[pmwiki-users] Kind-of Blog 1.1 released
Mikael Nilsson
mini at nada.kth.se
Tue Dec 13 10:59:36 CST 2005
Hi Ryan!
I've tried 1.1 and it does not work *at all*. For some reason, the blog
posts are not even saved, i.e. no wiki page is created when I click Save
(I've checked in wiki.d). Ideas?
I'll try to debug...
mån 2005-12-12 klockan 23:04 -0500 skrev Ryan R. Varick:
> To anyone that is interested in KOB, I've just updated the cookbook
> page with a new version. New features:
> 1. fixed the stylesheet bug, I think
> 2. removed lots of dead code, cleaned things up, tidied the configuration
> 3. enhanced the archive: (:blogarchive group=NAME monthsback=N wrap=M:)
> 4. removed the navigation bar from the archive, since it didn't work anyway
> 5. new entry format (!)
> 6. new directive-based presentation of entries
> 7. put entries in alternating divs for syle
> 8. updated the stylesheet accordingly
> The big thing is the new post format. It's now directive based, which
> makes things a lot more flexible. Unfortunately, it also means old
> entries won't work well with the new system. They won't hurt
> anything, they just won't work well on the digest or in the RSS feed.
> I recommend starting anew! Hopefully the format won't have to change
> again (until properties are introduced).
> With the new directives, the title, link, and timestamp now fit into a
> template, the $kobEntryFmt array. By reordering entries, you will
> reorder how they are presented when you view an entry, or use the
> digest. Also, the timestamp is stored in ISO format. This means that
> the timestamp line can be formatted however you want.
> I also added some quick styles to show alternating blog entry colors.
> Anyway, it's a lot more configurable, and I would appreciate itif
> people could take a look, play around, check out the configuration
> notes in kob.php, and let me know what they think.
> Good luck!
> Ryan
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