PHP 5.5

These modules/recipes are known to be compatible with PHP 5.5, i.e. they don't require the preg_replace() function with the /e evaluation flag. Most of the recipes below also work with older PmWiki/PHP versions, see the "Prerequisites" lines on their pages.

Note that you need PmWiki version 2.2.58 or newer in order to work with PHP 5.5.

See PmWiki.CustomMarkup if you need to upgrade your recipe for PHP 5.5.

See also .

Recipes compatible with PHP 5.5

Cookbook /
Mailform4  Mailform4 alias Mailform2² - A contact form module with extensible form fields (Stable)
MarkupExprPlus  Extends {(...)} expression markups (Stable)
MarkupExtensions  Adds a range of character, start of line, and link markup extensions (Stable)
MarkupOnly  Recipes that rely solely upon standard PmWiki features; server access (in most cases) not needed
MarkupRulesetDebugging  Debugging Markup Ruleset (stable)
Maxi  An image viewer with inline zoom, suitable for large drawings or panoramas (Experimental)
Maxi2  Inline picture zoom for modern browsers and touch-screen devices (Experimental)
MeetupAPIEventList  Adds Meetup API to PmWiki pages
MermaidJs  diagrams and visualizations for PmWiki (Beta)
Mini  Simple, lightweight, un-bloated gallery with thumbnail generator
MiniEdit  An easy to use visual editor for Mini galleries (experimental)
MiniFancybox  Fancybox jQuery slideshow for the Mini gallery (experimental)
MiniGalleria  Galleria carousel/slideshow for the Mini gallery (beta)
MiniLightbox  Lightbox slideshow for the Mini gallery (beta)
MultiLanguageViews  show language specific content and titles according to user choice (stable)
MyPmWiki  Query a MySQL database server and display the results in a wiki page
NewGroupBox  Input box to create new wiki groups from predefined template pages (stable)
NewGroupWarning  Display a warning when a user is creating a page in a non-existing wiki group.
NewPageBoxPlus  Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation (Stable)
NotSavedWarning  Warn authors when they move away from a page without saving it; optionally request an edit summary or an author name (beta)
OpenLayersAPI  Adds OpenLayers API to PmWiki pages (for embedding OpenStreetMaps) (alpha)
PageDiffSize  Add an accurate count of characters added & removed to each edit summary (beta)
PageListMultiTargets  Enable multiple pages and wildcards in PageList (Experimental)
PageListWikiTrail  Enable a WikiTrails markup to use a (:pagelist ... :) directive
PageStorePlain  Store wiki pages in plain editable text (Active/Stable)
PageTableOfContents  Adds a clickable table of contents to a page (Stable)
Parmset  Provide access to the current requests in the URL as a page variable (Beta)
PastebinEmbed  Embed Pastebin pastes in a wikipage. (Maintained)
PayPalCart  Provides markup for PayPal shopping cart buttons. (in active use)
PccfToPcfOverride  Allows existing recipes to run on PHP 7 without causing deprecated create_function() messages. (Beta)
PendingChanges  Browser and desktop notifications for page changes (Experimental)
Phplm  Phplm (Phplayersmenu based dropdown/tree menu) (Active, Stable)
PITS  The PmWiki Issue Tracking System (Beta)
PmFeed  RSS feed display for PmWiki. (Stable)
PmForm  Form processing engine for PmWiki (Development)
PmGallery  Display your Picasa and Google Photo albums and pictures within PmWiki.
PmSyntax  Syntax highlighting for the PmWiki documentation and edit form (Experimental)
Pmwiki-dt-skin  Simple div(no table) version of default PmWiki skin. (stable)
PopupWindow  create popup windows (stable)
PowerTools  markup expressions for multi page processing incl. plist, pagelist, rename, pagecount, wordcount, trail, serialname, serial, newticket, sumdata, allptvs, random (stable)
PPDonate  Create links to accept donations via PayPal (Beta)
Precode  General utility block markup for displaying codes with syntax highlighting (Active/Stable)
PreviewChanges  Preview highlighted changes of the wiki markup (Stable, added to core)
PrintGroup  Export WikiGroup pages to one large HTML file, and/or to PDF (Experimental)
Processing  Use Processing applet in PmWiki Pages (Stable)
PTViewer  how to display 360° panoramic images (Stable)
PTVLinkText  Use a page text variable for link text, when available (works so far)
PublishPDF  Typesets wiki page collections into PDF (finalist: New Zealand open source awards 2008) (Stable, reliable and substantially complete, php 5.5 compliant)
Qnotes  Qnotes (general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki) (Stable / Active)
Rating2  Even Simpler Page Rating Counter (Beta)
RatingSystem  Display a widget from (Alpha)
ReCaptcha  Slow down spammers with Google reCAPTCHA. (Active)
RecentChangesDeletion  Allow authors to delete RecentChanges pages, there-by making it possible for authors to delete wiki groups.
RecentUploadsLog  List all uploaded files in RecentUploads pages
RedirectMap  create short urls for redirects using mapping similar to intermap (stable)
Reminder  Birthday, anniversary and other task reminders (Stable)
RenamePage  Rename a wiki page from a browser (stable)
Request  Extends conditional markup to test parameters in the URL, to allow pages to pass parameters via their URL links (Beta)
ResponsiveSlides  Simple js carroussel for pmwiki based on responsiveslides.js.
ReverseHeadings  Reverse !'s so that more !'s are larger headings (Stable)
ROSPatterns  How to use $ROSPatterns and $ROEPatterns?
RowspanInSimpleTables  Markup to add a rowspan attribute on a simple table cell (Stable)
SearchboxRecognition  Determine which of a page's multiple searchboxes was used (works for me)
SecLayer  Provide a ready-made security layer (while developing recipes) for controlling page access (Beta)
SerialPageNames  Markup expressions to create serial page names (stable)
SessionPageStore  Temporary/Ephemeral page storage for testing purposes (Experimental)
SignalWhenMarkup  Tells you whether your markup is evaluated within (:markup:) code (stable)
SimpleCart  integration of simple javascript shopping cart with PayPal or Google checkout (stable)
SiteDump  creates a .tar.gz file of the complete site for download (stable)
Sitemapper  Adds a dynamically generated sitemap to PmWiki. (beta)
Snotes  Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes) (Stable / Active)
SortableTables  Create tables which can be sorted instantly by javascript (stable)
SourceBlock  Source code syntax highlighter for PmWiki 2.x using GeSHi (Stable)
SpamFilters  Automatic blocking of some spambots (beta)
SpeedOptimizations  How to tune PmWiki and its environment for speed
SQLite  Store wiki pages in an SQLite database file (Experimental)
StarRater  5 star rating system (stable)
StoredAuthName  How to set a stored author name to an authenticated user (Stable)
Svg  Embedding Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG) into PmWiki pages
Tagger  Easy tagging into multiple category groups. (stable)
TalkPages  Talk pages, as enabled on (Stable)
Templates  Extend the (:include:) markup to allow passing parameters to included pages. (beta)
TextExtract  search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (stable)
ThumbList  A thumbnail picture gallery for PmWiki
Toggle  Adds links or buttons for toggling (hiding/showing) elements on a page (stable)
Toolbox  Tools for recipe developers (Alpha)
TrackChanges  Ways to more easily detect and verify all recent edits
Txtdb  Txtdb (A simple csv based database) (Active/Alpha)
UnderlineText  Use HTML5 <u> tag to underline text. (Beta)
UploadForm  Alternative file upload form using (:input file:) (stable)
UserAdmin  AuthUser account self-registration and management (beta)
VideoAttach  Handles Attach: videos, provides a video directive and optional support for popular Video Upload sites. (Beta)
WatchLists  Track the most recent changes to a list of pages (Stable)
WikiCalendar  Add support for a simple calendar. Each date becomes a wiki page. (Stable)
WikiForms  Use a form template to create, edit and list wiki pages (Stable)
WikiShCrypt  Provide encryption/decryption for WikiSh commands and in other contexts (Alpha)
Worse  Simple WYSIWYG editing for PmWiki (experimental)

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