"); SDV($displayDrawingEditFmt, ""); // css style for drawing caption #$HTMLStylesFmt[] = ".pmwikidraweditlink { font-size:70%; font-weight:bold; }\n"; // Add extra colors to the fill/color menus. #$drawingExtraColors = "Aquamarine=#70DB93,New Tan=EBC79E,Sea Green=238E68,Motorola Blue=#3ff"; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------- Globally executed code -------------------- // Work out which version of PmWiki we're looking at :) preg_match('/.*-(\\d+)/',$Version,$match); $pmwikiver = $match[1]; if($pmwikiver <= 1) { echo "PmWikiDraw no longer supports PmWiki1, please upgrade to PmWiki2. Thanks."; exit(); } // Add in our required file extensions and associate the new markup. SDVA($UploadExts, array('gif' => 'image/gif', 'draw' => 'text/plain', 'map' => 'text/plain')); Markup('drawing','inline', "/\\(:drawing\\s*(\\w[-.\\w]*\\w)\\s*:\\)/", "drawing"); SDV($HandleActions['imagehistory'],'HandleImageHistory'); SDV($HandleActions['postDrawing'], 'HandlePostDrawing'); // Modify global variables based on the current action type. if ($action=='editimage') { $editImage = true; } else { $editImage = false; } if($action=='print' || $action=='publish' || $action=='editimage' || $action=='edit') { // Hide the edit & history links when printing/publishing/editing $displayDrawingEditFmt = ""; $displayDrawingHistoryFmt = ""; } if (!$EnableDrawingVersioning) { $displayDrawingHistoryFmt = ""; } // ------------------- Handle the drawing markup -------------------------------- function drawing($m) { $str = $m[1]; global $action, $group, $pagename, $ScriptUrl, $UploadPrefixFmt; global $UploadUrlFmt, $UploadDir, $editImage, $displayDrawingEditFmt, $EnableDrawingDebug; global $drawing, $editImageUrl, $drawingExtraColors, $EnableDrawingVersioning; global $pubdirurl, $PmWikiDrawPubUrl, $showHistoryUrl, $displayDrawingHistoryFmt; global $FmtV, $GCount, $drawingCompatibilityMode, $scripturl; global $EnableUpload; global $Now; $drawing = $str; $output = ""; if($EnableUpload != 1) { // Helpful hint to make sure people turn on uploads! $output.= "Please note your administrator *NEEDS* to enable uploads before you can save your drawings.
"; } // expand to full URL (incl http://) if url is relative: if (!preg_match('/^http:/',$ScriptUrl)) { $scripturl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $ScriptUrl; } else { $scripturl = $ScriptUrl; } // expand to full URL (incl http://) if url is relative: if (!preg_match('/^http:/',$PmWikiDrawPubUrl)) { $pubdirurl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $PmWikiDrawPubUrl; } else { $pubdirurl = $PmWikiDrawPubUrl; } // Work out the uploads path, both as a url and as an absolute path on the disk. $uploadsUrl = FmtPageName("$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt", $pagename)."/"; // expand to full URL (incl http://) if url is relative: if (!preg_match('/^http:/',$uploadsUrl)) { $uploadsUrl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $uploadsUrl; } $uploadsPath = FmtPageName("$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt",$pagename)."/"; if ( isset($_GET['image']) ) { $imageToEdit = $_GET['image']; } $currentlyExists = file_exists($uploadsPath.$drawing.".gif"); $mapCurrentlyExists = file_exists($uploadsPath.$drawing.".map"); $editImageUrl = $scripturl.'?pagename='.$pagename.'&action=editimage&image='.$drawing; $showHistoryUrl = $scripturl.'?pagename='.$pagename.'&action=imagehistory&image='.$drawing; if ($mapCurrentlyExists && $editImage == false) { // Add the map :) $filename = $uploadsPath.$drawing.".map"; $fp = fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename)); fclose($fp); // $contents = str_replace("%BUILDEDITLINK%", $editImageUrl, $contents); ####CJ: I still can't get this to work, any ideas Knut? // if($pmwikiver >1) { // $FmtV['$scripturl'] = $scripturl; // $FmtV['$editImageUrl'] = $editImageUrl; // } // else { $GCount = 0; // } // Translate all global pmwiki $variables included in map $contents = FmtPageName($contents,$pagename); // Write the MAP into the outgoing HTML code. $output .= "\n".$contents."\n"; } if ($currentlyExists ) { $output .= ''; // Mechanism to ensure that our urls get properly added into the variables that // FmtPagename references. ####CJ: I still can't get this to work, any ideas Knut? // if($pmwikiver >1) { // $FmtV['$editImageUrl'] = $editImageUrl; // $FmtV['$showHistoryUrl'] = $showHistoryUrl; // $FmtV['$pubdirurl'] = $pubdirurl; // $FmtV['$scripturl'] = $scripturl; // } // else { $GCount = 0; // } $output .= FmtPagename($displayDrawingEditFmt,$pagename); $output .= FmtPagename($displayDrawingHistoryFmt, $pagename); /* KAL: debugging only: DEBUG(htmlentities($editImageUrl),1); DEBUG(htmlentities($displayDrawingEditFmt),1); DEBUG(htmlentities(FmtPagename($displayDrawingEditFmt,$pagename)),1); DEBUG(htmlentities($displayDrawingHistoryFmt),1); DEBUG(htmlentities(FmtPagename($displayDrawingHistoryFmt, $pagename)),1); /* */ } else { $output .= FmtPageName('$[Create Image]('.$drawing.')'."\n",$pagename); } if ($editImage == true && isset($imageToEdit) && $imageToEdit == $drawing) { #### CJ: Hmm this might be an issue, as we can't determine whether a user #### is *allowed* to edit a picture until the point they save it we might end up #### creating version files when there's no need to, or more to the point, shouldn't #### do as we'll be creating new files taking up space when its impossible for the user #### to modify the drawing anyway? #### Possible work arounds: #### 1) Always modify a 'tmp' drawing file and have the applet return to this page with #### a particular action 'postDrawingEdit' for example. And at this point check if the #### tmp file was modified i.e. diff between the 'original' and the 'tmp' if so then do #### versioning and redirect to 'browse' on the current page. #### 2) Too tired.. there must be others..ideas ? // copy of drawing file(s) for versioning if($EnableDrawingVersioning == true) { $drawfileprefix = $uploadsPath.$drawing; if (file_exists("$drawfileprefix.draw")) { $drawfilelastchanged = filemtime("$drawfileprefix.draw"); $drawbackupfileprefix = "$drawfileprefix,$drawfilelastchanged"; if (!file_exists("$drawbackupfileprefix.draw")) { // backupfile does not exist // Copy drawing source file if (!@copy("$drawfileprefix.draw", "$drawbackupfileprefix.draw")) { $output .= "
failed to create backup $drawfileprefix.draw to $drawbackupfileprefix.draw
\n"; } else { $output .= "
backuped ".basename("$drawfileprefix.draw")." to ".basename("$drawbackupfileprefix.draw")."
\n"; } ### KAL: TODO: if copy-ok-messages not wanted, possibly en/disable display of msg by variable ? ### copy messages will only be displayed under then image when in image-edit-mode ### KAL: TODO: check if needed to copy all files of drawing // Copy the map-file if (!@copy("$drawfileprefix.map", "$drawbackupfileprefix.map")) { $output .= "
failed to backup $drawfileprefix.map  to $drawbackupfileprefix.map
\n"; } else { $output .= "
backuped ".basename("$drawfileprefix.map")."  to ".basename("$drawbackupfileprefix.map")."
\n"; } // Copy the gif file (better for displaying old versions) if (!@copy("$drawfileprefix.gif", "$drawbackupfileprefix.gif")) { $output .= "
failed to backup $drawfileprefix.gif  to $drawbackupfileprefix.gif
\n"; } else { $output .= "
backuped ".basename("$drawfileprefix.gif")."  to ".basename("$drawbackupfileprefix.gif")."
\n"; } ### versioning the draw-file and gif-file could be enough, versions could be displayed via (:attachlist:) or via an own ### directive that allows display (then possibly better version map and gif too) and / or editing / recovery of older versions } /* for debugging only: (add # in front of this statement to activate ! $output .= "
        $output .= "drawfileprefix=$drawfileprefix\n";
        $output .= "drawbackupfileprefix=$drawbackupfileprefix\n";
        $output .= "drawfilelastchanged=$drawfilelastchanged\n";
        $output .= "
"; /* */ } } // Build the applet string. // if( $drawingCompatibilityMode == false) { $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; // Configurable parameters. if( $EnableDrawingDebug == true) { $output .= ''."\n"; } if ( $drawingExtraColors != "") { $output .= ''."\n"; } $output .= ''."\n"; // } // else { // Compatibility mode...painful... // // In theory, IE should see the OBJECt and run that, but Mozilla should see the comment and run the embed... in theory.... // $output .= ''."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // $output .= ' '."\n"; // This fella should be picked up by mozilla/netscape et al. // $output .= ' '* [[$Group/$Name]] Drawing - '.$imageModified.' modified . . . $CurrentTime', '$Group.RecentChanges' => '* [[$Group/$Name]] Drawing - '.$imageModified.' modified . . . $CurrentTime'); $IsPagePosted = true; $x = ""; $y=""; PostRecentChanges($pagename, $x,$y); $IsPagePosted = false; } HandlePostEditImage($pagename); } function HandlePostDrawing($pagename) { global $UploadVerifyFunction,$UploadFileFmt,$LastModFile, $Now; global $RecentChangesFmt, $IsPagePosted, $EnableDrawingRecentChanges; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename,'upload'); if (!$page) Abort("?cannot upload to $pagename"); $uploadImage = $_FILES['uploadImage']; $uploadDrawing = $_FILES['uploadDrawing']; $uploadMap = $_FILES['uploadMap']; $drawingBaseTime = $_POST['drawingbasetime']; // The time the user began editing this drawing. $imageupname=$uploadImage['name']; $drawingupname=$uploadDrawing['name']; $mapupname=$uploadMap['name']; $imageupname = MakeUploadName($pagename,$imageupname); $drawingupname = MakeUploadName($pagename,$drawingupname); $mapupname = MakeUploadName($pagename,$mapupname); $imageFilePath = FmtPageName("$UploadFileFmt/$imageupname",$pagename); $drawingFilePath = FmtPageName("$UploadFileFmt/$drawingupname",$pagename); $mapFilePath = FmtPageName("$UploadFileFmt/$mapupname",$pagename); if( file_exists($drawingFilePath) ) { // Only worth checking timestamps if a drawing actually currently exists! if ( filemtime( $drawingFilePath ) > $drawingBaseTime ) { // Assign a new timestamp to the client... hopefully this time they'll be ok... header("PmWikiDraw-DrawingChanged: $Now"); exit; } } // If we've got to here then we can assume its safe to overwrite the current file // Note: we should do the history archival/recent changes stuff here. if ( $EnableDrawingRecentChanges == true && isset($_POST['drawingname']) ){ $imageModified = $_POST['drawingname']; $RecentChangesFmt = array( 'Main.AllRecentChanges' => '* [[$Group/$Name]] Drawing - '.$imageModified.' modified . . . $CurrentTime', '$Group.RecentChanges' => '* [[$Group/$Name]] Drawing - '.$imageModified.' modified . . . $CurrentTime'); $IsPagePosted = true; $x = ""; $y=""; PostRecentChanges($pagename, $x,$y); $IsPagePosted = false; } $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#','',$imageFilePath); mkdirp($filedir); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadImage['tmp_name'],$imageFilePath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded image to $imageFilePath"); return; } fixperms($imageFilePath,0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#','',$drawingFilePath); mkdirp($filedir); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadDrawing['tmp_name'],$drawingFilePath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded drawing to $drawingFilePath"); return; } fixperms($drawingFilePath,0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } $filedir = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#','',$mapFilePath); mkdirp($filedir); if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadMap['tmp_name'],$mapFilePath)) { Abort("?cannot move uploaded map to $mapFilePath"); return; } fixperms($mapFilePath,0444); if ($LastModFile) { touch($LastModFile); fixperms($LastModFile); } // Sets the drawingBaseTime header for incremental save support. header( "PmWikiDraw-DrawingBaseTime: ".filemtime( $drawingFilePath ) ); exit(); } ?>