[pmwiki-users] Newer PMWikier needs help

H. Fox haganfox at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Dec 10 13:24:00 CST 2005

On 12/10/05, JB <jbit at ev1.net> wrote:
> Since you have been so helpful, I have decided to email you
> instead of the group unless you specifiy otherwise.
> I managed to stumblehack my way to putting a recent changes
> link into the wiki.d/Site.PageActions file.  It works too.
> Was tricky, I don't have a clue as to how it works, but I
> looked at the other code there and then found I had to use a
> different way of setting the URL, but it works now.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> > > On the Home page I want to move the search box to be just
> > > under the link text under the upper right side.
> >
> > I think you're looking for
> >
> > >>rfloat<<
> > (:searchbox:)
> > >><<
> This works on an individual page, but I want it to appear
> in all pages like the text links do in the upper right
> corner.  It does not look like I can put this into
> the wiki.d/Site.PageActions file,  I cannot modify
> the pub/skins/avatar/pmwiki.tmpl file because I tried
> that and I dont think it processes for that.
> Is there another solution?

Yes. You can put it into Site/PageActions.  Something like

>>right margin-top=3px<<

Should do it

> Also, how do I change the length of the search textbox?

Make that

>>right margin-top=3px<<
(:searchbox size=30 label=Go:)

Be sure and check the docs.  The size= attribute is documented at

> ------------------------------------------------------------
> > > I want to be able to allow people to upload pictures
> > > and display them on a page.  I don't know to do this.
> >
> > For that, you'll want to enable uploads and use the Attach: markup.
> > It's covered in the documentation.
> It is not covered in the documentation enough, because I cannot
> figure it out.
> OK, so I set a variable in the config.php file.
> Then what?  It says something about creating a URL
> with the action set to upload.  I tried this.  The url had a
> question mark next to it. I did not want to create a new page
> when clicking the URL, I just wanted to upload a file.

Site/PageActions has an example link.  You may want to remvoe the
conditional directives [(:if:)'s] so the link is always there.

> I want the users to be able to upload pictures and then have them
> be displayed in a thumbnail.  The user can click the thumbnail and
> then see the larger version of the grapic.
> So after a user upload a new graphic, then add a link to the
> pictures page and a new thumbnail displayed.
> I would also have them add a caption to the thumbnail.
> Clicking the thumbnail allows them to see it full size.

To simply insert an image, use


To insert an image and display it as a thumbnail link to it, use


or better yet

%width=100px%[[Attach:my_image.jpg|Attach:my_image.jpg"My image"]]

See http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Images for more about working with images.


> ------------------------------------------------------------

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