[pmwiki-users] Re: Unifying variables, attributes, properties, part 1
Waylan Limberg
waylan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 08:25:15 CST 2005
So your proposing altering PHP's syntax? No way!!!! Sure, in the wiki
markup, that is fine, but wiki markup is not PHP code. I expect PHP
code to look like PHP code. Yes, I realized that {$Group} is technecly
being passed as a string (so one could say your not altering syntax),
but its treated as a variable and IMO should look like one. Wiki
markup is wiki marki and PHP code is PHP code. Its not to hard to keep
the two seperate in my mind.
Thats my 2 cents
On 12/14/05, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 01:06:46AM +0100, chr at home.se wrote:
> > On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> > > Thus, my first thought about unification is that we make all of the page
> > > variables look like markup variables, so that PHP scripts and PHP
> > > templates use {$Group}, {$FullName}, {$PageUrl}, etc. exactly as markup
> > > authors would do. This would help to highlight that these aren't
> > > "global variables" in the PHP sense, as well as remove some of the
> > > confusion about when to use braces.
> >
> > So, to check that I'm following you. You're proposing that the following
> > should be depreceated (and obsoleted within a year or so):
> >
> > $group = FmtPageName("$Group", $PageName);
> >
> > Instead, the argument to FmtPageName() should in this case look as
> > follows:
> >
> > $group = FmtPageName("{$Group}", $PageName);
> >
> > If this is correct, it sounds good to me. :-)
> Yes, you have the idea I'm thinking of, except those either need to
> be in single quotes or the '$' needs to be escaped. :-)
> Skin templates would likewise change from $Group to {$Group}.
> It's also possible that the older '$Group' form would never be
> obsoleted -- we might just leave it as an undocumented feature.
> I'm still mulling over how this might play into a general
> form of properties and/or attributes, that's the driving factor
> for it.
> Pm
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Waylan Limberg
waylan at gmail.com
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