
Summary: A multi-layered semi-transparent skin
Version: 1.0
Prerequisites: Transparent PNG support in your browser
Maintainer: ksc

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Green Glass 1.0Δ


A skin with multiple semi-transparent layers over a static background. The background and the layer PNG are easily replaced. (For the layer graphic try Overlay, 20-50% opaque).


This skin has been tested and verified under Firefox 2, Safari, and Opera (PmWiki 2.2.0b16). I have no idea if it displays correctly under IE.

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Surprisingly (not) IE does not handle this skin that great. IE6 fails the prerequisites for this skin so no surprises there. IE7 fares a little better but doesn't like all the layers.

Don't get me wrong this is a cool skin, but if you have people who are happy with their 'standard' browser it might not be for you.

Might have a look at IE7 rendering if I have some time.


See Also

Screen shotΔ



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