[pmwiki-users] Clean url

CB chrisbar at wanadoo.fr
Sat Apr 16 04:09:30 CDT 2005


I'm trying since several days to apply this cookbook :
with apache 2 under windows xp, and pmwiki 2.

My document root is c:\apache\phpweb, and pmwiki is in 
In config.php, I have :
  $ScriptUrl = 'http://localhost/pmwiki';
  $EnablePathInfo = 1;

URLs rewriting goes well, excepted for the root url 
(http://localhost/pmwiki), wich is alway transformed in 

The only way I found to prevent that is to install pmwiki directly in 
the c:\apache\phpweb directory.

I'm using that in my .htaccess file, in  :
  AcceptPathInfo On
  Options +FollowSymLinks
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^([A-Z].*) pmwiki.php?n=$1 [L,qsappend]
  RewriteRule ^$ pmwiki.php [L,qsappend]

and I have a index.html file with <?php include 'pmwiki.php'; ?>.

Can someone help me ?


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