[pmwiki-users] Wiki trail in template header and footer
pmwiki at solidgone.com
Sun Dec 11 11:37:04 CST 2005
I know how to create a markup rule. That part I'm not sure about is
creating a variable that can be referenced in the template. I imagine
it's something like:
Markup('^trail:', 'directives', '/^trail:(.*?)$/', '$TrailSource="$1";');
That would allow someone to enter: "trail: Group/Pagename". And then
simply reference $TrailSource in the tmpl file. Close?
~ ~ Dave
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 11:50:20AM -0500, DaveG wrote:
>>> <!--markup:<<|[[Trail Markup]]|>>-->
>>So if I use this, can I get the "Trail Markup" to be a variable which is
>>declared in the page itself?
> Yes, it's possible, although you probably need a special markup rule
> to do it.
> Pm
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