00330: noindex, nofollow in local PmWiki groups

Summary: noindex, nofollow in local PmWiki groups
Created: 2005-02-12 03:33
Status: Closed - answered
Category: Feature
From: PRZ
Priority: 2
Version: all

Description: In distributed pages, it can be useful to generalise the meta tag 'noindex, nofollow' to all PmWiki local groups, and not only to PmWiki, e.g. to PmWikiFr, PmWikiEs, etc.

Solution, in config.php:

    if (strncmp($pagename,'PmWiki',6) == 0)
      $MetaRobots = 'noindex,nofollow';

I'm not sure I want this to be in the default distribution because its reach may extend a little farther than I wish.
