[pmwiki-users] Category Markup

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Fri Dec 16 22:27:50 CST 2005

DaveG wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 11:09:07PM -0500, DaveG wrote:
>>> In order make the category markup a little more user friendly, and in 
>>> order to get the categories in the header, I created a markup:
>>>   Markup('^Tags:', 'directives', '/^Tag(s?):\s(.*)/ie',
>>>      "PZZ(\$GLOBALS['Categories']=format_Categories('$2'))");
>>> that takes: "Tags: tag1, tag2, tag3"
>>> and creates the a $GLOBAL in the normal pmwiki format "[[!tag1]], 
>>> [[!tag2]], [[!tag3]]"
>>> I then reference the $GLOBAL in the skin template header.
>>> Great. Works fine. Until... clearly the problem is that when I use 
>>> "(:pagelist '[[!{$Name}]]' list=normal:)" in the 
>>> Category.GroupFooter, no pages are listed. 
>> Maybe use (:pagelist link=Category.{$Name} list=normal:) instead?
>> It's also usually faster.
> The way I use Categories, the Category pages do not exist, hence my use 
> of the Category.GroupFooter. So this code returns nada.
>>> Alternatively, is there a mechanism in PmWiki to convert text (or 
>>> apply a 'markup' like function to the text) to true PmWiki format 
>>> when the user pushes save, and then convert to simple format when the 
>>> user hits Edit?
>> Yes, via the $ROSPatterns array ("replace on save" -- see 
>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/EditVariables).
> I'll take a look, once pmwiki.org is back up :)
> I think an possible way, which seems to produce the right results, but 
> which I suspect is going to get slow as the site gets bigger:
>    "(:pagelist 'Tags: ' list=normal:)"
Actually that doesn't work -- it produces the same search results twice, 
first one set of results, and then the same set again.

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