Maguila < Skins > Marble   (talk? | users? | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)


Here you can see a preview of the Marathon Skin.

I tried to create a lean and clean skin. This skin is XHTML compatible and uses CSS for layout.

You can download version 0.4 at


hassan? Version 0.4 improvements are:

compatible with $Skin, set

    $Skin = 'marathon';

in config.php

Edit box is larger

Table width is set to auto

Marathon uses same Strings like PmWiki to make Translation more easy


The Marathon skin template includes a TopNav bar. Basically the Top Nav bar is included like the Main.SideBar, so you need to create Main.TopNav? or Group.TopNav? like a normal wikipage and the content will be included in the TopNav place. If Group.TopNav exist this will be included if you look at pages in Group, else Main.TopNav will be included.

If you don't want to include the TopNav bar at all you can delete

 <div id="topnav">
   <!--wiki:$Group.TopNav Main.TopNav-->

in the template file.

Development still isn't finished

If you have comments, please write me to

Because there is some bug in IE, I had to set width to auto for all tables in CSS , so you can't set width of tables to 100% anymore.

There are still some open problems, if you can help please do:

There is a problem with the clear:both statement in the .diffrestore and .difftype CSS class inlined by the pagerev.php when calling a page history like Skins.MarathonSkin?action=diff

You can see the a huge amount of white space as the same length as the sidebar before the pagerev text begins.

This problem is just IE. Who can help?

Actually, I have the same problem in Firefox 1.0 (on Windows).

SteffenBauch? Schlaefer January 09, 2005, at 11:39 AM

This affects all browserengines on OS X (gecko, ie, khtml, opera). And imo it should render exactly in this way because of the css float tag you used for the sidebar.

I made an image:

Schlaefer January 12, 2005, at 01:08 AM

Marathon skin is kind of broken with the latest version of pmwiki. When you "edit" page, the there is a giant open space between title of the page and edit area

kursad? july 13 2005

Note, the template file expects as a sidebar the page Main.SideBar instead of the more common Site.Sidebar page. For I've modified it to use Site.SideBar, as our menu is there. --Petko September 25, 2017, at 05:13 PM

Category: Skins, PHP72
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