[pmwiki-users] Farm Passwords
radu at monicsoft.net
Sat Apr 9 01:38:37 CDT 2005
At 07:57 PM 4/8/2005, John W Morris wrote:
>Regarding passwords and Farms... what is the theory?
>Heirarchy applies?
>Passwords embedded in Farm local/config.php apply only to Farm "Main" and
>other groups unless specifically set with "set attribuites"
>Passwords on Fields are "clear" unless set via "set attribuites"?
Either that or place the default passwords in the local/config of each
field. The idea behind fields is that they're setable independently from
the other fields. The local/config under the farm simply sets the field
(all files in wiki.d) that happens to reside under the farm directory.
>When I opened my first (and only) field the edit was wide open. I set the
>passwords and it seems to have then used the "admin" password from the
>Farm to allow me to set the attribuites now the new Field passwords for
>edit that I set work fine.
>This is all written down I am sure but it is a pain to find the info.
Actually no, the wikifarm doc page is a behemoth and needs work. I tried to
split it in subpages (intro, architecture, setup, notes) but the pmwiki.org
site is quite slow recently, so I gave up.
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