[pmwiki-users] Security for uploaded files (continued)
Mikael Nilsson
mini at nada.kth.se
Wed Dec 21 11:07:30 CST 2005
ons 2005-12-21 klockan 11:00 -0600 skrev Tegan Dowling:
> The single (known to me) exception to this is the case where I want to
> specify a background image for some part of the site (header, body,
> etc) in the skin's .css file via a line like
> background: url("/uploads/Site/image.jpg");
You'll need to go through pmwiki. The easiest way is to add a markup
somewhere that attaches the file (in say, Site.Site):
and the view the page, right-click on the image, and copy the *location*
of the image. That location should be reused in your css.
So, the URL would look like:
You'd use either the whole URL in your css, or just
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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