[pmwiki-users] questions about user authentication

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Tue Apr 12 15:05:38 CDT 2005

Okay, now that I have the core for user-based authorization in
place, it's time for some specifics.  As background, I'll first
note that user-based authorization has easily been the most highly 
requested feature in PITS (http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00010).

So, now my questions for all those wiki admins who wanted user-based 
authorization (many of whom might have left PmWiki by now for some 
other system that already supported it...)

Q1: What sort of interface do you want/need for adding user identifiers
and passwords into the system?

Q2: What sorts of features are needed for users who have forgotten
their passwords?

Q3: Is there anyone who has an immediate need/use for authenticating
via an LDAP or Active Directory Server?  (If so, is there an LDAP or
AD server somewhere that I could test against?)

Q4: Is anyone interested in being able to authenticate against
standard ".htpasswd" files?  (If so, would you need an interface to
create/maintain such files...?)

Q5: How soon would you likely start to use or implement user 
authorization on your site(s) once these features are available?

And, just to be clear at the outset: regardless of the
authentication system that is implemented for inclusion with the 
core distribution, PmWiki will (as always) continue to support other
authorization/authentication systems via cookbook recipes and other
pluggable modules.  In fact, those modules are now much easier to
write.  :-)


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