[pmwiki-users] Solution converting ISO-8859-1 wikifiles to UTF-8

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Sun Apr 17 09:04:35 CDT 2005

On Sun, Apr 17, 2005 at 12:24:40AM +0200, Laurent Meister wrote:
> I'm a little curious, did you know which is the largest pmwiki (for ex. 
> number of wikipages, included-cookbook receipts, number of farms) or 
> how many large pmwiki exist?

My guess is that the TAMUCC wiki is the largest PmWiki at the
moment.  It's a wikifarm of five wikis, with page counts of:

    http://falcon.tamucc.edu/wiki         89,929
    http://firstyear.tamucc.edu/wiki      26,505
    http://english.tamucc.edu/wiki         7,891
    http://writing.tamucc.edu/wiki        11,487
    http://community.tamucc.edu/wiki       1,969

    (Total pages in the farm: 137,781 pages)

I don't know how many other "big" pmwikis are out there.


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