[pmwiki-users] Can any one help me
Zhou Yuanchi
zhouyuanchi at yahoo.com.cn
Sat Apr 2 08:25:04 CST 2005
I just decompression the file into web root dictionary.
After I chage the $ScriptUrl and $PubDirUrl to the correct set, it works. But why the default set dosen't work?
I also set $EnableDiag=1; you can take the php set form here:
The php setting on my server dosen't work well -- it can't work efficiently with mediawiki too, but after a long period I still can't find out where is the problem.
"Patrick R. Michaud" <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 05:03:14PM +0800, Zhou Yuanchi wrote:
> I install pmwiki on my server:
> http://nkbbs.org/pmwiki/
> As all of you can see, the url dosen't works. All pages will be redirect
> to url like http://nkbbs.org/?n=xxxxx . Can any one tell me what's wrong
> with it-L-?thanks:)
Hmm, it appears to me as though there is some strange redirection
or url rewriting taking place. Can you explain a bit more about how
you have pmwiki installed, as it doesn't appear to be a standard
You might also set $EnableDiag=1; in your local/config.php file,
this will let me examine your configuration details a bit more easily.
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