
(redirected from Cookbook.Cookbook-ByCategory)

Welcome to the PmWiki Cookbook! The "recipes" in the Cookbook describe add-on scripts and various "tips and tricks" that let you customize PmWiki in lots of different ways. If this is your first exposure to the Cookbook, you may want to read Cookbook Basics.

These recipes are for PmWiki versions 2.0 and later. See Cookbook-V1 for versions of PmWiki prior to 2.0.

Feel free to add your own contributions to the cookbook -- this is a wiki, so you can create pages and attach files to them. If you want to write and distribute Cookbook recipes, see the cookbook module guidelines. In order to avoid duplication, make sure you check the archives of the mailing lists for keywords of what you want to implement.

Proposals and ideas for new features (as opposed to existing solutions) should be added to the PmWiki Issue Tracking System (PITS).

Table of Contents

IndexAlphabetical list of all recipes
Index By RatingList of recipes ordered by user ratings (excluding the unrated ones)
AdministrationRecipes for Wiki Administration and Administrators
Attachments/UploadsUploading and linking to attachments
BlogList of recipes in Blog category
Content Management SystemsList of all recipes in the CMS category
CSSList of CSS-related recipes
EditingEditing enhancements
ExtensionsRecipes compatible with ExtensionHub, see ExtensionDesign.
FormsForm creating, configuring and processing
ImagesPicture generation, smileys, thumbnails, galleries, uploading, manipulating, and displaying of images
Includes / InsertionsList of recipes in Includes category, including other pages, files, maps etc.
InternationalInternationalizations, documentation in other languages
LayoutLayout enhancements
LinksLinks and page handling
MarkupMarkup additions
Markup OnlyRecipes that rely solely upon standard PmWiki features; server access (in most cases) not needed
Markup WritingFunctions and Recipes used in Markup Writing
Menus / NavigationMenu and navigation tools
Multi Media ToolsMulti media related recipes
PageListList of recipes in PageList category, including other pages, files, maps etc.
Page NamingList of page naming, URL modifying and hierarchical group recipes
Page VariablesPage variables and page text variables
Personal Information ManagementList of all recipes in the PIM category, Personal Information Management
Pm Wiki DeveloperPmWiki developer documentation
PublishingRecipes that support publishing wiki pages in some other form, such as printed or PDF
RSS Web FeedsList of all recipes in the RSS category, RSS, webfeeds and tools
SearchingSearch related recipes
Security (Authentication/Authorization)Security authentication and authorization methods and systems
SkinsDifferent look and feel for PmWiki sites
System ToolsSystem tools
TablesList of recipes in Tables category
Wiki ConversionRecipes for converting other wikis from and to PmWiki
Wiki TrailsWays to use and create Wiki trails along with extensions to enhance them
ObsoleteObsolete, superceded, and deprecated recipes
See also:
List Of BundlesList of commonly and successfully bundled recipes
Recent changesAll Cookbook pages sorted by edit date
List of Categories

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