[pmwiki-users] heirarchical navigation
Waylan Limberg
waylan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 11:21:25 CST 2005
> Just above the "title" on each page is a link, in smaller font... I
> don't know what the official name of that is -- I'm going to call it
> the aTL (above Title Link), but it's the thing that's giving me the
> most problems. The wiki seems to only ever have two layers, the aTL
> and the title's page.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what your referring to, but I think
what you want to say is 'Group' and 'Pagename' not 'aTL' and 'title'.
I'll use this PmWiki terminology from this point forward.
> For example, if "Room A" has a "Closet A" and "Box A" is in the
> closet, and inside Box A is a pocket watch, I'd want:
> Room A
> ...Closet A
> ......Box A
> .........pocket watch
I believe the problem is that PmWiki only allows 2 levels (well sort
of - 3 with farms) and you want 4. I'll try a simple explanation. Each
page belongs to a group. If the pagename is "SomePage" and this page
belongs to the group "MyGroup", then the page would be reffered to as
"MyGroup.SomePage". In the URL for the page this translates to
"MyGroup/SomePage" (if you are using pretty URLs). There is no option
for further levels. If you want to create a subpage of "SomePage" you
cannot do "MyGroup.SomePage.SubPage". When PmWiki receives a request
for that page, is simple takes the last 2 parts and gives you
"SomePage.SubPage". Note that in this context, "SomePage" is now a
group (not a page) which has no relation to "MyGroup" and "SubPage" is
the pagename. See my example below.
> The problem is, for example, if I drill down to the "pocket watch",
> then the page title is "BoxA" and the aTL is "ClosetA". So, it LOOKS
> like it's heirachical, but, while I'm on that page, the BoxA page, and
> I click on the aTL of "ClosetA", then I get a Page Not Found error.
Assuming I understand your situation, these are the pages and groups
you now have:
Group: RoomA
Page: ClosetA
Group: ClosetA
Page: BoxA
Group: BoxA
Page: PocketWatch
Or, in other words you have the following pages:
* RoomA.ClosetA
* ClosetA.BoxA
* BoxA.PocketWatch
When you are on the page ClosetA.BoxA it lists appropriately that the
pagename is "Box A" and that the Group is "Closet A". However, the
link to "Closet A" is a link to the group "ClosetA", not the page
"RoomA.ClosetA". How, when you click that link, where no page is
specified for the group "ClosetA" PmWiki looks for the default page
(usually ClosetA.HomePage or ClosetA.ClosetA) but seeing none exists,
you are told that that page doesn't exist.
> How do I do that?
I would suggest using the trails or menus generated from lists or some
such solution.
As a side note, I also would like to be able to have multiple levels
of subpages. But, as hard as I've tried, lists/trails and some of the
menu recipes is the closest I've come. Sure it works fine, but the
URLs don't reflect that hierarchy. Whereas multiple levels of subpages
would. Oh well.
Waylan Limberg
waylan at gmail.com
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