sitemap must be in:
place the file in the cookbook or local directory
and include the file from your farmconfig.php or config.php
Then add the URL to your sitemap in the google webform or ping google
automatic google ping is not implemented yet.
$Log: sitemap.php,v $
Revision 1.7 2005/12/29 10:26:50 pts00065
* support EnablePageListProtect
* Added Site to exclude pattern
SDV($LastModFile, "$WorkDir/.lastmod"); # same as in caching
SDV($SitemapFile, "sitemap.xml.gz"); #will need write access must be in root dir. Ensure dir is writable or create (symbolic) link
SDV($HandleActions['sitemap'], 'HandleSitemap'); # it is not usefull to have both an action
// and automatic creation ( SitemapDelay >= 0
SDV($SitemapDelay, 3600); # Seconds to wait after last edit set to -1 to disable automatic generation
SDV($SitemapSquelch, 12*3600); # Squelch between generations of sitemap
SDVA($SitemapSearchPatterns, array());
$SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads|Pages)$!';
$SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!\.Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!';
$SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!^PmWiki\.!';
$SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!^Site\.!';
$SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!\.SideBar!';
SDV($SitemapMaxItems, 50000); # maximum items to display defined by google
SDV($SitemapMaxSize, 10); # maximum size is 10 Mbytes TODO
SDV($SitemapPing, ""); # Use ping with long SitemapDelay (like 24*60*60 ) TODO
// SDV($SitemapTimeFmt,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%sZ'); # seems to break in current version of google
SDV($SitemapTimeFmt, '%Y-%m-%d');
SDV($SiteMapItems, array());
SDV($SitemapChannelFmt, '
SDV($SitemapItemFmt, '
SDV($HandleSitemapFmt, array(&$SitemapChannelFmt, &$SitemapItems, ''));
if ( $action == 'browse' ) {
if ($SitemapDelay >= 0) {
$l = @filemtime($LastModFile);
$s = @filemtime($SitemapFile);
if ((($Now - $l) > $SitemapDelay) && ($l > $s) && (($Now - $s) > $SitemapSquelch)) {
$fp = @fopen($SitemapFile, "w");
if ($fp) {
$x = gzencode (ob_get_clean(), 9);
fwrite($fp, $x);
function HandleSitemap()
header("Content-type: text/xml");
function MakeSitemap()
global $SitemapMaxItems, $SitemapChannelFmt, $SitemapTimeFmt,
$SitemapItems, $SitemapItemFmt, $SearchPatterns,$FarmD,
$HandleSitemapFmt, $FmtV, $SitemapSearchPatterns, $Now;
global $EntitiesTable;
if (IsEnabled($EnablePageListProtect, 1)) $readf = 1000;
$t = array();
$t = @ListPages($SitemapSearchPatterns);
$daily_weekly = 60 * 60 * 24 * 6; #TODO
foreach ($t as $i => $pn) {
$page= ($readf >= 1000)
? RetrieveAuthPage($pn, 'read', false, READPAGE_CURRENT)
: ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT);
if (!$page) continue;
// foreach ( $page as $k => $l ) { print "$k == $l
\n"; }
if ( (count($SitemapItems) > $SitemapMaxItems)) continue;
$FmtV['$SitemapChangeFreq'] = ($Now - $page['time'] < $daily_weekly)?'daily':'weekly'; #TODO
$FmtV['$SitemapPriority'] = '0.5'; #TODO
$FmtV['$SitemapItemPubDate'] = gmstrftime($SitemapTimeFmt, $page['time']);
$SitemapItems[] = FmtPageName($SitemapItemFmt, $page['name']);
#PrintFmt('', str_replace(array_keys($EntitiesTable), array_values($EntitiesTable), $HandleSitemapFmt));
PrintFmt('', $HandleSitemapFmt);