[pmwiki-users] Re: Redesigning the edit page

Hans design at flutesong.net
Fri Apr 29 08:18:56 CDT 2005

Friday, April 29, 2005, 2:01:42 PM, Patrick wrote:
>> Could that be done also for the EditQuickReference page which gets
>> inserted into the edit page. As far as I see it has no hooks now.
>> Basically it is a table. Perhaps it can have a class "wikihelp", which
>> could be used for other help pages as well, like UploadQuickReference.

> Yes, it's a table, but it's also an editable one.  Just add the
> desired class='...' to the table markup in PmWiki.EditQuickReference.

Well I hope we can have a default class added to the table, which makes
it possible to provide styling in a skin's css, which would be
available to all. I just finalise a "reverse colour" scheme for
Gemini (light text on dark background), and those reference
pages will not be readable unless the styling is changed


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