[pmwiki-users] wikistyle "line-height"

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Thu Dec 29 16:08:35 CST 2005

On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 03:54:36PM -0600, JB wrote:
> Looking at the help page 
>  http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/WikiStyles
> it has width and height with asterisks - but there are 
> no additional notes about how to use them.  why do these
> have asterisks?  Can someone please show an exmaple of how
> to use them?

The width and height attributes have asterisks because they
are handled specially for <img .../> tags.  If used by
themselves (i.e., without anything providing an "apply=" parameter
to the wikistyle), then they set the 'width=' and 'height='
attributes of any <img ... /> tags that follow.
Otherwise, they set the 'width:' and 'height:' properties
of the element being styled.

    >>width=250 float=right<<
    This <div> has style='float:right width:250' as an attribute.

    %width=250% Attach:image.png  This image has width='250' in its <img> tag.

    %p width=250% Attach:image.png  This image doesn't have a 'width='
    attribute, and the paragraph is given a style='width:250' attribute.

> I would like to set the css "line-height" style attribute 
> using wikistyle.
>    %line-height=8px%  

You'll want to enable the CSS property then, in local/config.php:

    $WikiStyleCSS[] = 'line-height';


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