[pmwiki-users] Metadata ?

Martin Fick fick at fgm.com
Fri Dec 9 14:42:24 CST 2005

On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 09:52:46PM +0200, Andrius Kulikauskas wrote:
> Hi, I've been exploring how to use metadata at our lab's PmWiki's.  For 
> example, we are making social maps of activists in Kenya and ultimately 
> around the world.  Samwel Kongere has collected answers from twenty 
> people to a survey that we've put together, see for example:
> http://www.globalvillages.info/index.php/Profiles/GeorgeOmolloh
> http://www.globalvillages.info/index.php/Profiles/StandardQuestions
> I've made use of the Properties Cookbook:
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Properties
> ''First names:'' {$property firstname}
> (:properties firstname='George':)
> ''Last names:'' {$property lastname}
> (:properties lastname='Omolloh':)
> I've also experimented just a bit with PageVariables
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/PageVariables
> and with PageListTemplates
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/PageListTemplates
> What I think would be very useful would be able to list out the pages 
> having a particular value for a particular variable, for example, all 
> pages with country=Kenya.

That sounds pretty neat. I haven't used properties, so I don't know,
but if you can frame it as a text search than you might be able to 
do this by simply putting country=Kenya in your pagelist directive, 
i.e.  (:pagelist  country=Kenya:)


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