(redirected from Profiles.OtherMichael)
formerly known as OtherMichael
How I use PmWiki
- the front-end to the entire website at http://www.xradiograph.com (as of Jan 2009)
- the front-end to my "vanity-named" website @ http://michaelpaulukonis.com
- formerly, as an experimental writing tool/CMS for a subset of my personal website
- CMS for client projects
- as a PIM on my localhost
- as a departmental tool for a former employer
- knowledge-management tool at work
- including the use of BlogIt as an "engineer's journal"
- which runs on IIS, no sweat
I've been working with PmWiki since 2004. 10+ years -- hooray!
Interested in WikiRefactoring, revision display
- Cookbook.Gists - easily embed GitHub gists
- screenshots show output, but not the markup that generated them. doh!
- Trello recipe
- needs handling of API-key/authorization, etc.
- Cookbook page in progress @ http://www.xradiograph.com/Programming/PmWikiTrello
- Skins.TwitterBootstrap
- can be seen at http://michaelpaulukonis.com/wikimain/Bootstrap
- Cookbook.TwitterBootstrap
- contributor
- TODO: the page is named wrong. It's a kit, with a twitter bootstrap skin.
- Xray PmWiki Kit
- a wikikit (full install + config + recipes)
- based on Cookbook.TwitterBootstrap
- Cookbook.ToggleEdit
- Wiki Maintenance
- PITS 01233: Cleanup the Cookbook and PITS#documentation
- use the following for recipes:
Discussion: [[{$Name}-Talk]] Users: {{$FullName}-Users$Rating2} ([[{$FullName}-Users|View]] / [[{$FullName}-Users?action=edit|Edit]])
- not sure where the below notes would go into PmWiki
- Cookbook.Maintenance is expressly for the Cookbook, no?
- Category.Maintenance
- See also DocumentationGuidelines
- What's the difference between "de-sandbox" and "de-spam" ?
- De-sandbox is when [...] fixing something that someone may have broken unintentionally, while trying the wiki features.
Despam is when it is an edit inserting spam (unrelated external links) and/or looks like a "bot" (an automated program making edits on open wikis).
I tend to assume good faith when there is doubt, probably that's why you see de-sandbox more often. :-)
- De-sandbox is when [...] fixing something that someone may have broken unintentionally, while trying the wiki features.
Despam is when it is an edit inserting spam (unrelated external links) and/or looks like a "bot" (an automated program making edits on open wikis).
I tend to assume good faith when there is doubt, probably that's why you see de-sandbox more often. :-)
- PITS 01233: Cleanup the Cookbook and PITS#documentation
- Cookbook.Maintenance - be a good wikizen!
- keep an eye on SkinTutorials
- is the
IRC channel still around?- reffed @ this archived email from 2004 and Profiles.Squeaky
- continue my notes on PmWiki development
- revisit http://www.xradiograph.com/PmWikiDevelopment/PmWikiPageHistory
- revisit http://www.xradiograph.com/PmWikiDevelopment/PmWikiCommonSetup - which is woefully outdated and incomplete.
- look at Thing to Remember and... re-org it.
- notes on why I'm editing this page when I have my own website
- a relevant link is my EmacsWiki profile
- markdown
- Cookbook.Markdown vs. Cookbook.MarkdownMarkupExtension
- Cookbook.MarkdownOutput
- Think about prose.io - I like how easy it is to switch from editor to preview
- although that's probably a skin-thing only, no? Like in Triad?
- Also in Screwturn Wiki. Visual editor is a bust, but switching from markup-editor to preview is clean.
- look at Category.WikiConversion
- look at WTF
- look at Cookbook.CodeMirror
- look at Cookbook.OptionMenu
- look at Cookbook.EditMore
- look at Cookbook.AutoRestore
- look at DocumentationGuidelines
- look at Cookbook.GlossaryPlus
- Cookbook:ServePageByJSON
- try out Cookbook.SQLite - could this allow PmWiki to run on Heroku? (why would you want that, anyway?!?!)
- look at Cookbook.DoTheRightThing HEY! this looks mighty interesting. Since I use so many javascript-based keyword shortcuts, will that work as well?????
- Page previews -- I'd like a more obvious preview. The triad preview is good, but I'd prefer something more like an available tab to switch to, instead of scrolling down (like with Screwturn).
- See also some email notes regarding preview diffs with a checkbox.
- look at Cookbook.XMLPageStore - what about storing pages as JSON? XML has soooooo much overhead.
evaluated, not used
- Cookbook.SkinConfig? - I've been thinking about something like this. But it generates CSS from some base system. Perhaps if it could pull the CSS from the current theme it might be different. Would have to be very dynamic. Still, has some interesting things in how it works.
Surpressing left-content (&c)
With ?action=upload a special upload form is loaded, and the normal page content is ignored. which means any markup in th epage is also ignored, even markup directives in a GroupHeader or AllGroupHeader page. And worse: PmWiki has no wiki page to hold the upload form, like it does for the standard edit form when action=edit is called. The upload form is hard coded in uploads.php, and the Triad skin uses a custom version for an upload form, defined in its skin.php file.
To inject the noright and noleft markup there may be possible, but a bit messy.
I would like to hear from others how they implement markup directives with the upload form.
In the case of Triad skin, instead of using markup, you could use this in config.php, which will be implemented for the whole wiki:
- suppress left and right bar for upload form
if ($action=='upload') {
$LeftToggleFmt = ""; SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt',0); $RightToggleFmt = ""; SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt',0);
But if you wanted no left and right bars anywhere, in any cases, you could just use:
- suppress left and right bars anywhere allways
$LeftToggleFmt = ""; SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt',0); $RightToggleFmt = ""; SetTmplDisplay('PageRightFmt',0);
and not bother with the noleft and noright directives in AllGroupHeader.
On Sat, Mar 31, 2007 at 01:00:05PM +0100, SteP wrote: > How can I hide the left sitebar when the login form is being displayed? if ($action == 'login') SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt', 0);
Things to remember and re-categorize
Cookbook.Sphinx - alternate search engine
EmacsModes.Emacs - I want to look into this
Links - after what, 8?, years of using PmWiki
, I'm still finding link-markup that I'm not familiar with
- Cookbook:Module Guidelines - Guidelines for creating, distributing, and maintaining a recipe for the Cookbook.
- Variables - Variables available for local customisation
- Functions - How some of the functions in pmwiki.php work
- Page file format - Create wiki formatted pages in bulk and for upload to your pmwiki site
- Category.PmWikiDeveloper
- DebuggingForCookbookAuthors#ruledebug
- InputFormsAndJavaScript
- DocumentationIndex
- EditVariables
- ConditionalMarkup - I need to play with this more. I think.
- LayoutVariables
- CustomMarkup
- SkinTemplates
- Forms
- EditFormSamples
- FormExtensions
Recipes used (pagelist)
This is in-progress, and possibly incomplete -- since builds links from the users page.
If I haven't added myself as a user, it will not appear here.
Hopefully this is a goad for me to actually mark the recipes I use as used (good wikizen behavior!).
It uses the following markup, based on using a pagelist of all "Users" pages that contains a link to my profile, and then a custom pagelist template that strips off the last 6 characters, removing the -Users
Not sure if I reinvented the wheel with this one....
[[#recipes]] (:if false:) [[#recipeused]] * [[{(substr {=$FullName} 0 -6)}]] [[#recipeusedend]] (:ifend:) |
(:pagelist group=Cookbook link={$FullName} name=*Users list=normal order=title fmt=#recipeused:)
- Cookbook.AllGroupHeader
- Cookbook.AuthUser
- Cookbook.Backlinks
- Cookbook.BlogCalendar
- Cookbook.BlogIt
- Cookbook.DoTheRightThing
- Cookbook.EditTemplates
- Cookbook.EmbedTweet
- Cookbook.FlashMediaPlayer
- Cookbook.Fox
- Cookbook.FoxSimpleTodoList
- Cookbook.InstallOnIIS
- Cookbook.LinkedResourceExtras
- Cookbook.LinkIcons
- Cookbook.ListCategories
- Cookbook.LiteralWhiteSpace
- Cookbook.MarkupExtensions
- Cookbook.Mini
- Cookbook.NewGroupBox
- Cookbook.NewPageBoxPlus
- Cookbook.PageListMultiTargets
- Cookbook.PageTableOfContents
- Cookbook.PmFeed
- Cookbook.RenamePage
- Cookbook.SearchPatterns
- Cookbook.SectionEdit
- Cookbook.SourceBlock
- Cookbook.Toggle
- Cookbook.TrackChanges
- Cookbook.TwitterBootstrap
- Cookbook.WikiStylesPlus
Other things used that aren't in the cookbook
Blogit wishlist
(this can also be seen over at Cookbook.BlogIt-Talk
- fix for cancel-button problem
fix for spaces in tags (known issue)Fixed 1.9.5- blog-post preview
- GUI-buttons in ajax edit
- links on blog pages to non-existent pages in default blogit-group open in blogit editor (or an easy way to add all blogit-entry boilerplate to a page. group.template, perhaps?)
- example: I'm editing
and it contains a link toBlog.NonExistantPage
. Instead of this link opening with the standard "page does note exist" message, it should open in the BlogIt entry editor.
- example: I'm editing
- (optional?) ability to add (change) Summary change on blogit-edit; currently, all edit summaries are blank when viewing history
- perhaps most users won't do this; I'm using BlogIt as an "Engineer's Journal" so I'm revising the daily entries all day long.
- still, some users might? If not part of core BlogIt, how about as a plugin?
as MichaelPaulukonis
- PITS.00027
- PITS.01265
- Cookbook.AdminHints
- Cookbook.AdminHints-Talk
- Cookbook.AllGroupHeader-Users
- Cookbook.AuditImages
- Cookbook.AuditImages-Talk
- Cookbook.AuthUser-Users
- Cookbook.Backlinks-Users
- Cookbook.BlogCalendar-Talk
- Cookbook.BlogCalendar-Users
- Cookbook.BlogIt-Talk
- Cookbook.BlogIt-Users
- Cookbook.Bundle-Talk
- Cookbook.DoTheRightThing-Users
- Cookbook.EditTemplates-Users
- Cookbook.EmbedTweet-Talk
- Cookbook.EmbedTweet-Users
- Cookbook.FlashMediaPlayer-Talk
- Cookbook.FlashMediaPlayer-Users
- Cookbook.Fox-Users
- Cookbook.FoxSimpleTodoList-Users
- Cookbook.GcalPKHG-Talk
- Cookbook.Gists
- Cookbook.Gists-Talk
- Cookbook.InstallOnIIS-Talk
- Cookbook.InstallOnIIS-Users
- Cookbook.InstallOnIIS7dot5plus-Talk
- BlogIt.KnownIssues
- Cookbook.LinkedResourceExtras-Users
- Cookbook.LinkIcons-Users
- Cookbook.ListCategories-Users
- Cookbook.LiteralWhiteSpace-Users
- Cookbook.Markdown-Talk
- Cookbook.MarkupExtensions-Users
- Cookbook.Mini-Talk
- Cookbook.Mini-Users
- Cookbook.NewGroupBox-Users
- Cookbook.NewPageBoxPlus-Users
- Profiles.OtherMike
- Cookbook.PageListMultiTargets-Talk
- Cookbook.PageListMultiTargets-Users
- Cookbook.PageTableOfContents-Talk
- Cookbook.PageTableOfContents-Users
- Cookbook.PayPalCart
- Cookbook.PayPalCart-Talk
- Cookbook.Phplm-Talk
- Cookbook.PITS-Talk
- Cookbook.PmFeed-Users
- Cookbook.PowerTools-Talk
- Cookbook.PresenceAwareness-Talk
- Cookbook.ProposedRecipeStructureChange-Talk
- Cookbook.RenamePage-Users
- PmWiki.Search-Talk
- Cookbook.SearchPatterns-Users
- Cookbook.SectionEdit-Users
- SkinTutorials.SkinTutorials-Talk
- Cookbook.SourceBlock-Talk
- Cookbook.SourceBlock-Users
- Cookbook.StarRater-Talk
- Cookbook.TagPages-Talk
- PmWiki.TextFormattingRules-Talk
- Cookbook.Toggle-Users
- Cookbook.ToggleEdit
- Cookbook.TrackChanges-Users
- Skins.Triad-Users
- Cookbook.TwitterBootstrap
- Skins.TwitterBootstrap
- Skins.TwitterBootstrap-Talk
- Skins.TwitterBootstrap-Users
- Cookbook.TwitterBootstrap-Users
- Cookbook.UploadPlus-Talk
- Cookbook.WikiStylesPlus-Users
- PmWiki.WYSIWYG-Talk
- Cookbook.WYSIWYGFundDrive
as OtherMichael
- PITS.00220
- PITS.00912
- PITS.01063
- Site.AllRecentChangesPerAuthor
- Cookbook.ConfigPhp
- Cookbook.GoogleAnalytics-Talk
- Cookbook.JITS-Talk
- Profiles.Madalu
- Profiles.OtherMike
- Cookbook.PageTableOfContents-Talk
- Cookbook.PersonalInformationManagement
- PmWiki.PmWikiUsers
- BlogIt.ReleaseHistory
- Cookbook.RSSFeedLink
- Cookbook.Toggle-Talk
- Cookbook.VerySimpleToDo
- Test.VoteOnLeadingWhitespace
- Test.VoteOnLeadingWhitespace-Talk
- Cookbook.WikiRefactoring
- PmWiki.WikiRefactoring