tpara = CleanParagraph($pagename,$tgroup, substr($ttext,0,strpos($ttext."\n","\n"))); if ($act=='more') $taction=str_replace('$FullName',$tname,$TeaserMoreFmt); } elseif (preg_match("/\\[\\[#+$teaseranch\\]\\]\\n?([^\\n]+)/",$ttext,$m)) { $tpara = CleanParagraph($pagename,$tgroup,$m[1]); if ($act=='more') $taction = str_replace('$FullName',"$tname#$teaseranch",$TeaserMoreFmt); } elseif ($teaseranch==$DefaultTeaserAnchor) $tpara = CleanParagraph($pagename,$tgroup, substr($ttext,0,strpos($ttext."\n","\n"))); else $tpara = str_replace('$Anchor',$teaseranch, FmtPageName($ParaBadAnchorFmt,$tname)); return htmlspecialchars($tpara,ENT_NOQUOTES,$Charset).$taction; } function CleanParagraph($pagename,$group,$para) { global $GroupPattern,$WikiWordPattern; if (preg_match('/^\\|\\|/',$para)) return "''tabular material omitted''"; $pgroup = FmtPageName('$Group',$pagename); $p = preg_replace("/^[#*!]+\s*/","",$para); $p = preg_replace("/^:.*?:/","",$p); $p = preg_replace("/^([[:upper:]]);(.*?);/","$1$2",$p); $p = preg_replace("/`\\..*?$/","...",$p); $p = preg_replace("/\\[@(.*?)@\\]/","@@[=$1=]@@",$p); $p = preg_replace_callback( "/\\[=(.*?)=\\]/", function ($m) { return Keep($m[1]); }, $p); $p = preg_replace("/\\(:title.*?:\\)/","",$p); $p = preg_replace("/\\[\\[#.*?\\]\\]/","",$p); $p = preg_replace_callback( "/([`:\/]?)\\b(($GroupPattern([\\/.]))?$WikiWordPattern)/", function ($m) use ($group,$pgroup) { return QualifyWLink($pgroup,$group,$m[1],$m[2]); }, $p); $p = preg_replace_callback( "/\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]/", function ($m) use ($group,$pgroup) { return '[['.QualifyFLink($pgroup,$group,$m[1]).']]'; }, $p); $p = str_replace('::','',$p); return FmtPageName(preg_replace("/{(\\$.*?)}/",'$1',$p),$pagename); } function QualifyWLink($pgroup,$group,$esc,$link) { global $WikiWordCount,$WikiWordCountMax,$AbbreviationEnabled, $AbbreviationPattern;; if ($esc) return "$esc$link"; if ($pgroup==$group) return $link; $wwcount = (isset($WikiWordCount[$link])) ? $WikiWordCount[$link] : $WikiWordCountMax; if ($wwcount==0) return $link; if ($AbbreviationEnabled && preg_match("/^$AbbreviationPattern$/",$link)) return $link; return (preg_match("/[.\\/]/",$link)) ? $link : QualifiedLink($group,$link); } function QualifyFLink($pgroup,$group,$link) { if ($pgroup==$group) return $link; $l = FLRef($link); return (preg_match("/[~!:.\\/]/",$l)) ? $link : str_replace("$l",QualifiedLink($group,$l),$link); } function QualifiedLink($grp,$ref) { return ($grp.'1'==FmtPageName('$Group',MakePageName($grp.'1.'.$grp,$ref))) ? "$grp/$ref" : $ref; } ## lazy web links (an alternative to the one from Pm) if ($MarkupExtensions['lazyweb']) Markup('lazyweb','','<)/",' $1'); Markup(']+?)\s*\n\s?/",'$1 '); Markup('emquo','style',"/(<.*?>['\"]*(?:`')?\s?)|(.?['\"]+(?:`')?\s?)/", "squoHandler"); Markup('sq|','>inline',"/(\\[\\[[^|\\]]+\\|)(.*?)(\\]\\])/", "squolinkHandler"); Markup('sq->','>inline',"/(\\[\\[)([^\\]]+?)(-+>.*?\\]\\])/", "squolinkHandler"); SDV($SmartQuoteStyle, 'GB'); $SmartQuoteChars = array( 'CH' => array('o' => array('l' => 'la', 'r' => 'ra'), 'i' => array('l' =>'lsa', 'r' => 'rsa')), 'DE' => array('o' => array('l' => 'bd', 'r' => 'ld'), 'i' => array('l' =>'sb', 'r' => 'ls')), 'DK' => array('o' => array('l' => 'ra', 'r' => 'la'), 'i' => array('l' =>'rsa', 'r' => 'lsa')), 'ES' => array('o' => array('l' => 'la', 'r' => 'ra'), 'i' => array('l' =>'ld', 'r' => 'rd')), 'FI' => array('o' => array('l' => 'rd', 'r' => 'rd'), 'i' => array('l' =>'rs', 'r' => 'rs')), 'FR' => array('o' => array('l' => 'la', 'r' => 'ra'), 'i' => array('l' =>'ld', 'r' => 'rd')), 'GB' => array('o' => array('l' => 'ld', 'r' => 'rd'), 'i' => array('l' =>'ls', 'r' => 'rs')), 'NL' => array('o' => array('l' => 'bd', 'r' => 'rd'), 'i' => array('l' =>'sb', 'r' => 'rs')), 'PL' => array('o' => array('l' => 'bd', 'r' => 'rd'), 'i' => array('l' =>'la', 'r' => 'ra')), 'SE' => array('o' => array('l' => 'ra', 'r' => 'ra'), 'i' => array('l' =>'ls', 'r' => 'rs')), ); } function emquoHandler($m) { return $m[1].ltrim(SmartenQuotes(' '.$m[2])).$m[3]; } function squoHandler($m) { return BypassHTML($m); } function squolinkHandler($m) { return $m[1].SmartenLinkText($m[2]).$m[3]; } function SmartenLinkText($txt) { global $LinkPattern,$UrlExcludeChars,$ImgExtPattern; if (!preg_match("/($LinkPattern)([^$UrlExcludeChars]+$ImgExtPattern)/",$txt)) $txt = preg_replace_callback( "/(<.*?>['\"]*\s?)|(.?['\"]+\s?)/", function ($m) { return BypassHTML($m); }, $txt); return $txt; } function BypassHTML($m) { $hstring = (isset($m[1]))? $m[1] : NULL; $qstring = (isset($m[2]))? $m[2] : NULL; if ($qstring=='') { $qstring = preg_replace("/.*>/",'',$hstring); $hstr = preg_replace("/>.*/",'>',$hstring); if (trim($qstring)=='') $r = $qstring; else { if (strstr($hstr,"")) $qstring = ">" . $qstring; $r = SmartenQuotes($qstring); } return $hstr.$r; } else return SmartenQuotes($qstring); } function SmartenQuotes($chars) { global $SmartQuoteStyle, $SmartQuoteChars; $s = 0; $r = ''; $sty = $SmartQuoteStyle; if ($chars[0] =="'" || $chars[0] == '"') { $quotes = $chars; $char = ''; } else { $quotes = substr($chars,1); $char = $chars[0]; if ($char=='`') $sty = 'GB'; elseif (strlen($quotes)>1 && $quotes[0]==$quotes[1] && !strstr(" =-[(",$char)) { $p = ($quotes[0]=="'") ? "p" : "P"; $r = "$char&$p" . "rime;"; $s = 2; $char = "`"; } } $hands = array('l','r'); $h = ($char=="" || strstr(" =-[(",$char)) ? 0 : 1; if ($char=="`" || $char==">") $char = ""; $r .= $char; $x = ''; if (preg_match("/\s$/",$quotes,$m)) { $quotes = rtrim($quotes); $x = ' '; } elseif ($h && $quotes=="'") $sty = 'GB'; $preq = 'x'; for ($i=$s;$i $r) { $text = isClosure($r) ? preg_replace_callback($p,$r,$text) : preg_replace($p,$r,$text); } return $text; } SDVA($LinkCleaner, array( '/`\..*?$/' => '...', "/\\{(\\$.*?)\\}/" => '$1', "/\\[\\[([^|\\]]+)\\|\\s*(.*?)\\]\\]($SuffixPattern)/" => function ($m) use (&$pagename) { return MakeLink($pagename,$m[1],$m[2],$m[3],'$LinkText'); }, "/\\[\\[([^\\]]+?)\\s*-+>\\s*(.*?)\\]\\]($SuffixPattern)/" => function ($m) use (&$pagename) { return MakeLink($pagename,$m[2],$m[1],$m[3],'$LinkText'); }, '/\\[\\[#([A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*)\\]\\]/' => "", "/\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]($SuffixPattern)/" => function ($m) use (&$pagename) { return MakeLink($pagename,$m[1],NULL,$m[2],'$LinkText'); }, '/[\\[\\{](.*?)\\|(.*?)[\\]\\}]/' => '$1', "/`(($GroupPattern([\\/.]))?($WikiWordPattern))/" => '$1', "/$GroupPattern\\/($WikiWordPattern)/" => '$1' )); if ($MarkupExtensions['links']) { SDV($WikiStylePattern,'%%|%[A-Za-z][-,=:#\\w\\s\'"().]*%'); $oLinkPageFunction = $LinkFunctions['<:page>']; $LinkFunctions['<:page>'] = 'LinkPageTitle'; if ($action=='browse') { $LinkPageSelfFmt = "\$LinkText"; $HTMLStylesFmt['selfref'] = "li.browse b { font-weight: normal; }"; } elseif ($action=='edit') $HTMLStylesFmt['selfref'] = "li.edit a { border-bottom: 1px dotted; }"; elseif ($action=='diff') $HTMLStylesFmt['selfref'] = "li.diff a { border-bottom: 1px dotted; }"; elseif ($action=='upload') $HTMLStylesFmt['selfref'] = "li.upload a { border-bottom: 1px dotted; }"; elseif ($action=='searchinsitu') $HTMLStylesFmt['selfref'] = "form a.search { border-bottom: 1px dotted; }"; $LinkPageExistsTitleFmt = "\$LinkText"; $LinkPageCreateFmt = "\$LinkText?"; $MakePageNameFunction = 'LocalMakePageName'; } function LocalMakePageName($basepage, $str) { global $MakePageNameFunction; $MakePageNameFunction = ''; $n = MakePageName($basepage, preg_replace('/".*?"/', '', $str)); $MakePageNameFunction = 'LocalMakePageName'; return $n; } function LinkPageTitle($pagename,$imap,$path,$title,$txt,$fmt=NULL) { global $oLinkPageFunction,$LinkPageExistsTitleFmt,$UrlExcludeChars; if ($fmt!='') return $oLinkPageFunction($pagename,$imap,$path,$title,$txt,$fmt); if (preg_match("/^([^#?]+)(?:#([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*))?$/",$path,$match)) { $tgtname = MakePageName($pagename,$match[1]); $anch=@$match[2]; if ($title) $txt = str_replace('"'.$title.'"','',$txt); if (PageExists($tgtname) && $tgtname!=$pagename) { if (!$title) $title = TitleParagraph($tgtname,$anch); if ($title) $fmt = str_replace('$ToolTip',$title,$LinkPageExistsTitleFmt); } } return $oLinkPageFunction($pagename,$imap,$path,$title,$txt,$fmt); } function TitleParagraph($pagename,$anch) { global $WikiStylePattern, $ParaBadAnchorFmt; $refpage = ReadPage($pagename); $para = ''; $title = ($anch=='') ? preg_match("/^(?:!+|:.*?:)\\s*(?:\\[\\[#.*?\\]\\])?([^\\n]+)/", $refpage['text'],$match) : preg_match("/\\[\\[#+$anch\\]\\]\\n?([^\\n]+)/", $refpage['text'],$match); if ($title) { $para = preg_replace("/!.*?$/",'',$match[1]); $para = preg_replace("/(''+|@@)(.*?)\\1/",'$2',$para); $para = preg_replace("/'([-_^;+\\/])(.*?)\\1'/",'$2',$para); $para = preg_replace("/\\[([@=]|[-+]+)(.*?)\\1\\]/",'$2',$para); $para = preg_replace("/$WikiStylePattern/",'',$para); $para = cleanLinkText($pagename, $para); if (strlen($para)>60) $para = substr($para,0,60) . '...'; $para = str_replace(array('"','...','`'),array('"','…',''), htmlentities($para)); } elseif ($anch!='') $para = $anch; return $para; } ## rowspan in simple tables Markup('||++', '>^||', '/(]*>.*?)(\+\++)/', "CellRowspanHandler"); function CellRowspanHandler($m) { $string = $m[1]; $r = strlen($m[2]); return preg_replace('/^(.*<\/t[dh]>)?(]*)(>.*?)$/', '$1$2 rowspan="'.$r.'"$3',$string); } ## rowspan filler Markup('||^^', '<^||||', '/\|\|\^\^+(?=\|\|)/',''); ## colspan filler Markup('||__', '<^||||', '/\|\|__+(?=\|\|)/','||');