ls() to obtin number of articles Copyright 2006-2011 Anomen ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ $RecipeInfo['CachedNumberOfArticles']['Version'] = '2021-10-25'; Markup('numberofarticles','inline','/\\(:numberofarticles(\s+refresh)?\s*:\\)/si', "mu_Noa"); $NOAFile = "$WorkDir/.noa"; function mu_Noa($m) { return Keep(noa_GetNumArticles($m[1])); } function noa_RefreshNumArticles() { global $NOAFile; global $WikiDir; $count = count($WikiDir->ls()); $f = fopen($NOAFile, 'w'); fwrite($f, $count); fclose($f); return "$count\n"; } function noa_GetNumArticles($refresh) { global $NOAFile; $content = array(); if (!empty($refresh)) { return noa_RefreshNumArticles(); } else if (FALSE === ($content = @file($NOAFile))) { return noa_RefreshNumArticles(); } else { return implode('', $content); } }