image_original_width Height=$image->image_original_height
"); TestLog("Stored as: $original_image
"); $upname = $_REQUEST['upname']; $desired_width = $_REQUEST['w']; /*$HTTP_POST_VARS */ $desired_height = $_REQUEST['h']; // check height and width if ($desired_width == '' and $desired_height == '') return; if ($desired_width == '') $desired_width = '*'; if ($desired_height == '') $desired_height = '*'; TestLog ("$upname h/w: $desired_height/$desired_width"); //Check for the limits, dont overload the server if ($desired_width <> '*' ) if(($desired_width<10)||($desired_width > 600)) die("Bad width $desired_width - parameter. Must be 10..200 "); if ($desired_height <> '*' ) if(($desired_height<10)||($desired_height > 600)) die("Bad height $desired_height parameter Must be 10..200 "); //-create object of class hft_image $image = new hft_image($original_image); //-resize it $image->resize($desired_width, $desired_height, '-'); // $newfile = $uploaddir . "FM".$desired_width."x".$desired_height.$newname; $newfile = $original_image; $image->output_resized("$newfile", "JPG"); // delete inputfile /* unlink ($original_image ); TestLog ("
$original_image deleted"); */ } //----------------------------------- // // by Yuriy Horobey // // -pog: Code ab Website ohne inhaltliche Änderungen class hft_image { var $image_resource; //image resource for original image -pog parms? var $file_original; //file for original image var $image_original_width; //dimensions of the original image var $image_original_height; var $image_original_type_code; //type code for the original image var $image_original_type_abbr;//Abbreviation for the code above (JPG, PNG etc) var $image_original_html_sizes; // same fields for resized image //resized image var $image_resized; //these are filled only when you save resized image to the file var $file_resized; var $image_resized_width; var $image_resized_height; var $image_resized_type_code; var $image_resized_type_abbr; var $image_resized_html_sizes; //some settings var $jpeg_quality; var $use_gd2; //-- Now lets construct the image from the file: function error($text){ Abort("Error: $Text"); } function hft_image($file_original){ //constructor of the class //it takes given file and creates image out of it global $ERR; $this->clear(); // set all class properties to the start values if(file_exists($file_original)){ $this->file_original = $file_original; $this->image_original = $this->imagecreatefromfile($file_original); if(!$this->image_original){ $this->error($ERR["IMAGE_NOT_CREATED_FROM_FILE"]." file=$file_original"); return false; } } else { $this->error($ERR["FILE_DOESNOT_EXSIT"]." file=$file_original"); } } function clear() { // clear all the class member variables $this->image_original=0; $this->file_original=""; $this->image_original_width=0; $this->image_original_height =0; $this->image_original_type_code=0; $this->image_original_type_abbr=""; $this->image_original_html_sizes =""; $this->image_resized=0; $this->file_resized=""; $this->image_resized_width=0; $this->image_resized_height=0; $this->image_resized_type_code=-1; $this->image_resized_type_abbr=""; $this->image_resized_html_sizes=""; $this->set_parameters(); } // Method setparameters() is needed to set just two properties – use GD2 flag and JPEG quality: function set_parameters($jpeg_quality="85", $use_gd2=true) { $this->jpeg_quality=$jpeg_quality; $this->use_gd2=$use_gd2; } // Much more interesting is method ImageCreateFromFile(). Main purpose of this method is to create image resource basing on image type. function imagecreatefromfile($img_file){ global $ERR; $img=0; $img_sz = getimagesize( $img_file ); // returns array with some properties like dimensions and type; // Now create original image from uploaded file. Be careful! // GIF is often not supported, as far as I remember from GD 1.6 switch( $img_sz[2] ){ case 1: $img = $this->_imagecheckandcreate("ImageCreateFromGif", $img_file); $img_type = "GIF"; break; case 2: $img = $this->_imagecheckandcreate("ImageCreateFromJpeg", $img_file); $img_type = "JPG"; break; case 3: $img = $this->_imagecheckandcreate("ImageCreateFromPng", $img_file); $img_type = "PNG"; break; // would be nice if this function will be finally supported case 4: $img = $this->_imagecheckandcreate("ImageCreateFromSwf", $img_file); $img_type = "SWF"; break; default: $img = 0; $img_type = "UNKNOWN"; $this->error($ERR["IMG_NOT_SUPPORTED"]." $img_file"); break; }//switch if($img){ $this->image_original_width=$img_sz[0]; $this->image_original_height=$img_sz[1]; $this->image_original_type_code=$img_sz[2]; $this->image_original_type_abbr=$img_type; $this->image_original_html_sizes=$img_sz[3]; }else { $this->clear(); } return $img; } // Basically image is created in method _imagecheckandcreate(); which takes two parameters -- name of GD function ImagegeCreateFromXXX and filename of the image. this method checks if the function exists and if yes calls it: function _imagecheckandcreate($function, $img_file) { //inner function used from imagecreatefromfile(). //Checks if the function exists and returns //created image or false global $ERR; if(function_exists($function)) { $img = $function($img_file); }else{ $img = false; $this->error($ERR["FUNCTION_DOESNOT_EXIST"]." ".$function); } return $img; } //------- Teil2 function resize($desired_width, $desired_height, $mode="-"){ //this is core function--it resizes created image //if any of dimensions == "*" then no resizing on this dimension //>> mode = "+" then image is resized to cover the region specified by desired_width, _height //>> mode = "-" then image is resized to fit into the region specified by desired_width, _height // width-to-height ratio is all the time the same //>>mode=0 then image will be exactly resized to $desired_width _height. //geometrical distortion can occur in this case. // say u have picture 400x300 and there is circle on the picture //now u resized in mode=0 to 800x300 -- circle shape will be distorted and will look like ellipse. //GD2 provides much better quality but is not everywhere installed global $ERR; if($desired_width == "*" && $desired_height == "*"){ //This is stupid to specify that we don't care about both dimensions //That just means that no resizing should occur at all $this->image_resized = $this->image_original; Return true; } switch($mode) { case "-": case '+': //multipliers if($desired_width != "*") $mult_x = $desired_width / $this->image_original_width; if($desired_height != "*") $mult_y = $desired_height / $this->image_original_height; $ratio = $this->image_original_width / $this->image_original_height; //here we handle case when we don't care about resizing //on one of the dimensions if($desired_width == "*"){ $new_height = $desired_height; $new_width = $ratio * $desired_height; }elseif($desired_height == "*"){ $new_height = $desired_width / $ratio; $new_width = $desired_width; }else{ //if we are here that means that both dimensions are specified and we have //to calculate $new_width $new_height according to the resize mode: if($mode=="-"){ //image must be smaller than given $desired_ region //test which multiplier gives us best result if( $this->image_original_height * $mult_x < $desired_height ){ //$mult_x does the job $new_width = $desired_width; $new_height = $this->image_original_height * $mult_x; }else{ //$mult_y does the job $new_width = $this->image_original_width * $mult_y; $new_height = $desired_height; } }else{ //mode == "+" // cover the region //image must be bigger than given $desired_ region //test which multiplier gives us best result if( $this->image_original_height * $mult_x > $desired_height ){ //$mult_x does the job $new_width = $desired_width; $new_height = $this->image_original_height * $mult_x; }else{ //$mult_y does the job $new_width = $this->image_original_width * $mult_y; $new_height = $desired_height; } } } break; case '0': //fit the region exactly. //The easiest resize mode -- no Math is required :) if($desired_width == "*") $desired_width = $this->image_original_width; if($desired_height == "*") $desired_height = $this->image_original_height; $new_width = $desired_width; $new_height = $desired_height; break; default: $this->error($ERR["UNKNOWN_RESIZE_MODE"]." $mode"); break; } // OK here we have $new_width $new_height //lets create destination image checking for GD2 functions: if( $this->use_gd2 ){ if( function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")){ $this->image_resized = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height) or $this->error($ERR["GD2_NOT_CREATED"]); }else { $this->error($ERR["GD2_UNAVALABLE"]." ImageCreateTruecolor()"); } } else { $this->image_resized = imagecreate($new_width, $new_height) or $this->error($ERR["IMG_NOT_CREATED"]); } //Resize if( $this->use_gd2 ){ if( function_exists("imagecopyresampled")){ $res = imagecopyresampled($this->image_resized, $this->image_original, 0, 0, //dest coord 0, 0, //source coord $new_width, $new_height, //dest sizes $this->image_original_width, $this->image_original_height // src sizes ) or $this->error($ERR["GD2_NOT_RESIZED"]); }else { error($ERR["GD2_UNAVALABLE"]." ImageCopyResampled()"); } } else { //hmmm... GD2 is not available or ImageCopyResampled() is disabled //I had such a problem in my practice //So lets use old function ImageCopyResized() $res = imagecopyresized($this->image_resized, $this->image_original, 0, 0, //dest coord 0, 0, //source coord $new_width, $new_height, //dest sizes $this->image_original_width, $this->image_original_height // src sizes ) or $this->error($ERR["IMG_NOT_RESIZED"]); } } //--- Part 3--------- function output_original($destination_file, $image_type="JPG") { //outputs original image //if destination file is empty image will be output to browser // right now $image_type can be JPG or PNG return _output_image($destination_file, $image_type, $this->image_original); } function output_resized($destination_file, $image_type="JPG") { //if destination file is empty image will be output to browser // right now $image_type can be JPG or PNG $res = $this->_output_image($destination_file, $image_type, $this->image_resized); if(trim($destination_file)){ $sz=getimagesize($destination_file); $this->file_resized = $destination_file; $this->image_resized_width = $sz[0]; $this->image_resized_height = $sz[1]; $this->image_resized_type_code=$sz[2]; $this->image_resized_html_sizes=$sz[3]; //only jpeg and png are really supported, but I'd like to think of future switch($this->image_resized_html_sizes){ case 0: $this->image_resized_type_abbr = "GIF"; break; case 1: $this->image_resized_type_abbr = "JPG"; break; case 2: $this->image_resized_type_abbr = "PNG"; break; case 3: $this->image_resized_type_abbr = "SWF"; break; default: $this->image_resized_type_abbr = "UNKNOWN"; break; } } return $res; } function _output_image($destination_file, $image_type, $image){ //if destination file is empty image will be output to browser // right now $image_type can be JPEG or PNG global $ERR; $destination_file = trim($destination_file); $res = false; if($image){ switch($image_type) { case 'JPEG': case 'JPG': $res = ImageJpeg($image, $destination_file, $this->jpeg_quality); break; case 'PNG': $res = Imagepng($image, $destination_file); break; default: $this->error($ERR["UNKNOWN_OUTPUT_FORMAT"]." $image_type"); break; } }else{ $this->error($ERR["NO_IMAGE_FOR_OUTPUT"]); } if(!$res) $this->error($ERR["UNABLE_TO_OUTPUT"]." $destination_file"); return $res; } } ?>