[pmwiki-users] Subversion & existing installation
Jon Haupt
jhaupt at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 12:08:29 CST 2005
On 12/1/05, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 09:49:13AM -0600, Jon Haupt wrote:
> > Q: I have an existing installation and I want to move over to using
> SVN.
> > What's the best way of getting that going?
> >
> > What would happen if I just did a checkout on top of the existing
> > installation? Would that work, or would it be confused, or would svn
> even
> > let me do that?
> I just tried it, and apparently svn won't let you checkout on top of
> an existing installation. :-(
> However, it appears you can do almost the same steps as for a normal
> upgrade. Here's what I just tried on my system ... but please be
> sure to have a backup copy of your site somewhere, first!
> First, checkout an svn copy of pmwiki into a directory called "latest/":
> $ svn checkout svn://pmwiki.org/pmwiki/tags/latest
> Next, recursively copy this directory and its permissions over the
> existing pmwiki installation (note the '.'):
> $ cp -rp latest/. pmwiki
> That should do it! You can then change into the pmwiki directory and
> issue "svn info" to make sure everything is up to date, and your site
> should still be running (albeit with the latest version). The
> "svn update" command will bring your installation up to the latest
> release.
> After you're comfortable that things are working in svn, you can remove
> the "latest/" subdirectory listed above, and you can also remove the
> the various CVS-related files and directories from the pmwiki/ directory.
> On my system, the things that would be removed from pmwiki/ are:
> tests/
> CVS/
> .cvsignore
> cookbook/CVS/
> pub/CVS/
> pub/skins/pmwiki/CVS/
> pub/skins/print/CVS/
> pub/guiedit/CVS/
> scripts/CVS/
> local/CVS/
> local/.cvsignore
> wikilib.d/CVS/
> Hope this helps, and *please* be sure to make a backup first, and
> if you try it, let us know how it works out!
> Pm
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I tried this on two separate installations, one a standalone, and the other
a wikifarm, and both worked perfectly using the method described above.
FYI, I wasn't using CVS before, just using the method described in
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Upgrades, so I didn't have anything
(beyond the /latest directory) to delete.
Thanks very much,
Jon Haupt
Fine & Performing Arts Librarian
Iowa State University
152 Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011
jhaupt at iastate.edu
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