[pmwiki-users] Kind-of Blog 1.1 released
sven saurwein
saurwein at komit.at
Wed Dec 14 13:58:10 CST 2005
Ryan R. Varick wrote:
> The question is how to do it? Do I append another number onto the
> entry (20051214 becomes 2005121400, 2005121401, ...)? Saving pages by
> date already reduces the effectiveness of wiki links anyway, since
> authors have to reference pages in a cryptic date format, I fear this
> will make it that much worse.
as for the naming scheme of postings:
native blogging tools usually prodive a unique url, no matter whats the
look of it
exp.of tools I have worked with:
http://eleph.antville.org/stories/1276110/ ... numbered
http://euroranch.org/archive/2005_12_11_log.html#113447413870766227 ...
and many other news tools we have implemted to the specials needs of the
http://www.typepad.com comes with unique url derivated from the first 3
words of the title and passed to something like a further namespace (we
dont need that at:-)
one wikiblog tool I know, from a friend already mentioned, doesnt care
about multible postings per day. so it just leaves u with the url to the
very day,
but providing a new "snip" (piece of content) for every relevant word.
using the power of (:pagelist:) inflicts unique urls in the form of
no care, if the url represents the title/content of it
and that leaves things for presenting the postings open now and in future!
a very advanced solution for KOB would IMHO be
make use of $PGLfmtsomething to display the desired elements of the post to
use the abstract yyyymmddxx uniqute url for (:pagelist:) flexibility to
display and sort things
and *maybe* use some other form of sorting perspective (ie
categories=tags) someday
sry for broken english
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