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You have previously voted.

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Rate this page:

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Rating: ".@number_format($RatingAverage,2)." ({$RatingCount} " . $PRS_Vote['wording']['use'] . " )

function PRS_SaveRatings () { global $pagename, $PRS_Vote, $MessagesFmt,$Author; // validate vote info if ((!is_numeric($_GET['vote'])) || $_GET['vote'] < 1 || $_GET['vote'] > $PRS_Vote['max_stars']) { $MessagesFmt[] = "Only a vote from 1 to $PRS_Vote[max_stars] may be assigned."; HandleBrowse($pagename); exit(); } // Read the old page, set up the new page $oldpage = ReadPage($pagename); $newpage = $oldpage; // Setting up search patterns and replace patterns // if the vote is "exclusive" users may only vote once. We must track usernames and votes to be sure people don't re-vote. if ($PRS_Vote['exclusive']) { $newtext = "Rating_$Author:$_GET[vote]"; $pattern = '/Rating_' . $Author . ':(\d+)/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $newpage['text'],$matches)) { $newpage['text'] = preg_replace($pattern, $newtext, $newpage['text'], 1); // if the vote is exclusive, don't increase the #votes or add the sum incorrectly $newpage['RatingSum'] = $newpage['RatingSum'] - $matches[1] + $_GET['vote']; } else { $newpage['RatingCount']++; $newpage['RatingSum'] = $newpage['RatingSum'] + $_GET['vote']; } } else { // if the vote is not exclusive, we're not tracking votes by usernames. $newtext = 'Rating:' . $_GET['vote']; $newpage['RatingCount']++; $newpage['RatingSum'] = $newpage['RatingSum'] + $_GET['vote']; } // Add markup to page // and if the vote should be private if ($PRS_Vote['hidden']) { $newpage['text'] = $newpage['text'] . "\n(:$newtext:)"; // or the vote should be public } else { $newpage['text'] = $newpage['text'] . "\n$newtext"; } // copying page values to variables $PRS_Vote['count'] = $newpage['RatingCount'];//how many votes total @$newpage['RatingAverage'] = $newpage['RatingSum'] / $newpage['RatingCount']; // calculate the average // This is not really being used!! $PRS_Vote['wording']['use']=($PRS_Vote['count']==1) ? $PRS_Vote['wording']['one'] : $PRS_Vote['wording']['many'];//plural form votes/vote // Make the page changes UpdatePage($pagename, $oldpage, $newpage); unset($_POST); HandleBrowse($pagename); exit(); }