[pmwiki-users] Kind-of Blog, a blog for PmWiki
Han Baas
hanbb at xs4all.nl
Sat Dec 10 16:26:19 CST 2005
"Ryan R. Varick" <rvarick at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wish I'd known about PmCalendar when I started this. KOB is a
> descendent of Wiki Calendar, which I think itself descends from
> another recipe. So I'm three links removed from PmWiki.
IMHO the calendar is a very poor way of archiving. What is needed
here are three things:
1. a chronological list of posts (chronological on the date-posted,
NOT on date-last-edited). If the post/page-titles are descriptive
(the date in whatever format, will not do as a title), the relevant
post can easily been found. Look at http://daringfireball.net/
archives/ for a good example of this type of archive.
2. the use of categories (and PmWiki has a good implementation of
categories). The listing of post per category can either be
alphabetical or (preferably) chronological. It would be nice if in
the category listing the number of posts per category could be
3. a search function (again: PmWiki has a good one)
So what really is needed here, to transform PmWiki into a good
blogging tool, is the ability to list pages chronological (the
original posting date) And a good commenting system, but that is an
other story.
My 2c,
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