[pmwiki-users] Problem with Edit conflicts
Joachim Durchholz
jo at durchholz.org
Thu Apr 21 02:48:37 CDT 2005
Dirk Blaas wrote:
> Normally, if two people edit the same page and save, the second one to save
> will be notified of the conflict and get a chance to integrate his changes
> with those of his competitor.
> On my site at the moment after a conflict the second editor gets an empty
> editscreen, so there is no opportunity to integrate changes; in fact the
> complete page is lost when it gets saved.
That's normal. In case of conflicts, you're supposed to see your and the
other guy's changes, integrate them, and save the results. If you get a
blank page and save that, PmWiki assumes that the "integration result"
is a blank page and will save it. (No serious harm done though, you can
always revive it from page history.)
> [...]
> Anyone seen this before?
Yes, I've seen that from day one of my usage. At that time, I took it to
be some installation issue and didn't bother to fix or report it until I
got around to further investigation, which kind of never happened until
Besides, it hasn't been a problem for me yet: Of my three wikis, one is
single-author and will remain so, the other hasn't left the initial
single-author phase yet, and the third is extremely low-traffic so
conflicts are too unlikely to have happened yet.
Just to keep interested parties informed - too much going on for me
right now to do anything about the issue. (Something *should* be done.)
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