[pmwiki-users] Google local site search
Joachim Durchholz
jo at durchholz.org
Tue Dec 27 17:51:21 CST 2005
Patrick R. Michaud schrieb:
> Newer versions of PmWiki (since 2.1.beta8) automatically return
> "403 Forbidden" errors to robots for any action other than
> ?action=browse, ?action=rss, or ?action=dc.
Um... AFAIK Google punishes sites that are "polymorphic" when crawled by
Google. (Dunno how they find out - maybe they send a crawler that looks
just like a normal browser and samples some of the pages. Might be just
a rumor, but then I'm generally shy of doing pages differently depending
on who visits it - what if there's a bug in the code that does the
polymorphism? I'll never find out.)
It might be a better idea to mark the ?action=edit etc. links as "don't
follow by spiders". I.e.
<a href="...?action=edit" rel="nofollow">...</a>
> In addition, if $EnableRobotCloakActions is set, then any ?action=
> parameters are removed from page links when viewed by a robot,
> so that those robots won't blindly follow links to unimportant
> pages.
How does PmWiki find out it's being accessed by a robot?
(Sorry if that's a FAQ - I haven't been following PmWiki too closely
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