[pmwiki-users] Cookbook recipes and organization

Radu radu at monicsoft.net
Sat Apr 16 12:29:09 CDT 2005

I originally could not see how EnableHTML could be a Wiki forms recipe. 
What I was suggesting is that more people add some bundles, where they 
could discuss how recipes interact, etc.

Then I shuddered when I noticed what you're suggesting. Maybe you need to 
emphasize how dangerous it is and why. To the security of the wiki, server, 
as well as the potential to dark hackers and spam mongers. Authors may not 
be aware of forms security issues and giving them such a sharp tool might 
hurt the admins. That would go on the recipe page, I guess.

But thinking about it some more, it looks like except for the WikiForms, 
all other recipes don't have enough checks to make them safe either. So 
it's OK if you want to leave yours on the comparison page.

At 12:43 PM 4/16/2005, you wrote:
>Radu wrote:
>>>Made it into a wiki trail and added EnableHTML
> >
>>Um. The idea of the Compare pages was to group all similar recipes, for 
>>comparison porpoises ;) not to bundle recipes which fit well together.
>That was exactly the purpose.
>Not sure what exactly you didn't like...


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