";" with the commented string below. *Comment* This is not really nice. I will make a revision of the script in January /February 2005. *Attention* This script works only with pmwiki2! */ //$NewGroup = array('Main', 'PmWiki'); markup('newpageform','inline','/\\(:newpageform:\\)/e',"Keep(NewPageForm(\$pagename))"); ## NewPageForm() generates the form for entering a new page. Note that ## once a page has been created, it's a normal wikipage and is edited ## according to the normal editing code (i.e., there's no form-based ## editing yet). function NewPageForm($pagename) { //global $NewGroup; $out[] = "
"; /* "; $out[] = "
"; return FmtPageName(implode('',$out),$pagename); } $HTMLStylesFmt[] = ".pitsfield { text-align:right; font-weight:bold; }\n"; include_once("$FarmD/scripts/author.php"); if ($action=='postnewpage') { $pagename = "{$_REQUEST ['group']}."."{$_REQUEST ['newpagename']}"; if (!PageExists($pagename)) { if ($_REQUEST ['group'] == "") { $pagename = "Main."."{$_REQUEST ['newpagename']}";} if ($_REQUEST ['group'] == "PITS") { Abort("cannot create pages in PITS. Please use the PITS Form for a new issue. It's located at $ScriptUrl/PITS/PITS ");} if ($_REQUEST ['newpagename'] == "") { $UrlPage="{$_REQUEST ['group']}"; Redirect($PageNotFound);} else Lock(2); $action = 'edit'; $_REQUEST['post'] = 1; $CreateTime = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',$Now); $EditMessageFmt = "

Please review and make any edits to your issue below, then press 'Save'

"; $_POST['text'] = "{$_REQUEST['description']}"; } else {Redirect($pagename);} } ?>