* Create a MyPitsGroup.MyPitsForm page and put in it: (:pitsform:) * Create a MyPitsGroup.MyPitsList page and put in it: (:pitslist[ somefield=somevalue,othervalue otherfield=!excludevalue ...]:) where "somefield" is the name of a field and "somevalue,othervalue" are the values you want to list. On the opposite "otherfield=!excludevalue" will exclude the records where "otherfield" correspond to "excludevalue". But you can just put (:pitslist:) to display the full list. * ... That's it ! ---- Notes: * All vars in the templates MUST be escaped (ex: \$SomeVar) * Vars can be "local" ones or "global" ones * Local vars correspond to field names: (ex: $summary = content of the 'summary' field) * Global vars are those given by PmWiki, like $Author and $Now. Currently, $Author and $Now are the only ones supported, but you can add others in function PitsEvalTemplate(). You must avoid $...Url vars like $PageUrl and such, since the http://... link in them would be interpretated twice. But you can use [[...]] type of links anyway. * You can even use PHP functions in templates: ex: ".strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',$Now)." (see $PitsFormTemplateFmt) ---- History: 0.10 - Initial version released by Pm with the disclaimers above 0.20 - Modifications by Didier Lebrun : * De-specialized the original code (hardcoded -> config vars) * Stripped $PageUrl vars in template * Allowed space after label ("Label : content") * Limited parsing to the PITS header (leave out the comments below) * Allowed links in any table fields (ex: [[~Author]]) * Stripped LF and other spaces between HTML lines (avoid vspace) * Added HTML entities charset for some systems (mainly NTFS ?) 0.21 - Modifications by Didier Lebrun : * Fixed label parsing for i18n charsets * Fixed description entry in edit template (LF problem) * Transfered default values from edit template to form template * Suppressed unuseful $PitsGroup global var * Added (:pitstrail[ PageName|Label]:) markup and assorted function */ define(PITS_VERSION, '0.21'); # ---- Config vars ---- # ## These vars can be overriden in the PITS group configuration file ## (local/YourPITSGroupName.php). Whenever you see something like: ## SDV($SomeVar, "default setup"); ## you must put in your config something like: ## $SomeVar = "custom setup"; ## SDV() is a just PmWiki function allowing to set a default value ## when none has been setup in the config. ## Number of chars for page names SDV($PitsIDLenght,5); ## Label to field name mapping. Labels and names can be whatever you like, ## as long as they are consistent through all configuration vars. SDV($PitsLabels, array( 'Summary' => 'summary', 'Created' => 'created', 'Status' => 'status', 'Category' => 'category', 'From' => 'author', 'Assigned' => 'assigned', 'Priority' => 'priority', 'Version' => 'version', 'OS' => 'os', 'Description' => 'description' )); ## Template for the input form SDV($PitsFormTemplateFmt, "
Priority: Low High
PmWiki Version:
PHP Version:
"); ## Template for filling the edit box with input data ## "----" MUST be present at the end to separate the entries from the ## eventual comments that could be added afterwards. SDV($PitsEditTemplateFmt, " Summary: \$summary Created: \$created Status: \$status Category: \$category From: [[~\$author]] Assigned: \$assigned Priority: \$priority Version: \$version OS: \$os Description:[[<<]]\$description ---- !!!Comments ---- (:pitstrail:) "); ## Template for list table. ## The "(/)PitsListItemFmt" tags MUST be present as delimiters of the entry part. SDV($PitsListTemplateFmt, "
Issue# Created Category Version Priority Status Summary
[[\$name]] \$created \$category \$version \$priority \$status \$summary
"); ## HTML styles SDV($PitsStylesFmt, " .pitsform {} .pitsform td.label { text-align:right; font-weight:bold; } .pitsform td.input {} .pitspage {} .pitspage span.label {} .pitspage span.data {} .pitslist {} .pitslist th { background-color:#eeeeee; } .pitslist th a { text-decoration:none; } "); ## Edit form top message SDV($PitsEditMessageFmt,"

Please review and make any edits to your issue below, then press 'Save'.

"); ## Fields that can be filtered by name=criteria args SDV($PitsListFilters,array('summary','created','status','category','priority','version')); ## Criteria used for default and complementary sorting after explicit criteria SDV($PitsListDefaultSort,array('-priority','status','category','name')); ## Charset for HTML entities conversion ('ISO-8859-1' usually, 'UTF-8' on NTFS systems) SDV($PitsHtmlEntitiesCharset, 'ISO-8859-1'); # ---- end of Config vars ---- # $HTMLStylesFmt[] = $PitsStylesFmt; markup('pitsform','inline','/\\(:pitsform:\\)/e',"Keep(PitsForm(\$pagename))"); markup('pitslist','directive','/\\(:pitslist\\s*(.*?):\\)/e', "FmtPitsList('',\$pagename,array('q'=>PSS('$1')))"); markup('pitsread','directive','/^('.implode('|',array_keys($PitsLabels)).')\s*:(.*)/', "<:block>
$1:\ $2
"); markup('pitstrail',']#',$tmpl); if(count($sect)!=3) Abort("\$PitsListTemplateFmt MUST have 3 sections !"); $out[] = FmtPageName(array_shift($sect),$pagename); $terms = preg_split('/((?=@$min;$i--) { $prev = sprintf("%0".$PitsIDLenght."d",@$i); if(PageExists("$group.$prev")) { $prev = '[['.$prev.']]'; break; } $prev = ''; } $i = @$name+1; list(,$max) = explode('.',array_pop($pitslist)); for($i;$i<=@$max;$i++) { $next = sprintf("%0".$PitsIDLenght."d",@$i); if(PageExists("$group.$next")) { $next = '[['.$next.']]'; break; } $next = ''; } return "<< $prev | $trailindex | $next >>"; } ## This function creates specialized ordering functions needed to ## (more efficiently) perform sorts on arbitrary sets of criteria. function CreateOrderFunction($order) { $code = ''; foreach(preg_split('/[\\s,|]+/',strtolower($order),-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $o) { if (substr($o,0,1)=='-') { $r='-'; $o=substr($o,1); } else $r=''; if (preg_match('/\\W/',$o)) continue; $code .= "\$c=strcasecmp(@\$x['$o'],@\$y['$o']); if (\$c!=0) return $r\$c;\n"; } $code .= "return 0;\n"; return create_function('$x,$y',$code); } ## This function is used to evaluate the templates while insulating their ## vars from potential name conflicts function PitsEvalTemplate($hash,$tmpl) { global $Author,$Now; foreach($hash as $k=>$v) $$k = $v; return(@eval("return(\"$tmpl\");")); } ?>