* * Adds a dynamically generated sitemap to PmWiki. * * Developed and tested using the PmWiki 2.2.0-beta series. * * To install, add the following line to your local/config.php file : include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/sitemapper.php"); * * For more information, please see the online documentation at * http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Sitemapper * * Version history * 0.5.1 / 2008-06-26 * bug fix: referenced variables in calls to UpdatePage * 0.5 / 2008-01-15 * no bespoke link generation -- support section & URL links * support multiple mentions on sitemap * markup directives: navigation, cloak, alias * autohandle unlisted group subpages * bug fixes / code rewrite * 0.4 / no public release * reworked navigation generation * blank sitemap handling now in SmReadMap * reduced global variables * bug fix: titling for [[group/]] links * 0.3 / 2007-08-17 * first public release * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ $RecipeInfo['Sitemapper']['Version'] = '2008-06-26'; ## markup additions Markup( 'sm-opt', 'fulltext', '/\\(:sm-(alias|cloak|nobottom)\\s*(.*?):\\)/ei', "PCache( \$pagename, array( 'sm-$1' => PSS('$2') ) )" ); Markup( 'sm-trail', '>sm-opt', '/\\(:sm-trail:\\)/ei', "SmMarkupTrail(\$pagename)" ); Markup( 'sm-nav', '>sm-opt', '/\\(:sm-nav(.*?):\\)/ei', "SmMarkupNav( \$pagename, PSS('$1') )" ); Markup( 'sm-hide', ' '' ) ); SDV( $SmAuthorized, CondAuth( $SmSitemapPagename, 'edit' ) ); ## automatic sitemap update SDV( $EnableSmUpdate, 1 ); SDV( $EnableSmRemoveOnDelete, 1 ); SDV( $EnableSmBatchUpdate, 1 ); SDV( $EnableSmWriteDefaultOnEmpty, 1 ); SDV( $SmDefaultSitemapText, "\n* [[$SmRootPagename|+]]\n** [[$SmSitemapPagename|+]]\n* [[$SmUncategorizedPagename|+]]\n" ); SDV( $SmExcludePatterns, $SearchPatterns['default'] ); SDV( $EnableSmAutogroup, 1 ); ## appearance SDV( $SmParseSuffix, '-' ); SDV( $SmBottomShowlevel, 2 ); SDV( $SmRootLink, "Home" ); SDV( $SmTrailSeparator, ' » ' ); SDV( $HTMLStylesFmt['sm-styles'], " div.sm-topnav { margin-bottom:1em; } div.sm-topnav li { margin:0px; padding:4px 2px 2px 2px; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold; } div.sm-topnav li li { padding:0 0 0 6px; font-size:9.4pt; font-weight:normal; } div.sm-nav ul { list-style:none; padding:0px; margin:0px; } div.sm-nav li { margin:0px; padding:0 1em; } div.sm-topnav li li.active, div.sm-nav li li.active { font-weight:bold; } div.sm-nav a { text-decoration:none; color:black; } div.sm-nav a:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:blue; } div.sm-nav { float: right; clear: right; border:1px solid #cccccc; margin-top: 1em; padding:4px; background-color:#f9f9f9; } "); ## internal global variables $SmPagename = ''; $SmMap = array(); $SmNodes = array(); $SmBatchUpdate = FALSE; $SmTail = array(); /* * READ/PARSE FUNCTIONS */ function SmParseMap() { /* read & parse the sitemap wiki page * based on ReadTrail in scripts/trails.php * returns -1 on empty text field, else number of parsed nodes * should only be called from SmReadMap */ global $EnablePathInfo, $SuffixPattern, $ScriptUrl; global $SmAuthorized, $SmMap; global $DefaultPage, $SmSitemapPagename; $smpage = ReadPage( $SmSitemapPagename ); if ( !isset($smpage['text']) ) return -1; $SmMap = array(); $n = 0; $ancestry = array(); $hide = 0; foreach( explode( "\n", htmlspecialchars( $smpage['text'], ENT_NOQUOTES ) ) as $x ) { # hide non-public sections if not logged in if ( preg_match( '/\(:sm\-([^:\)]+):\)/', $x, $opt ) ) { $hide = ( ( $opt[1] == 'hide' ) && !$SmAuthorized ); continue; } if ($hide) continue; # parse markup $x = preg_replace( '/\[\[([^\]]+)->([^\]]+)\]\]/', '[[$2|$1]]', $x ); if ( !preg_match( "/ ^([#*:]+) # 1 : item depth \s*\[\[ ([^#|][^|]*?) # 2 : link target (?:\|(.+))? # 3 : link title \]\] ($SuffixPattern) # 4 : suffix .*$ /x", $x, $m ) ) continue; $tgtpage = MakePageName( $DefaultPage, $m[2] ); if ( $m[3] && $tgtpage ) { if ( trim($m[3]) == '+' ) $title = PageVar($tgtpage,'$Title'); else $title = $m[3]; } else $title = NULL; # store variables $SmMap[$n]['depth'] = $depth = strlen($m[1]); $SmMap[$n]['tgtpage'] = ($tgtpage>'') ? $tgtpage : $m[2]; $SmMap[$n]['markup'] = $m[0]; $SmMap[$n]['html'] = MakeLink( $DefaultPage, $m[2], $title, $m[4] ); for ( $i = $depth; $i < 10; ++$i ) $ancestry[$i] = $n; if ($depth>1) $SmMap[$n]['parent'] = $ancestry[$depth-1]; ++$n; } return $n; } function SmReadMap( $loop=FALSE ) { /* read the appropriate sitemap, from cache if possible * if no sitemap is found on the given page, write in the template */ global $LastModTime; global $SmMap, $SmBatchUpdate; global $SmCacheDir, $SmAuthorized, $SmSitemapPagename, $EnableSmWriteDefaultOnEmpty, $SmDefaultSitemapText; $cachefile = ( $SmAuthorized ) ? "$SmCacheDir/sitemap_private,cache" : "$SmCacheDir/sitemap_public,cache"; if ( ( !$loop ) && ( !$SmBatchUpdate ) && ( $SmCacheDir > '' ) && file_exists($cachefile) && ( filemtime($cachefile) > $LastModTime ) ) { $SmMap = unserialize( file_get_contents($cachefile) ); } else { $n = SmParseMap(); if ( $n > 0 ) { if ( $SmCacheDir > '' ) { $fp = @fopen( $cachefile, 'w' ); if ( $fp ) { fputs( $fp, serialize($SmMap) ); fclose( $fp ); } else StopWatch('SmReadMap cache write error! (non-fatal)'); } } elseif ($EnableSmWriteDefaultOnEmpty) { if ($loop) { StopWatch("SmReadMap error persists! write permissions ok?"); return 1; } $smpage = ReadPage( $SmSitemapPagename ); $smoldpage = $smpage; if ( array_key_exists( 'text', $smpage ) ) { StopWatch("SmReadMap $SmSitemapPagename contains no sitemap! > appending template"); $smpage['text'] .= $SmDefaultSitemapText; } else { StopWatch("SmReadMap $SmSitemapPagename doesn't exist! > generating from template"); $smpage['text'] = $SmDefaultSitemapText; } UpdatePage( $SmSitemapPagename, $smoldpage, $smpage, array( 'SaveAttributes', 'PostPage' ) ); if ($SmBatchUpdate) print("\n writing new sitemap at $SmSitemapPagename"); StopWatch("SmReadMap retrying"); SmReadMap(TRUE); } } return 0; } /* * SITEMAP UPDATE ON PAGE EDIT */ ## update the sitemap when a non-listed page is saved if ($EnableSmUpdate) $EditFunctions[] = 'SmUpdateMap'; function SmRemoveNode( $node ) { global $Author, $Now, $SmMap, $SmSitemapPagename; StopWatch('SmRemoveNode removing '.$SmMap[$node]['tgtpage'].' from sitemap'); # read the sitemap $smpage = ReadPage( $SmSitemapPagename ); if ( !isset($smpage['text']) ) { # read error or no previously defined sitemap -- shouldn't happen! StopWatch("SmRemoveNode sitemap read error!"); return -1; } $smoldpage = $smpage; $smlines = explode( "\n", htmlspecialchars( $smpage['text'], ENT_NOQUOTES ) ); $nl = array_search( $SmMap[$node]['markup'], $smlines ); if ( $nl === FALSE ) return -1; $pn = $SmMap[$node]['tgtpage']; $dn = $SmMap[$node]['depth']; $c = count($smlines); $kid = $nl; while (++$kid<$c) if ( preg_match('/^([#*:]+)[\s[]/',$smlines[$kid],$km) ) { if ( strlen($km[1]) <= $dn ) break; $smlines[$kid] = substr($smlines[$kid],1); } unset($smlines[$nl]); $smpage['text'] = htmlspecialchars_decode( implode("\n",$smlines), ENT_NOQUOTES ); if ( !isset($Author) ) $Author = 'Sitemapper'; $smpage['csum'] = "remove $pn"; $smpage["csum:$Now"] = "remove $pn"; UpdatePage( $SmSitemapPagename, $smoldpage, $smpage, array( 'SaveAttributes', 'PostPage' ) ); if ($Author=='Sitemapper') unset($Author); return 0; } ## returns 0 on success, >0 on valid escape, <0 on error function SmUpdateMap( $pagename, &$page, &$new ) { global $IsPagePosted, $DeleteKeyPattern, $Author, $Now; global $SmMap, $SmBatchUpdate; global $EnableSmUpdate, $EnableSmRemoveOnDelete, $SmExcludePatterns, $SmSitemapPagename, $SmUncategorizedPagename; if ( !( ( $IsPagePosted || $SmBatchUpdate ) && $EnableSmUpdate ) ) return 1; $pna = explode('.',$pagename); if ( count($pna) != 2 ) { StopWatch("SmUpdateMap bad pagename: $pagename!"); return -1; } list($group,$name) = $pna; # skip any pages that shouldn't be listed if ( is_array($SmExcludePatterns) ) foreach( $SmExcludePatterns as $pat ) if ( preg_match($pat,$pagename) ) return 1; $delete = ( $EnableSmRemoveOnDelete && !$SmBatchUpdate && preg_match("/$DeleteKeyPattern/",$new['text']) ); # read the sitemap if (!$SmBatchUpdate) SmReadMap(); $c = count($SmMap); if (!$c) { if ($SmBatchUpdate) print("\n empty sitemap for $pagename!"); else StopWatch("SmUpdateMap empty sitemap for $pagename!"); return -1; } $smpage = ReadPage($SmSitemapPagename); if ( !isset($smpage['text']) ) { # read error or no previously defined sitemap -- shouldn't happen! if ($SmBatchUpdate) print("\n $pagename sitemap read error!"); else StopWatch("SmUpdateMap sitemap read error for $pagename!"); return -1; } $smoldpage = $smpage; $groupmainname = "$group.$group"; $parent = $nocat = -1; foreach ( $SmMap as $i => $n ) { switch ($n['tgtpage']) { case $pagename: # page already in sitemap return ( $delete ? SmRemoveNode($i) : 1 ); case $groupmainname: $parent = $i; break; case $SmUncategorizedPagename: $nocat = $i; break; } } if ($delete) return 1; # shouldn't add a page that isn't listed and is being deleted if ( ($parent<0) && ($nocat<0) ) { # no parent, no uncategorized group -> add to end at same level as last item $prev = $c - 1; $depth = $SmMap[$prev]['depth']; } else { if ($parent<0) $parent = $nocat; $prev = $parent; $depth = $SmMap[$parent]['depth'] + 1; while ( @$SmMap[$prev+1]['depth'] >= $depth ) ++$prev; } # write the new sitemap $nl = $SmMap[$prev]['markup']; $str = "\n" . str_repeat('*',$depth) . ( ($group==$name) ? " [[$group/|+]]" : " [[$group/$name|+]]" ); $smpage['text'] = str_replace( $nl, $nl.$str, $smpage['text'] ); if ( !isset($Author) ) $Author = 'Sitemapper'; $smpage['csum'] = "add $pagename"; $smpage["csum:$Now"] = "add $pagename"; UpdatePage( $SmSitemapPagename, $smoldpage, $smpage, array( 'SaveAttributes', 'PostPage' ) ); if ($Author=='Sitemapper') unset($Author); if ($SmBatchUpdate) print("\n $pagename as child of ".$SmMap[$parent]['tgtpage']); return 0; } /* * SITEMAP BATCH UPDATE */ ## batch update all wiki pages into sitemap if ( $EnableSmUpdate && $EnableSmBatchUpdate && $SmAuthorized ) { SDV($HandleActions['sitemapupdate'],'HandleSitemapUpdate'); SDV($HandleActions['sitemapaddgroups'],'HandleSitemapUpdate'); } function HandleSitemapUpdate( $pagename ) { global $DefaultName; global $SmBatchUpdate, $SmExcludePatterns; switch ( $GLOBALS['action'] ) { case 'sitemapaddgroups': $groupsonly = TRUE; break; case 'sitemapupdate': $groupsonly = FALSE; break; default: return; } list($usec,$sec) = explode(' ',microtime()); $t0 = $sec + $usec; $ls = ListPages($SmExcludePatterns); sort($ls); # sort group main pages to be filtered first $groups = array(); foreach( $ls as $n ) { $an = explode('.',$n); if ( ($an[0]==$an[1]) || ($an[1]==$DefaultName) ) $groups[] = $n; } $addcount = 0; $page = ''; $new = ''; header( "Content-type: text/plain" ); print( "\n\nSitemap update:\n\n read ".count($ls)." pages in ".count($groups)." groups.\n\n added entries to sitemap:\n" ); $SmBatchUpdate = TRUE; SmReadMap(); foreach( $groups as $n ) if ( !SmUpdateMap( $n, $page, $new ) ) ++$addcount; if (!$groupsonly) { $subpages = array_diff( $ls, $groups ); SmReadMap(); foreach( $subpages as $n ) if ( !SmUpdateMap( $n, $page, $new ) ) ++$addcount; } $SmBatchUpdate = FALSE; if ( $addcount ) print("\n\n total ".$addcount.' edits.'); else print(' no updates made.'); list($usec,$sec ) = explode(' ',microtime()); $t1 = $sec + $usec; print("\n\ndone in ".($t1-$t0).' seconds.'); } /* * FIND THE LOCAL MAP */ ## sets SmMap and SmNodes for $pagename ## returns <0 on error, 0 on success and >0 when page not in sitemap function SmGetLocalMap( $pagename ) { global $PCache, $action; global $SmPagename, $SmMap, $SmNodes, $SmTail, $SmParseSuffix, $EnableSmAutogroup; static $GotLocalMap = FALSE; if ( $GotLocalMap && ( $pagename == $SmPagename ) ) return TRUE; $SmPagename = $pagename; list($group,$name) = explode('.',$pagename); $SmNodes = array(); # find $SmMap if ( SmReadMap() ) { StopWatch('SmGetLocalMap read error! > exiting, no map'); return $GotLocalMap = FALSE; } ## to cloak the page, let's not find it. if ( isset($PCache[$pagename]['sm-cloak']) ) { $GotLocalMap = FALSE; return TRUE; } ## search for page in sitemap if ( isset($PCache[$pagename]['sm-alias']) ) { ## an alias is declared $pn = MakePageName( $pagename, $PCache[$pagename]['sm-alias'] ); if (!$pn) return $GotLocalMap = FALSE; $SmTail[] = $PCache[$pagename]['title'] ? $PCache[$pagename]['title'] : $name; foreach ( $SmMap as $i => $n ) if ( $n['tgtpage'] == $pn ) { $SmNodes[$i] = array(); } } else { $pn = $pagename; foreach ( $SmMap as $i => $n ) if ( $n['tgtpage'] == $pn ) { $SmNodes[$i] = array(); if ($action=='browse') $SmMap[$i]['html'] = preg_replace( '!<(/?)a.*?>!', '<$1span>', $SmMap[$i]['html'] ); } } ## suffixed pages, ie. -Draft, -SideBar, etc. if ( !count($SmNodes) && $SmParseSuffix && ($p = strrpos($pagename,$SmParseSuffix)) ) { $suffix = substr( $pagename, $p + 1 ); if ( strpos($suffix,'.') === FALSE ) { $SmTail[] = $suffix; $pn = substr( $pagename, 0, $p ); foreach ( $SmMap as $i => $n ) if ( $n['tgtpage'] == $pn ) { $SmNodes[$i] = array(); } } } ## pages in groups if ( !count($SmNodes) && $EnableSmAutogroup ) { $pn = MakePageName( $pagename, "$group." ); $SmTail[] = $PCache[$pagename]['title'] ? $PCache[$pagename]['title'] : $name; foreach ( $SmMap as $i => $n ) if ( $n['tgtpage'] == $pn ) { $SmNodes[$i] = array(); } } if ( !count($SmNodes) ) { $GotLocalMap = TRUE; return TRUE; } ## show actions if ( $action != 'browse' ) { $actionnames = array( 'edit' => 'Editing...', 'upload' => 'Attachments', 'diff' => 'History', 'attr' => 'Attributes', 'login' => 'Login', 'rename' => 'Renaming...' ); $SmTail[] = isset($actionnames[$action]) ? $actionnames[$action] : $action; } # find ancestry $a = array_keys($SmNodes); foreach( $a as $i ) { if ( !isset($SmMap[$i]['parent']) ) continue; $p = $SmMap[$i]['parent']; foreach ( $a as $k ) if ( $k == $p ) unset($SmNodes[$k]); } foreach( $SmNodes as $k => $roots ) { $i = $k; while ( $SmMap[$i]['depth'] > 1 ) { $roots[$i] =& $SmMap[$i]; $i = @$SmMap[$i]['parent']; } $roots[$i] =& $SmMap[$i]; ksort($roots); $SmNodes[$k] = $roots; } $GotLocalMap = TRUE; return TRUE; } /* * BUILD THE HTML NAVIGATION ELEMENTS */ function SmBuildNav( $show, $depth=0, $abs_depth=FALSE, $page=FALSE ) { /* build navigation levels down from root * $show : 0-indexed array of [0:self,1:this branch,2:all], depth offset by $d0 * indicates how to show levels of navigation * $depth: offset from current navigation depth * $abs_depth: absolute origin depth of navigation relative to current page * $page : if set, used as origin of the navigation instead of the current page * also makes $d0 a relative measure from that page's navigation depth */ global $SmMap, $SmNodes; if ( !count($show) ) return ''; if ( $page !== FALSE ) { if ( !SmGetLocalMap($page) ) return "

sitemap read error

"; if ( !count($SmNodes) ) return "

page '$page' not found in sitemap

"; } if ($abs_depth!==FALSE) { $n0 = reset(array_keys($SmNodes)); $d0 = $abs_depth; } else { $ak = array_keys($SmNodes); $n0 = array_shift($ak); $d0 = $SmMap[$n0]['depth']; foreach( $ak as $i ) if ( $SmMap[$i]['depth'] > $d0 ) { $n0 = $i; $d0 = $SmMap[$i]['depth']; } } $d0 += $depth; if ($d0<1) $d0 = 1; # find navigation start node if ( ($d0==1) && $show[0] ) { $n0 = 0; } elseif ( $SmMap[$n0]['depth'] < $d0 ) { ++$n0; } else { while ( $SmMap[$n0]['depth'] > $d0 ) { if ( !isset($SmMap[$n0]['parent']) ) break; $n0 = $SmMap[$n0]['parent']; } if ($show[0]) { $n0 = $SmMap[$n0]['parent'] + 1; } } # build $nav string iteratively $dmax = $d0 + count($show) - 1; $prevd = $d0 - 1; $nav = ''; $i = $n0; $c = count($SmMap); while ($i<$c) { $thisd = $SmMap[$i]['depth']; if ( $thisd < $d0 ) break; # gone past valid branch if ( $thisd <= $dmax ) { $ancestor = FALSE; foreach ( $SmNodes as $roots ) if ( isset($roots[$i]) ) { $ancestor = TRUE; break; } if ( $ancestor || $show[$thisd-$d0] ) { $deltad = $thisd - $prevd; if ( $deltad > 0 ) { if ( ( $thisd == $d0 ) && ( $thisd < $dmax ) ) { --$deltad; $nav .= "\n