[pmwiki-users] conditional stylesheets

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Thu Apr 21 20:47:49 CDT 2005

On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 09:36:44PM -0400, Bronwyn Boltwood wrote:
> I have a portfolio wiki where I'm the only author.  In the skin I made
> for it, there's a stylesheet that hides authoring links, so that the
> world at large does not see them.
> How can I make PmWiki load the no-authoring stylesheet only when a
> visitor is NOT authorized to edit pages?

In 2.0.beta28 and later, the simplest is

   if (!RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'edit', false, READPAGE_CURRENT))
     $HTMLHeadersFmt[] = 
       '<link rel="stylesheet" href="$SkinDirUrl/css/no-authoring.css" />';

There might be some more efficient ways to do it, but this is
the first one that crosses my mind.


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