[pmwiki-users] ini_set magic_quotes

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Thu Apr 28 07:46:12 CDT 2005

On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 09:44:33AM +0200, Benjamin Fay wrote:
> Hello.
> "Maqic quotes" are turned off on the server where most of the wikis i maintain 
> are installed. I have to set  
> ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", "0");
> in ../scripts/skins.php
> This is not really elegant, since i always have to remember and update 
> skins.php with each upgrade. How can i set "magic_quotes" in my config.php ?

Well, config.php is actually executed long before skins.php, so if the above
ini_set(...) works in skins.php then it should work in config.php as well. 
However, I think that by the time one gets to either skins.php or
config.php the damage has been done.

PmWiki has a "stripmagic" function that fixes input strings based
on the setting of magic_quotes_runtime -- perhaps you'd want to
make use of that instead of changing the setting via ini_set.


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