[pmwiki-users] Images in another group
Tegan Dowling
tmdowling at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 14:28:31 CST 2005
The latter -
Having the uploads/directory automatically receive a .htaccess file
containing the Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all,
along with having $EnableDirectDownload=0; in the local/config.php
- is what I was suggesting/requesting, since it (appears to) make things
work the way I always thought they already did.
If not that, then somehow the fact that uploaded files do NOT have the same
read-protection as the wikigroups with which they're associated should be
much more prominently discussed. Perhaps as part of the "Securing your Wiki
Checklist" that's being discussed.
On 12/7/05, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> Answering a separate item.
> On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 01:35:59PM -0600, Tegan Dowling wrote:
> > (BTW: could Secure Attachments (the version in which the special
> .htaccess
> > file is included in the uploads directory) be considered for the core
> > distribution?)
> By this are you asking for the information in Secure Attachments to
> be included in the core documentation, or are you asking that the uploads/
> directory automatically receive a .htaccess file?
> Pm
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